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[0.25/0.90] Better Atmospheres [V5 - June 14th, 2014]


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So far V5 looks Outstanding! However, in my opinion you should work on Duna's cloud structure. I also think it would be cool if you could see the solar winds from Kerbol when your up close.


Edited by stanz250
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zomg guys i made it back safe and sound. Spent most of my days at Disney World, 5 of them in fact, but managed to get to go to KSC, riding the Shuttle Launch Experience, taking one of the bus tours, got two signed autographs, got some model rockets, and overall had a great time there too.

I've seen some questions about release date, so I'll go ahead and ask now, would you guys rather us wait for the new EVE version so we can implement the new Sunrises, or would you rather a couple of days, then I release it anyway? The only thing that will be missing if I release sooner is the sunrise/sets.

Work will resume as normal tomorrow, for now though *Falls back into bed*.

Personally, the highlight of the new release (for me) is the new 'white kerbol' now KSP will look almost like space engine!

But i will be sad if lethal laythe was taken away:(

Edited by tychochallenge
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zomg guys i made it back safe and sound. Spent most of my days at Disney World, 5 of them in fact, but managed to get to go to KSC, riding the Shuttle Launch Experience, taking one of the bus tours, got two signed autographs, got some model rockets, and overall had a great time there too.

I've seen some questions about release date, so I'll go ahead and ask now, would you guys rather us wait for the new EVE version so we can implement the new Sunrises, or would you rather a couple of days, then I release it anyway? The only thing that will be missing if I release sooner is the sunrise/sets.

Work will resume as normal tomorrow, for now though *Falls back into bed*.

I think it is better if you would release the earlier version. There are much more changes than the sunrises and if EVE v8 is released you can than implement the sunrises as v5.1 or something like that :)

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zomg guys i made it back safe and sound. Spent most of my days at Disney World, 5 of them in fact, but managed to get to go to KSC, riding the Shuttle Launch Experience, taking one of the bus tours, got two signed autographs, got some model rockets, and overall had a great time there too.

I've seen some questions about release date, so I'll go ahead and ask now, would you guys rather us wait for the new EVE version so we can implement the new Sunrises, or would you rather a couple of days, then I release it anyway? The only thing that will be missing if I release sooner is the sunrise/sets.

Work will resume as normal tomorrow, for now though *Falls back into bed*.

Sonic, i thought it would be good to bring this to your attention, as this is a recent development. A 64bit KSP windows "hack" exists:


... and since Better Atmospheres is quite memory hungry, i thought you might want to test it with 64bit hack, and see if it works.

... and just for clarity in your post, when you say KSC I assume you do not mean Kerbal Space Center, right. You did not become small, green, and in a spacesuit during your absence now, did you ? :sticktongue:

Edited by Grunf911
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zomg guys i made it back safe and sound. Spent most of my days at Disney World, 5 of them in fact, but managed to get to go to KSC, riding the Shuttle Launch Experience, taking one of the bus tours, got two signed autographs, got some model rockets, and overall had a great time there too.

I've seen some questions about release date, so I'll go ahead and ask now, would you guys rather us wait for the new EVE version so we can implement the new Sunrises, or would you rather a couple of days, then I release it anyway? The only thing that will be missing if I release sooner is the sunrise/sets.

Work will resume as normal tomorrow, for now though *Falls back into bed*.

Welcome back my friend! Good to hear you had fun and made it home safely. I'd say given rbrays current situation with being so busy, I'd go ahead and just release what we have. I'm happy with everything we've got at this point. Will definitely miss the improved terrain shader for the cities and lights but I can be patient..

Edited by erona
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Okayyy... so I have another question.

I recently tried switching to this from Astronomer's pack, and as before I had to tweak the opacity on Kerbin's and Eve's clouds to make it possible to see where I want to land. This all went rather smoothly.

But is there a way to make the clouds "fade out" as I approach from orbit the way they seem to in your v5 preview? I tried messing with FadeDistance in both the scaled and unscaled settings, and this didn't seem to help, even with absurd values like 1 million. How did you manage to do it?

Incidentally I'd like to suggest here that in v5 you make Kerbin's and Laythe's clouds, and perhaps also Eve's, fade away partially when in low orbit so we can see the ground. It is a bit of a tradeoff from realism, but usability is important too.

Edited by parameciumkid
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Okayyy... so I have another question.

I recently tried switching to this from Astronomer's pack, and as before I had to tweak the opacity on Kerbin's and Eve's clouds to make it possible to see where I want to land. This all went rather smoothly.

But is there a way to make the clouds "fade out" as I approach from orbit the way they seem to in your v5 preview? I tried messing with FadeDistance in both the scaled and unscaled settings, and this didn't seem to help, even with absurd values like 1 million. How did you manage to do it?

Incidentally I'd like to suggest here that in v5 you make Kerbin's and Laythe's clouds, and perhaps also Eve's, fade away partially when in low orbit so we can see the ground. It is a bit of a tradeoff from realism, but usability is important too.

if you didn't mind getting another mod, You could get ScanSat and find a safe spot to land via topography map. Its how we would land on Venus and such (and I believe did, though I could be wrong)

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Before the release i just want to say something, these really look beautifull, however it negatively impacts gaming, especily laythe, while eve is understandable and i dont usualy do manned ( return from) missions to eve, thick atmosphere is understandable and high concentration of land ensures your probes usualy dont land on liquid, however laythe becomes a serious problem, i cant see land masses, its atmosphere isnt so thick but i cant see anything, yes i agree it looks beutifull but i cant see where to land, i think it would be possible to balance visuel and gaming but again it is your profesion and your decicion , just stating my feedback :)

i also would like to keep v4 jool, looks so nice, the version in the trailer while rings are great, looks dead with those colours and modelling

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Before the release i just want to say something, these really look beautifull, however it negatively impacts gaming, especily laythe, while eve is understandable and i dont usualy do manned ( return from) missions to eve, thick atmosphere is understandable and high concentration of land ensures your probes usualy dont land on liquid, however laythe becomes a serious problem, i cant see land masses, its atmosphere isnt so thick but i cant see anything, yes i agree it looks beutifull but i cant see where to land, i think it would be possible to balance visuel and gaming but again it is your profesion and your decicion , just stating my feedback :)

i also would like to keep v4 jool, looks so nice, the version in the trailer while rings are great, looks dead with those colours and modelling

though i really like the way laythe is now, i totally understand your point. One way is to fly a plane but an occasional mountain may get you if flying through the mist too low. If your descending probes, the best option is to use a mod like scansat, which gives you the ability to generate maps of the surface and provides you with plenty of information about any location on the surface

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Alright guys, going to go through some checks to make sure everything is in working order, should be done with that by tonight. If everything goes accordingly, there should be a release by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow depending on the weather. Had a tornado warning with severe thunderstorms last night, but it should all be clear now.

That looks beautiful!

Where did the structures along the runway come from?

Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-15-1-09MAY2014?p=1201976&viewfull=1#post1201976

Before the release i just want to say something, these really look beautifull, however it negatively impacts gaming, especily laythe, while eve is understandable and i dont usualy do manned ( return from) missions to eve, thick atmosphere is understandable and high concentration of land ensures your probes usualy dont land on liquid, however laythe becomes a serious problem, i cant see land masses, its atmosphere isnt so thick but i cant see anything, yes i agree it looks beutifull but i cant see where to land, i think it would be possible to balance visuel and gaming but again it is your profesion and your decicion , just stating my feedback :)

i also would like to keep v4 jool, looks so nice, the version in the trailer while rings are great, looks dead with those colours and modelling

That problem was fixed a while back. It has the thick look but it fades away as you get closer to reveal the ground. Sure, I'll make an additional config on release.

Edited by Thesonicgalaxy
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Once you will release it, ill have to do a grand tour to all the planets... ^^ it would be my first one. And please, make those rings easy to use. By saying "use", i mean to add them to the other planets, change their color... That would be great. I cant wait.

Edited by TheScareCake!
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what do I change in the config for these white splotches to line up with the continents?


You remove them and wait for the next EVE update. They don't work, as they don't stay in the same place when kerbin move around the sun. It's something Erona and I learned when making the Sunrises/ sets.

and don't forget my request for moho particles! tywm

Speaking of which, Erona will be gone for a week and a half, so anything that would need new artwork won't make it in the new release.

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One more minor, personal request you can feel free to ignore: no Great Green Spot on v5 Jool please. Jupiter may have one, and Jool may be the Kerbal analogue, but personally I'd like it to have its own unique features rather than copy too many from our solar system. And none of our other gas giants have one anyway.

P.S. You misspelled "atmospheres" at the end of the video ;)

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