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Asymmetricality! The true original Kerbals!

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Before we had the highly(relatively) sophisticated Kerbal Space Program, we had... Well, pretty much just a bunch of green idiots roaming around.

But these were the golden days! And as we take these petty challenges that are,well,challenging, we should now return to those by building the most ridiculous looking rockets ker-kind has ever seen!

The Challenge

Your objective is simple, build the most ridiculous looking object and launch it into space!

The options include:

Asymmetrical design! *REQUIRED*

Incorrect adapters!

Put things sideways!

Dock yourself, with yourself!

Add completely useless parts!

And plenty more!

Screw Scott Manley and is hours spent on design and execution of his missions, flip everything over and throw it into space!

This is a true entertainment challenge, and your scoring depends on the amount of seconds lasted in the air, multiplied by a number that I will give (0.1-5) depending on your silly designs, along with any achievements you earn.

(I will start to assign points to these as soon as I see entries from other people so that I have something to base this off of)


What nav-ball?

-On launch point at least 45 degrees or more in any direction (From your standard pointing-straight-up position)

How do you fuel tank?

-Place your fuel tank sideways inline, or tilt them if attached radially

Which way does this go?

-Point your engines in different directions

Reports of some dark energy...

-Develop some form of propulsion that breaks the laws of physics

Lets go upwards!.. Sideways...

Tilt your rocket at least 5 presses with shift-[directional] before launching


-Launch with Center of Mass not centered with Center of Thrust and fly for a minute.

Entry Requirements

-F3 screenshot, this gives time,distance traveled, and all that other important data.

-4 Screenshots of different angles in assembly building with CoM, CoL, and CoT on.

-Screenshot of screen if [when] you crash.

Should you somehow get into orbit, you lose! The objective is not to win, it's to fail hilariously.

This challenge is not complete, given that this is my first challenge that I have written, I intend to complete it further as soon as I get entries, but this is complete enough to create entries.

I will also give examples later, I'm writing this late at night and I am too tired to concentrate on anything.

Edited by nobbers12345
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I think this competes in the "Reports of some dark energy" category quite well. You could also arguably say that the engines are pointed significantly more than 25 degrees sideways at launch, seeing as it is a plane with TWR~=0.5.

I have created a stock bicycle Kerbal-on-ladder-powered plane that can get into orbit around Kerbin with no fuel required...

In FAR...

In Real Solar System!!!


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As far as I can tell from casting my powers of sorcery on them, Kerbal-on-ladder forces have 1.8 kN of thrust, 2 G for a Kerbal. This means that the plane has nearly 5 m/s of acceleration (which matches experimental results). This means it should hypothetically be able to go anywhere but Tylo in stock KSP or anywhere in RSS without using fuel. In practice, time-warping usually requires some EVA fuel to get back on, so you'll eventually run out of that (after around 30-40 warps or so).

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someone made a challenge for a flopsided airplane....

lemme go look for it

found it....

but not exactly a rocket.....

built in .23 if i remember correctly

or is it .22 i dont remember

here you go ihtoit.....


it's minimal takeoff speed is actually LOWER than it's cruise speed. which is as low as 48m/s with all seats full at 120m alt (minimal takeoff speed around 40-43m/s). (6+1 passenger) although recommended cruise speed is around 53m/s upto 98m/s, above 115m/s it start wobbling too much

1 more thing

believe it or not, that was with FAR

Edited by Koolkei
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Ok here is what i put up , Please note this was done by hand and not using symmetrical, each orange tank was added one at a time. There is a skipper across from a skipper, and a mainsail across main sail, was done to help balance out the imbalanced orange tank locations. With Tac fuel balancer and mechjeb active BOTH MUST BE ACTIVE IE fuel load and oxidizer balance clicked. This craft CAN make LKO But is unable to circlize and will fall back down. IF fuel load is left to the fuel lines to balance it will not make it as high, Without mechjeb this rocket is very hard to control as the spinning makes it hard to keep it pointing in the right direction for long.



P:S: The four pic images were copy and pasted into how they are shown by myself. Instead of 8 pic spam you see the 2, yet 8 images, enjoy!

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