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Multiple water biomes?

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I seem to be getting different sets of science reports after landing in the water:


The only difference between the science sets is that one had a higher apoapsis and went further out into the ocean. But it appears that it's at least partially deliberate, since the "completed" EVA reports have different science totals.

It only appears to affect EVA-related science activity - I haven't seen any doubles of crew reports in particular.

Anyone have any explanation of what's going on here? For now I'm taking advantage of "free" science, but it makes it more difficult to "close out" a set of science types.

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If I understand it right, one of the two is always from "landed" and the other is from "splashed" situation. Yes, they're different kinds of science.

You can have double of some other biomes as well, for instance Kerbin Shores go far out to water quite often so you can be both landed and splashed in them as well.

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I think this is by design as where the water is seems to effect if you get the science or not. If you keep gathering science just east of KSC, you only get so much. If you go further out in the ocean, you can get more science. Land on the other side of the planet, different water biome. You can also get different water science from small lakes.

I haven't found a map of this yet though so I don't know where the boundaries are.

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If I understand it right, one of the two is always from "landed" and the other is from "splashed" situation. Yes, they're different kinds of science.

You can have double of some other biomes as well, for instance Kerbin Shores go far out to water quite often so you can be both landed and splashed in them as well.

Ahh, the ninja brings up a good point. I hadn't thought of it that way before.

So maybe grasslands water is different than shore water, is different than ocean water, etc...?

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Map of Kerbin and Mun biomes can be found on Kerbalmaps. No biomes for Minmus, though.

Sorry, I suppose that was a little misleading. I meant that I havent found a map that shows if there are separate water cutoffs. Although I think your explanation changed how I look at the maps now.

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If I understand it right, one of the two is always from "landed" and the other is from "splashed" situation...

Interesting. It does show that one of them is "landed" and one of them is "splashed" - but it's not clear how either of them could be "landed." They were both a good ways out into the ocean, and I was able to fill the "splashed" of the surface sample set with a very short hop from the launchpad to just past the shore-water boundary using only a KW Wildcat-V with a FL-T100 tank. A much shorter and lower hop than whatever I did to get the "water landed" situation.

I'm going to leave the prefix to this as "Bug" since while it does seem like the feature is intentional...it really may not be mature yet.

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Interesting. It does show that one of them is "landed" and one of them is "splashed" - but it's not clear how either of them could be "landed." They were both a good ways out into the ocean, and I was able to fill the "splashed" of the surface sample set with a very short hop from the launchpad to just past the shore-water boundary using only a KW Wildcat-V with a FL-T100 tank. A much shorter and lower hop than whatever I did to get the "water landed" situation.

I have one more idea. There might be difference in making EVA reports and taking samples when your Kerbal is swimming in water (which definitely counts as "splashed") and when he is standing on top of your splashed ship (that might count as "landed").

Edit: I created a new Career save to test just that and sure enough I was right about it.

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You could have the Eastern sea different from the Western sea. Also, tropical vs temperate vs arctic oceans.

Something similar could be implemented on Laythe and Eve once individual biomes are added to the game.

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