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Where are the noobals at?


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Where are the noobs at? :P

Everyone seems to be doing better than me in KSP, having space stations and visiting a bunch of other planets already.

I'm still barely learning to dock on my own, and getting to other planets on my own. I haven't done much in KSP yet.

Anyone else like me? lol.

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I play KSP since december 2013. Ive been to Kerbins local neighbors and landed my first ground base on Duna a few weeks ago. Since then i visited Eve, Jool and some of its moons with unkerbaled probes. Today i launched my first kerbaled mission to the Jool system (i hope to do something to one of the easter-eggs, found on one of the moons)... and i still consider myself a beginner, regardless of the SSTOs, space-stations and stuff i have in orbit.

You get used to the basics very fast, but until everything becomes predictable, its a long way. Just don´t force yourself... small things first. Watch some lets plays and tutorials on youtube... and then go for all the stuff you can imagine. It comes faster than you think.

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You can't be doing any worse than me. In my last mission I had more than 20000 dVs remaining after reaching a stable kerbin orbit, and still somehow managed to get stranded in a polar orbit around jool. I lost count of how many letters I had to write to the wives..

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  Galacticruler said:
most of them are content off of the forums.

And lots of us that are content on-forums spend more time reading than talking about our exploits. I don't build big… but I try to build close to the margin. Nothing makes me happier than completing a mission to, say, Duna… except competing a mission to Duna and having next to no propellent margin :)

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I didn't consider my self a noob, but with the last update I'm getting that old feeling again... I played for the first time yesterday and I'm still fiddling with ideas on how to rendezvous with an asteroid and capture it. Same feeling of helpless I had when I started playing in 0.17.

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  Galacticruler said:
most of them are content off of the forums.

I suspect thats a big part of it. There's probably a ton of people who just don't come to the forum. People who come here regularly are probably more serious about putting many hours into the game, or they come here more than they play. :)

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It is because of this community you don't see many "noobs". The people here are really friendly and eager to teach something to another. Check the questions and tutorials board. It is one big block of help.

KSP has quite the steep learning cure, so things like building a modular space station or visit other planets seems really really really tough. This community will help you get the hang of the underlying mechanics. I learned everything I did in KSP by browsing this forums (and some Scott Manley). Rendezvous, docking, satellite networks, interplanetary flights, you name it... This forum is the reason itself most members of the community advance very fast.

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Yeah, I played for a fair bit before joining the forums.

Despite putting a couple of hundred hours in, my forays beyond the Kerbin system have been limited to some Duna flybys and an asteroid rendezvous. Though I have got a couple of probes en route to Eve and hopefully onwards to Moho.

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  hugix said:
It is because of this community you don't see many "noobs". The people here are really friendly and eager to teach something to another. Check the questions and tutorials board. It is one big block of help.

KSP has quite the steep learning cure, so things like building a modular space station or visit other planets seems really really really tough. This community will help you get the hang of the underlying mechanics. I learned everything I did in KSP by browsing this forums (and some Scott Manley). Rendezvous, docking, satellite networks, interplanetary flights, you name it... This forum is the reason itself most members of the community advance very fast.

This post right here cannot be understated. The KSP community is super friendly and super helpful. Considering the learning curve, you may have a hard time with certain things, but you won't *feel* like a noob for long if you stick around.

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I got the game in July last year (I think it was just after 0.21 came out), but I didn't join the forums for 3 months, even though I lurked pretty much from day one. I think because of the nature of KSP, the types of posts you often get on this forums are the cool things people do, and often someone will often ask about how they did something, so you can learn a lot just by lurking and absorbing all the information that is out there.

Thats how I learnt to play the game, and still am, I'm constantly seeing posts and thinking, "oh thats neat idea, maybe I can use that to do x, y, z etc". :)

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Also, because given the community, a) there is a lot of help already provided without having to ask and B) those seeking help are persistent bast- and go reading and youtubing before giving up and asking.

I never needed to ask how to rendezvous, just watched videos and read the forum et voilà, found the answer without having to ask. Same thing is now happening to me with asteroids.

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Things you 'must' do in KSP (choose 1 or more): have fun, experiment, be interested, learn stuff, feel cool.

Things you 'should' do in KSP (if they meet the criteria chosen above): find easter-egss, explode, fly, explode, reach orbit, fly to orbit, work out what Ap and Pe are, explode. Do these in a vehicle you designed and built yourself (for a given value of 'designed', eg; close copies are allowed). Become adroit at getting to orbit, reach moons, explode, land on moons, explode, get back again, don't explode. Become blase about Kerbin's SOI (and learn what 'SOI' means), wave 'bye bye' and go interplanetary. Explode. Find out it's the same, but bigger, plant flags. Make a 20% launch vehicle, 40t-payload spaceplane, (any) Eve lander. Explode a lot. Decide to emulate Whackjob, explode everything including your computer (don't try this at home). Try lots of mods. Go even more mad. Write about it (no more videos please!).

Things you 'can' do in KSP: Katapults, round-KSC races, submarines, challenges.

It takes a bit longer to master than 'The Sims' - about 2 years more.

Somewhat more seriously: Build, fly, navigate. Build something efficient, fly it without crashing, rendezvous, dock, land and bring it back. There's only six things to do here! Do those six for any target or combination of targets the might present and you'll stop being a noob. Please send a postcard.

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I've played this game for a little more than a year now, and I can state with absolute certainty that there are still aspects of it that I'm nowhere close to mastering and locations that I haven't visited yet. Nevertheless, I've had fun both learning to improve what skills I have and passing on my knowledge to those who have stood in the places I was once in before, and I suspect that the same is true for a great many other people on these forums. KSP just seems to be one of those games that encourages people to encourage one another to achieve ever-greater things.

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