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Filling The Moholes with Asteroids


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  box_brain said:
I am very curious to see if someone actually wants to attempt this. Just imagine a giant ball-pit of E-class asteroids!:cool: Thoughts?

Do you have any idea how hard it would be to lug anything bigger than a B class down there? Bloody difficult. But that would come with some serious bragging rights.

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  AustralianFries said:
Just thought of an awesome game idea.

Moho Golf!

Deorbit an asteroid from above Low Moho Orbit and try to make it in one of the holes!

You should take this to the challenge forums ASAP.

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Guys, apparently many of you do not understand how notoriously difficult even regular mission to Moho can be. This planet is a d*** :( Any maneuver so deep in Kerbol's gravity well costs a lot of fuel. I start to feel moderately safe only if my ship carries about 10 000 dV. Good luck packing so much dV on a asteroid tug.

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  Scotius said:
Guys, apparently many of you do not understand how notoriously difficult even regular mission to Moho can be. This planet is a d*** :( Any maneuver so deep in Kerbol's gravity well costs a lot of fuel. I start to feel moderately safe only if my ship carries about 10 000 dV. Good luck packing so much dV on a asteroid tug.

Best way to do it would probably be to get clever with Eve gravity assists.

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Challenge accepted.

Or at least once I get done messing around with the real size kerbal system mod thing with ferram and a bunch other realism mods, so far it's been crazy fun. And sure I've never landed anything on Moho before but this is a neat idea for a first mission!

Edited by DerpenWolf
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Was just thinking about this myself the other day... Followed by the thought that such a person who would seriously contemplate actually doing so probably has a chair lined with broken glass and snorts angry wasps for motivation.

Like someone already said, Moho is a ****.

But subbed for the lulz anyway!

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Stock no way would I have the patience for that. Once maybe but it would take hours with dozens of refuel missions to get even a single class E into the moholes. if you mod in KSP interstelar each individual mission may not be too bad with warp drive and antimater powered tugs with crazy high ISP but it would still be a very tedious exercise dragign who knows how many out there to try and fill that thing. Asumeing things dont glitch out and start cliping through and destroying the roids you'd probably have no framerate once you had a few hundred landed in there.

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  Brun said:
Best way to do it would probably be to get clever with Eve gravity assists.

An Eve Gravity assist isn't that useful for going to Moho because the main difficulty is slowing down once you actually get there, and Eve isn't going to do a thing to assist with that.

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