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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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Okay, I'm having some troubles here. This is exactly the mod (read 'compilation mod/texture/config pack') I've been looking for as it doesn't affect the vanilla experience other than visually. However no matter how many times I try, I can't get it to work. Here's what I'm doing in case anyone notices any faults:

- I deleted the entire KSP folder from SteamApps.

- I redownloaded KSP and opened it up to finalize any last minute installation processes Steam has such as verifying DirectX compatibility and such.

- I clicked each link on the dependencies list including the optional ones in order and downloaded them as such (some of them are kind of them mentioned texture packs; I did not download any of those).

- I installed them in the order of the list with the Renaissance pack last.

- I deleted all the .tga files in the CoolRockets folder.

Now when I open KSP, if it doesn't immediately crash, I get to the loading screen where it's showing the TextureReplacer folder when it does crash. What is going wrong?! ='(

You don't need to delete the game, just check the integrity of your KSP Steam install (in the Steam app), in that process all stock files would be restarted.

Then delete any folder in "GamData" which not be from Squad or the Nasa pack. That is how you get a KSP clean again without reinstall the game.

Well, after that, install all dependencies and then, only then, you should copy my pack over the GameData. Be sure to follow the process listed in the OP. :wink:

Great mod from what i've played with so far but is there a way of getting my old enhanced Nav Ball back? I like the colors and marks on the new one but I miss the ghosted makers.

Enhanced Nav Ball is a completely different mod and don't cause any problem with the Navball texture changer. You can use both without problems, as I do.

Edited by Proot
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Okay, I'm having some troubles here. This is exactly the mod (read 'compilation mod/texture/config pack') I've been looking for as it doesn't affect the vanilla experience other than visually. However no matter how many times I try, I can't get it to work. Here's what I'm doing in case anyone notices any faults:

- I deleted the entire KSP folder from SteamApps.

- I redownloaded KSP and opened it up to finalize any last minute installation processes Steam has such as verifying DirectX compatibility and such.

- I clicked each link on the dependencies list including the optional ones in order and downloaded them as such (some of them are kind of them mentioned texture packs; I did not download any of those).

- I installed them in the order of the list with the Renaissance pack last.

- I deleted all the .tga files in the CoolRockets folder.

Now when I open KSP, if it doesn't immediately crash, I get to the loading screen where it's showing the TextureReplacer folder when it does crash. What is going wrong?! ='(

Just a side note: You can use "Steam--->Account--->Backup and Restore Games..." to backup KSP so you don't need to download it every time you ****** up the installation. It's useful and saves time. I am speaking from experience...

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Is there any way to get the Visual Enhancements parts without tampering with the rockets? And without killing the display of stars in the sky while planets are showing? Both are cool effects by the looks of it but I don't want to tamper with too much especially since I use a lot of other mods. Plus I like my very starry sky, realistic or not. I really like your atmosphere's though, they're by far the best I've seen so far.

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Is there any way to get the Visual Enhancements parts without tampering with the rockets? And without killing the display of stars in the sky while planets are showing? Both are cool effects by the looks of it but I don't want to tamper with too much especially since I use a lot of other mods. Plus I like my very starry sky, realistic or not. I really like your atmosphere's though, they're by far the best I've seen so far.

Delete CoolRockets, MP_Nazari & smokescreen folders to delete the rockets FX. You gonna have texture replacements for the stock FX in Texture Replacer yet.

Delete DistantObject folder to delete the planet flares and the sky dimming.

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Hey Proot, getting strange issues with atmospheres since update. Is there a corresponding update to EVE that I need to install? Image of the issue:


Basically, it looks like the atmosphere disappears from the center of Kerbin (in this case) and will vary in the amount that disappears depending on where my camera is centered.

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Hey Proot, getting strange issues with atmospheres since update. Is there a corresponding update to EVE that I need to install? Image of the issue:


Basically, it looks like the atmosphere disappears from the center of Kerbin (in this case) and will vary in the amount that disappears depending on where my camera is centered.

That is a really weird bug. I didn't see that before.

I'm pretty sure that you didn't do a clean install...

Please, be sure that you remove any previous content before install or you can suffer texture conflicts with previous versions or outdated textures..

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I have an issue where when I reenter a capsule with a kerbal, the kerbal body will be left outside, as a blockage. On the ground, I can spin my capsule to knock the kerbal off the ladder, and then create dozens of kerbals in this manner. However, the flight center cannot erase these kerbal clones.

Any fix? I might try erasing the mod which changes the models for my brave little kerbals.

Also, I have all the newest stuff running.

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That is a really weird bug. I didn't see that before.

I'm pretty sure that you didn't do a clean install...

Please, be sure that you remove any previous content before install or you can suffer texture conflicts with previous versions or outdated textures..

Ha, no need...I ended up re-installing EVE and then overwriting the EVE files with yours and it was a SUCCESS! No more strange Atmo! Thanks for looking anyway, and sorry I didn't just try this out before posting. Hopefully this can help someone else in the future if they have the same issue.

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Ha, no need...I ended up re-installing EVE and then overwriting the EVE files with yours and it was a SUCCESS! No more strange Atmo! Thanks for looking anyway, and sorry I didn't just try this out before posting. Hopefully this can help someone else in the future if they have the same issue.


I have an issue where when I reenter a capsule with a kerbal, the kerbal body will be left outside, as a blockage. On the ground, I can spin my capsule to knock the kerbal off the ladder, and then create dozens of kerbals in this manner. However, the flight center cannot erase these kerbal clones.

Any fix? I might try erasing the mod which changes the models for my brave little kerbals.


:confused: Please give more info or, if you can, do a clean install.

Edited by Proot
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Congrats for the nomination Proot! You should use this occasion to put some tasty screenshots in the first post of this thread to encourage people to use your splendid mod :)

Done in the update, second post. I didn't add it to the first post to not turn it into a brick... Should I change it maybe? I'm gonna do it...

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Thanks all!

That seems an ATM conflict or a texture base conflict. But that is not from my pack. From what pack are that SRB? Share its textures with the stock contents?

I've installed 0 other texture mods, and that's the default BACC large booster. Notice how the textures it flickers through are from yours.

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I've installed 0 other texture mods, and that's the default BACC large booster. Notice how the textures it flickers through are from yours.

Yup, it's true... are you using the Active Texture Management configs from the pack? Seem like some type of conflict/problem in ATM or Texture Replacer...

You only have that issue with the SRB?

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Yup, it's true... are you using the Active Texture Management configs from the pack? Seem like some type of conflict/problem in ATM or Texture Replacer...

You only have that issue with the SRB?

I overwrote everything I could with your files, and yes, so far, it seems so.

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I overwrote everything I could with your files, and yes, so far, it seems so.

If you are using a clean install, try to delete "textureCache" folder, inside "ActiveTextureManagement" folder. If that doesn't solve the problem try to do a complete reinstall of Texture Replacer and then put again that part of my pack over it.

If yet you can't see the texture correctly, please, delete that concrete texture and wait for next updates.

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Having a problem downloading...one site says your download has been to busy and has been stopped for awhile, the other "mega" site wants to download a program into firefox, which firefox doesnt want and keeps warning me all the time...eek stuck...help please...this mod looks fantastic and i so want it.

many thanks


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:confused: Please give more info or, if you can, do a clean install.

The pilot gets cloned every time he goes back inside the craft, and leaves a body on the ladder, which then has to be removed before the pilot can exit once again, to get cloned again on entering.

The pilot clones left outside cannot be erased through flight tracking.

The install was clean, but I'll try it again.



Having a problem downloading...one site says your download has been to busy and has been stopped for awhile, the other "mega" site wants to download a program into firefox, which firefox doesnt want and keeps warning me all the time...eek stuck...help please...this mod looks fantastic and i so want it.

many thanks


I did the Mega one through Chrome which didn't require an add on.

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Proot ... Dare I say that the game looks like Space Engine with your mod ? Dare I? Well I did. And it does :P Amazing work yet again.

Question.. I don't use any of Squads parts. So if I delete the texture of parts I don't have in TextureReplacer will I be okay? Sadly I may do the same with the kerbals to save a bit if memory. No offence of course.. but what I want to know is will I be okay just deleting the textures I don't want ? For instance i don't know if there's a config file I'll have to tweak or not so that there's nothing trying to load textures that aren't there.

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The pilot gets cloned every time he goes back inside the craft, and leaves a body on the ladder, which then has to be removed before the pilot can exit once again, to get cloned again on entering.

The pilot clones left outside cannot be erased through flight tracking.

The install was clean, but I'll try it again.


I did the Mega one through Chrome which didn't require an add on.


Excuse me, but that is probably one of the most funny bugs that I've found EVER. I'm gonna save that screenshot. Looks like a modern photo-composition of small Hadfields.

I'm trying to reproduce that but I can't. (Now I want it, lol) Seems like you aren't doing something like it supposed to be done, because you don't have the improved Navball texture neither.

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