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The Affects of Dyson Spheres


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Okay, say we built a Dyson sphere (it would require more resources than the entire solar system [planets and asteroid belts, within Pluto's orbit] to build one) around Sol (or "the Sun").

What would the affects be?

How would the Dyson sphere stay there?

Would it's equator be in orbit, or it's poles?

Which forms of energy would be harnessed?

What about external effects:

Would it "look" different (color of the star)?

Would it have a different star type (It's spectrum class) to the outside observer?

EDIT: The title's wrong isn't it?

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a Dyson SPHERE would completely enclose the sun, so outside the sphere it would be (optically at least) as if the sun wasn't there any longer.

A Dyson swarm or ring would make the sun appear dimmer to an outside observer, maybe appear more variable than it really is too.

Inside Pluto's orbit? I doubt you can make one that small that wouldn't be torn apart by tidal forces generated by the sun, Pluto, and maybe even Venus.

Your best bet is to place it somewhere far out, say where the asteroid belt is now, using up the asteroids and gas giants first to make sure you're not going to have their gravity affect you during construction and that you don't get asteroids bumping into you.

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a Dyson SPHERE would completely enclose the sun, so outside the sphere it would be (optically at least) as if the sun wasn't there any longer.

Depends on the size of the sphere. The energy output is still going to be exactly the same as that of the star, just at a lower temperature. That puts the sphere at 390K at 1AU. But it's easier to build a smaller sphere. So if you make it, say 0.2AU in diameter, it will be red-hot, at over 1,200K, with substantial glow to it.

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Would it "look" different (color of the star)?
Yes: It got its name from the paper "Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infra-Red Radiation".
How would the Dyson sphere stay there?
A rigid sphere couldn't...
Would it's equator be in orbit, or it's poles?
...and wouldn't be in orbit. Not even if it was spinning.

I quote: 'In response to letters prompted by this paper, Dyson replied, "A solid shell or ring surrounding a star is mechanically impossible. The form of 'biosphere' which I envisaged consists of a loose collection or swarm of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star."'

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Inside Pluto's orbit? I doubt you can make one that small that wouldn't be torn apart by tidal forces generated by the sun, Pluto, and maybe even Venus.

Your best bet is to place it somewhere far out, say where the asteroid belt is now, using up the asteroids and gas giants first to make sure you're not going to have their gravity affect you during construction and that you don't get asteroids bumping into you.

I meant it would take more resources than all things of quantifiable and viable size within Pluto's orbit.

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...and wouldn't be in orbit. Not even if it was spinning.

That's one of the problems of the Dyson Sphere, it's not in AN orbit, rather all pieces are suspended and gravitating towards the star equally, which is probably why a Dyson Swarm would be a better option.

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Depends on the size of the sphere. The energy output is still going to be exactly the same as that of the star, just at a lower temperature. That puts the sphere at 390K at 1AU. But it's easier to build a smaller sphere. So if you make it, say 0.2AU in diameter, it will be red-hot, at over 1,200K, with substantial glow to it.

yes, it would radiate out, but in different spectral bands and quite possibly directed through a series of radiator fins or other devices.

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We would have to harness a great deal of the energy form known as "magic" in order to make this work.

From my understanding, if you have enough access to magic, this is theoretically possible.

any magic far enough advanced is indistinguishable from science.

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