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Hi everyone, I just found Kerbal thanks to the XKCD cartoon, and I'm hooked! I'm enjoying the serious challenges of space missions and loving the insanity of creating truly ridiculous rockets! I've already landed on the mun leading to me being sufficiently distracted to not notice that Jebidiah's ship was skipping the atmosphere and about to come down, leading to a last minute rescue mission at 60000m requiring an EVA to rescue him in the dark :cool:

I'm now trying to get a 25 minute burn to Jool to work...

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I just found Kerbal thanks to the XKCD cartoon

Yeah, XKCD helped me rediscovered it after having played it what seems like years ago. I can't really remember. I know I was struggling to get a rocket into orbit back then (probably my own incompentence, but maybe the controls were more difficult, I dunno.

Anyways, after deciding it would likely be worth the money from all the good reviews around the internets, I bought the game. I just started on the career mode this week and good god I'm having a blast (pun intended).Took me 3 tries to get a ship into orbit, but I managed to get a fair amount of science done around Kerbal during those 3 attempts. My fifth ship was a sputnik probe which I sent in orbit around the moon, and after that I sent a Kerbal and my science skyrocketed from the EVAs. I can't wait to continue in my attempts to achieve some of the results I've seen on these forums. Next up I will try to land on the moon and send some probes to other planets, I think.

Good grief, this game is just too awesome. Must play more!

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