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What's your opinion on the NASA's new spacesuit design?

What's your opinion on the new spacesuit?  

  1. 1. What's your opinion on the new spacesuit?

    • Looks great, they should go for it!
    • Meh, it's alright.
    • We're going to be the laughing stock of other countries on spacewalks...
    • Don't really care

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What do you guys think of NASA's new proposed spacesuit design (if you haven't seen it, just Google "new spacesuit design"). Personally, I think it's ugly and it's a bit ridiculous that NASA is trying to make it look so futuristic and retro with LED lighting and . They should really stick with the current suit.

Good god, what are they thinking? \/


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  YourEverydayWaffle said:
What do you guys think of NASA's new proposed spacesuit design (if you haven't seen it, just Google "new spacesuit design"). Personally, I think it's ugly and it's a bit ridiculous that NASA is trying to make it look so futuristic and retro with LED lighting and . They should really stick with the current suit.

Good god, what are they thinking? \/


Those are just a PR stunt to keep the public interested. If I recall correctly, they aren't made for spaceflight at all just trainer suits.

Edit: I've never seen this picture with the tools in hand that are kinda made to look like weaponry and the guy with his dukes up. Silliness.

Edited by SuperFastJellyfish
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Is your criticism based only on aesthetics? They may be goofy looking, but my understanding is these new suits are a major functional improvement over the current EMU design NASA uses. EMU is only good for space walks, not planetary surfaces for one thing, but these new suits should also be lighter and offer substantially improved mobility and range of motion as well. Also astronauts will not have to prebreathe at lower atmospheric pressure for hours before starting an EVA.

Edited by architeuthis
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  SuperFastJellyfish said:
Those are just a PR stunt to keep the public interested. If I recall correctly, they aren't made for spaceflight at all just trainer suits.

Edit: I've never seen this picture with the tools in hand that are kinda made to look like weaponry and the guy with his dukes up. Silliness.

I think NASA has hinted to it being used on walking on the surface the Moon and maybe Mars.

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  architeuthis said:
Is your criticism based only on aesthetics? They may be goofy looking, but my understanding is these new suits are a major functional improvement over the current EMU design NASA uses. EMU is only good for space walks, not planetary surfaces for one thing, but these new suits should be be lighter and offer substantially improved mobility and range of motion as well.

No, I totally understand the need for new technologies and functions, but I'm just criticizing the need for LED strips all over the body of the suit. That's all.

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  Canopus said:
I too heard that they will never really be used in space. Also that picture is really embarrassing. I hope its not official. Dual wielding Screwdrivers? How much harder could they try to be cool?

Lol yeah.

Everyone saying it's criticsm because the looks, It's not. I love space i love the outfits, But what i don't like is that they are black and when white would be better for visibility, as space is black. Also NASA has hinted it probably will never be used in space, I don't say things are bad by looks i say things are bad by logic.

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  YourEverydayWaffle said:
What do you guys think of NASA's new proposed spacesuit design (if you haven't seen it, just Google "new spacesuit design"). Personally, I think it's ugly and it's a bit ridiculous that NASA is trying to make it look so futuristic and retro with LED lighting and . They should really stick with the current suit.

Good god, what are they thinking? \/


I completely agree.

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An operational space-suit is either for flight or EVA or training. The color of a flight suit should be bright orange or day-glo yellow to increase visibility in case of a bailout. The color of an EVA suit should be white for thermal reflection. The color and material of a training or test suit should replicate the operational flight or EVA suit as closely as possible.

Black/dark grey with battery-powered leds for "ground-based testing" (whatever that is) is just silly PR that serves no functional purpose.

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In my opinion NASA has always thrown out money for bells and whistles to make its technology look futuristic (in reality, ridiculous) rather than to spend it on practical advancements. (Fighter jet-style Gemini capsule, the Space Shuttle etc) I much prefer the practical and down-to-earth approach of Russian and Chinese space equipment design.

For example, look at Lunokhod. Yes it looks like mismatched kitchen equipment welded onto some Soviet peasant's old tin washtub, but in kilometers traveled, it's the most successful rover yet.

Edited by szputnyik
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I'd wait and see what will be the improvments comparing to the previous models. There are a couple of things that are better, at lest on paper. First, the single backpack-hatch. Secondly, AFAIK they plan to make it in a modular maner, so components could be switched depending on the use. Also, tehey are allegedly improving ergonomics and reverting to inner and outer garment approach, like with the Appolo suits. I would be suprised if longer EVA duration, coupeled with possible air/watter/power replenishment while on EVA, were not on to do list. IIRC some sort of HUD is plaaned as well.

What i am really interested in, is development of elastic EVA suits. Last time I recall the MIT team was preaty near the 350 mbar pressure difference. IF they manage to pull it off, it is very likely that NASA or a private space agency may jump on that idea and follow through with implementation. Alas, elastic EVA suits are just like cold fusiion. 20 years away, since the fifties.

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  szputnyik said:
In my opinion NASA has always thrown out money for bells and whistles to make its technology look futuristic (in reality, ridiculous)... Fighter jet-style Gemini capsule...

If I'm not mistaken, the Gemini capsule's design was the result of the pilots who were going to be using it wanting a familiar look and feel. Not that I disagree with your overall point, just this one example may not be quite appropriate.

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