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What do you have in space right now?


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Flags: Mun, Minmus, Duna, Gilly, Vall

Probes: Kerbol Sundiver, Kerbol Escape, Mun, Duna, Eve, Dres, Laythe

Satellites: Kerbin Comms Constellation, Duna Comms Constellation, Duna Reconaissance

Manned Spacecraft: Kerbal Gateway Station, Advanced Exploration Spacecraft Prototype (At Mun), Duna Mission (Returning), Jool Mission (At Vall)

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Kerbin- 1 Surveyor satellite in low polar orbit (done surveying, just being used as a cheap com relay); 1 KCN (Kerbin Communications Network) omni-relay satellite in a 500km orbit; 2 full feature com sats (one a 'standard', one a 'deep' one for transmitting across the system) at k-stationary, along with Kerbin Highport station; Minmus Discovery, a large science ship for science mining Minmus (hopefully improved from the one I built in a previous savegame), currently on escape trajectory. I used to have more com sats, but they have a tendency to explode due to Krakenitis.

Mun- KCN Mun com sat in semi-synchronous orbit; Mun Surveyor sat in polar orbit (also done with it's job and acting as a com sat now); flags in all biomes after fully science mining.

Minmus- Nothing, which sucks, cause I just realized that means Discovery won't have access to a scansat network for precise landings.

Kerbol- 3 Kerbol Surveyor probes, one being dead stick as I launched it too early in the tech tree and lost contact with it when it left Kerbin SOI.

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- Flags on Duna, Mun, Minmus and Kerbin (South Pole).

- A ship in LKO waiting for an asteroid to enter Kerbin's SOI to intercept.

- A space station in LKO with some fuel, science lab, many many docking ports and about 6 kerbals on it.

- The start of my Mun base consisting of a science lab lander with 2 kerbals.

- A ship in LKO that I just launched to deliver a rover to my Mun base also containing 2 kerbals.

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Current save:

Mun space station

LKO: full service station with fuel array, And a space train with another station with fuel waiting for an eve transfer window.

And a mission on intercept with a class E asteroid hoping out has enough umps to at least capture it in Kerbal system top try and smooth orbit later

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...RT2 stuff ... two ARM vessels waiting...

Is RT2 working in 0.23.5 now then? I was wanting to add them to my save but thought I'd go with what we've got. Quite prepared to start again (for the fourth time) at this stage but don't want to leave it until the interplanetary stuff is all deployed.

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Lets see:

My mun base, Mun comms satellites, Mun scanning satellite, Mun kethanary. Mun exploration team. Abandoned wall climbing rover, abandoned lander.

My Minmus base, Minmus satellites, embryonic Minmus station, Kerbal in Minmus orbit who I should land some day, various pods abandoned after the Kerbal landed via EVA, and settled at the Minmus base.

My five Keostationary satellites, one ladder-lift powered mission waiting for Jool window, one international space station, codenamed "The Kerbalnaut" because reasons.

I have a Duna mothership on the way to Duna. Two ships on their way to Ike, One lander-probe on the way to Dres, and one probe already at Dres.

I also have probes at Kerbins L3, L4, and L5 points, but I hyperedited those in this save.

At Eve, I have my Support Probe, the former Gilly probe, and my mobile Eve base. The story of its landing is hot of the press, and available here.

Edited by Tw1
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embryonic Minmus station

Sounds ominous.

Let's see what I have... Kerbin: one old station in LKO, a fuel depot in 100km orbit with docked tankers, some satellites and returned interplanetary craft I haven't had the heart to deorbit :rolleyes:

Mun: one station/depot, two surface bases under construction, couple of comm sats

Duna: a 3-Kerbal expedition on its surface, with mothership, landers and supporting craft in orbit...

...and a lot of probes/rovers pretty much everywhere outside of the Jool subsystem, which I've been neglecting up until recently.

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Big LKO space station at about 100km orbit. Little Mun base and little Duna base. Lots of flags all around solar system and circa 200 debris. I don't have anything else happening now.

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OK, wow, let's see if I can remember.

I have:

* Space stations around Kerbin, Minmus, and Mun (the latter two of which have permanently assigned landers docked, and all three have refueling tankers docked)

* 1 to 3 ScanSat probes orbiting every planet / moon, except Ike which is about to receive one or two.

* Two solar probes in low sun orbits.

* A "Voyager" probe on escape, outside the solar system (it's been out there for over 40 Kerbin years)

* An old probe orbiting Jool, that's still there from the early days

* Orbiting Jool, I also have a "rescue ship" that was sent just in case my manned missions to the local moons didn't have the fuel for return.

* Manned Eve mission, orbiting Eve, waiting for return window.

* Manned Tylo mission orbiting Kerbin, waiting for escape window.

* A long-range ship concept/test in Kerbin orbit

* A refueling tanker in Kerbin orbit, which so far hasn't been needed, so it just stays there

* Equatorial Kerbin Satellite, useful for getting inclinations off incoming Asteroid trajectories, or timewarping at high altitude

* A variety of discarded landers/ships that are now just unmanned, but not truly "debris" either

* I think 3 captured asteroids with docked tugs, in high Kerbin orbits

And that is what's in space currently, not counting rovers & probes on various surfaces. It's actually down from from about two weeks ago, when I had something like 10+ interplanetary missions en route at once.

Edited by NecroBones
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Let's see...

There's a Hummingbird-class orbiter on the way back from Gravioli-ing the [EXPUNGED] out of Minmus orbit (low and high).

There's a Nomad-class orbiter that's just started a sundive to get all the low-Kerbol-orbit science.

There's a Flame-class asteroid grabber currently holding onto Fred the A-class and waiting for periapsis to do the capture burn.

There's a Frost-class asteroid grabber on the way to intercepting an E-class that's currently on a collision course with Kerbin.

And there's a Zephyr-class Kethane scanner probe (the rest are all manned) in orbit around Minmus.

On reflection, that's a lot more concurrent missions than I normally have before going interplanetary in a career mode save (sundiving doesn't count as interplanetary, since I'm not visiting another planet). I blame the asteroids.

Edited by sal_vager
Please don't use profanity, thanks.
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* A "Voyager" probe on escape, outside the solar system (it's been out there for over 40 Kerbin years)

That's so cool, I think the longest game time any of my saves have lastest is about 3 years - once. Others are in the 1 year or less category.

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Stations: LKO fuel station, Munar Kethane refinery/fuel station, Duna fuel station.

Probes: Eve and Mun landings, and a bunch around the Mun for kethane scanning.

Ships: Loads. A few tankers; one orbital-only design, one recoverable with chutes. A kethane miner/transporter lander for the Mun station. A bunch of crew shuttles docked to stations. A few spare fuel tanks fitted with probe cores and engines. And a few orbital tugs for moving stuff about.

Missions: Two at Duna, docked to the station. One Eve mission in LKO, awaiting supplies and transfer window. A third Duna mission in LKO.

Miscellaneous: A failed Kethane miner/transporter rig, stuck on the Mun because it doesn't have the dV to get off. (Whoops.) Parts of early recoverable fuel tankers, scattered on kerbin and unrecovered because I can't find them all. A bunch of orbital debris, because my lifters leave tanks laying around in LKO.

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Kerbin -

A space station at 150KM. Alot of debris from the assmbly of the station also at 150KM.

Probes in polar and equatorial orbits at 250KM

Mun -

27 Descent stages and 1 ascent stage on the surface

Probes in polar and equatorial orbits at 50KM

Alot of debris from "Kerpollo" missions at miscelaneous altitudes

Probes in various locations on the surface

Minmus -

13 Descent stages on the surface

2 probes, one of each pole.

Alot of debris from missions orbiting at various altitudes.

Duna -

A probe on a colision course.

A probe on the north pole.

A probe on the south pole.

A MK1 pod on the surface.

Debris at various altitudes and locations.

Eve -

Station on collision course.

Debris at various altitudes.

Jool -

Various debris from an impact probe.

That's all for this save...For now.

No doubt there'll be some stranded kerbals added to this list in the near future.

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Oh jeez, um lol.

I have over 100 active flights across the solar system.


- 10 "K-Sat Satellites" orbiting kerbin at different inclinations.

- 1 very large Kerbal Space Station assembled in 12 different docking missions. Contains over 2,000 parts. (Yes it kills my CPU)

- 1 smaller refueler space station because I can barely dock with the main KSS due to lag

- 1 class D Asteroid captured in orbit


- 10 landers with 3 crew each and a rover per lander. (Packaged together)

- 1 munar base with a winch system to lift and rotate dockable modules to the base.

- 1 large communication tower next to the Mun base.

- 1 refueler space station in orbit

- 1 class C asteroid in orbit

- 1 SSTO in orbit and a rocket lander which comes out of the SSTO bay doors landed on the Mun.


- 1 refueler space station

- 5 landers and rovers


- 1 refueler space station in orbit

- 1 lander and rover


- 1 refueler space station

- 3 landers and rovers


- 1 lander and rover


- 1 refueler space station

- 1 lander and rover


- 1 refueler space station

- 3 landers and rovers


- 1 lander and rover


- 1 refueler space station in orbit


- 2 landers and rovers


- 1 refueler space station

- 1 lander and rover


- 2 satellites (unmanned)

... And I'm probably forgetting some moons. But that's it in a nutshell. Over 500 hours logged by Steam. I think I need a life..

Edited by iBeej
I forgot minmus of all things
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Here's what I have:


Rover an 3 lander probes




2 Space Stations

1 Huge interplanetary mothership (previously went to Moho, getting ready for an Eve mission)

1 Other Ship

1 Stranded space shuttle (I'll save them when I feel like it...)

1 TV-sat in a stationary orbit (previously a Sun diver probe that returned)


1 Base

1 rover

1 landed 2000 ton asteroid (that I need to move to the base somehow)

Several random ships in orbit that helped "redirect" the asteroid




Lander Probe (to see if the Magic Boulder was re-added)


Base with rovers, planes, fuel station for the planes, jet boat, escape ship etc

1 gigantic refueling station with 5 tugs and a manned ship docked



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I currently have three missions in progress. One is a probe on its way to Moho, it's next maneuver node is 22 days away, then a probe on its way to Jool, it's encounter is about 300 days away, and a petty big three man mission to Duna with an encounter in 199 days.

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Right now I'm just under year 76 with 30 flights (same save since .18):

At Kerbin there's

a satellite

fuel station (Mad Max II)

space station (KSS Sprawling)

At the Mun there's

space station Munsion Junction (the oldest one, at 69yrs)

the Mun base Kerbal Munsion

a Kethane mining base (needs a name)

At Duna they have

the space station Dustbin Station

a little camp on the ground called Dustland Base

At Jool is

Farpoint Station

buggies / rovers on Lathe and Vall

And right now I've got a 'light' 1031T class-E asteroid in Kerbin orbit, still adjusting it to be equatorial. First idea is to bring it in nice an close and turn it into a fuel depot to replace Mad Max II.

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This is all I have in space with the newest release. It's in Sandbox mode.

It is my asteroid space station. The first one I brought into Kerbin orbit was too small so I had to go out and get a bigger one. The small one was attached via a claw to the bigger one and now has the solar panels attached to it. The Kerbals have hollowed out the larger one for use as a general purpose space station. The asteroid can hold 15 Kerbals and the wheels 12 in a comfortable gravity environment. The life boat can hold a max of 16 Kerbals so I have never had more than 15 on the station at one time. There are docking ports installed directly in the asteroid so the Kerbals do not have to EVA to go from module to module. The orange tanks hold fuel for refueling of visiting ships if needed. There are two smaller docking ports but no large ones. Future plans call for adding at least on large docking port.




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I started a new save with 23.5, so what I have now is a refueling station, a pointless satellite and a debris cloud from a huge probe that got torn apart for reasons I can't really explain (might have been the 30+ xenon tanks that were clipped into each other).

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