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[Supplementary] MM Configs for Life Support / Resources in FusTek Station Parts


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As I've mentioned a number of times in the main FusTek Station Parts development thread, one of the intentions of the station modules pack is to provide parts to support a wide range of third-party life support / resource management add-ons. Since I personally don't use any of the aforementioned add-ons, as well as my reluctance to dictate which ones people should use, I've decided to start a mini-collaborative project for folks in the KSP userbase to come up with Module Manager patches for FusTek to provide support for these add-ons.

The gist of things

  • Members of the KSP userbase would identify which life support / resource management add-ons they use the most often
  • I would define the intended purpose of each of the FusTek station modules
  • The userbase would then compile MM configs to add the desired functionality to each FusTek module
  • I would then include these MM configs (with attribution) in the next stable release of FusTek (R0.04a)

Intended purpose of each module

Karmony Node Mk III (flat and tapered versions)

  • Essentially a six-way hub for building space stations
  • Due to the potential for high foot traffic, it is only traversable but not actually habitable
  • Currently contains batteries (100 ElectricCharge) and RCS (100 Monoprop) tanks
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks, storage for small amounts of food and drinking water

Karmony compactNode Mk III (flat and tapered versions)

  • Shorter version of the standard Mk III Nodes
  • Due to the potential for high foot traffic, it is only traversable but not actually habitable
  • Currently contains batteries (50 ElectricCharge)
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks

Karmony Habitation Module (flat and tapered versions)

  • Crew quarters, toilet, shower, galley and exercise area for 4 Kerbals
  • Habitable
  • Currently contains batteries (100 ElectricCharge) and RCS (100 Monoprop) tanks
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks, storage for small to moderate amounts of food and drinking water, basic waste processing

Karmony Logistics Module (flat and tapered versions)

  • Essentially a corridor lined with storage lockers
  • Due to the potential for high foot traffic, it is only traversable but not actually habitable
  • Currently contains batteries (100 ElectricCharge) and RCS (100 Monoprop) tanks
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks, storage for large amounts of food and drinking water, storage for moderate amounts of waste, storage of miscellaneous crew consumables

Karmony Science Module (flat and tapered versions)

  • Manned science lab for 4 Kerbals
  • Habitable
  • Currently contains batteries (100 ElectricCharge) and RCS (100 Monoprop) tanks
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks

Karmony Utilities Module (flat and tapered versions)

  • Space station "core" or command pod module, room for 2 Kerbals
  • Habitable
  • Currently contains batteries (150 ElectricCharge) and RCS (180 Monoprop) tanks, as well as a small RTG to provide emergency backup power
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks, air recycling, better waste processing, power management

Kupola Observation Module

  • "Conning tower" for 3 Kerbals to oversee station operations
  • Habitable
  • Currently contains batteries (50 ElectricCharge)
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks

Kuest Airlock / Kuest Legacy Airlock

  • Airlock for EVA, 1 Kerbal at a time
  • Habitable (to a certain extent)
  • Currently contains batteries (50 ElectricCharge)
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks, EVAfuel

Kirs Docking Module

  • Pressurized tunnel designed to act as a stand-off / quarrantine chamber / docking adapter for visiting spacecraft / cargo ferries, manned by 1 Kerbal
  • Habitable (to a certain extent)
  • Currently contains batteries (50 ElectricCharge)
  • Potential additions: oxygen / CO2 storage tanks

Karmony Warehouse Module(flat and tapered versions)

  • Enclosed bay for KAS-style modular cargo / payload racks, mounted on an internal carousel
  • Not traversable or habitable
  • Resources will be replenished by the aforementioned modular racks via EVA

FusTek Resupply Module

  • Essentially an oversized probe core that looks like the front half of a cargo ferry ATV
  • Not traversable or habitable (strictly speaking, it is pressurized on the inside to allow Kerbalnauts to perform internal cargo / resupply missions)
  • This is going to be a bit tricky - ideally, I'd like some sort of tweakble system that allows users to fill the Resupply Module with varying quantities and combinations of whatever life support / misc resources they want to fly up for a particular mission, up to a certain mass limit (e.g. one resupply mission could provide just 400kg food and 600kg water, while another mission would carry 200kg food, 300kg water and 500kg oxygen).

Looking forward to seeing what you guys can come up with :)

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Karmony Node Mk III (flat and tapered versions), Karmony compactNode Mk III (flat and tapered versions) should only carry a days worth of food, water and air. No waste should be stored in these modules (discounting CO2 and waste water). The Kupola Observation Module, Kuest Airlock / Kuest Legacy Airlock, The Karmony Science Module (flat and tapered versions) and Kirs Docking Module should mirror the nodes in terms of resource stowage.

The Karmony Habitation Module (flat and tapered versions) should carry a moderate amount of food, water and air. I'd say about 30 days worth for a single kerbal. Again, no waste should be stored here (discounting CO2 and waste water).

The Karmony Logistics Module (flat and tapered versions) I have modified myself in my own save to mirror what Somnabulic has in his 2m inline multi-resource module. Space-wise it seems to fit if you adjust for other gear being stowed in the module. Waste/waste water should be stowed here as well.

The Karmony Utilities Module (flat and tapered versions) should be processing as much as the stock recyclers, if not a touch more. Co2 and other by-products should be stowed primarily here for recycling.

The Karmony Warehouse Module(flat and tapered versions) is an odd one, and I'll leave it alone until I see what you do with it Sumghai. As of right now, I'm using it to stow the SST from the KSO pack as it fits perfectly.

FusTek Resupply Module should be put to use exactly as you mentioned. Tac-LS lets you adjust how much of what you are adding to the modules already, so I'd just say cap it at the maximum values the Resupply module could potentially hold.

Just my 2 cents. :D

Edited by sharpspoonful
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Karmony Node Mk III (flat and tapered versions), Karmony compactNode Mk III (flat and tapered versions) should only carry a days worth of food, water and air. No waste should be stored in these modules (discounting CO2 and waste water). The Kupola Observation Module, Kuest Airlock / Kuest Legacy Airlock, The Karmony Science Module (flat and tapered versions) and Kirs Docking Module should mirror the nodes in terms of resource stowage.

Agreed, these pieces won't ever be used as a long term space station without other modules, they may operate for a bit while being docked together but be unmanned, I think they're fine with just what the plugin automatically applies.

The Karmony Habitation Module (flat and tapered versions) should carry a moderate amount of food, water and air. I'd say about 30 days worth for a single kerbal. Again, no waste should be stored here (discounting CO2 and waste water).

The habitat module i frequently use for things other than space stations, Like a habitat for interplanetary ships, so it should have some resources, 30 days seems fine. If I'm worried about waste recycling that could be included in another part of the interplanetary ship.

The Karmony Logistics Module (flat and tapered versions) I have modified myself in my own save to mirror what Somnabulic has in his 2m inline multi-resource module. Space-wise it seems to fit if you adjust for other gear being stowed in the module. Waste/waste water should be stowed here as well.

The Karmony Utilities Module (flat and tapered versions) should be processing as much as the stock recyclers, if not a touch more. Co2 and other by-products should be stowed primarily here for recycling.

The Karmony Warehouse Module(flat and tapered versions) is an odd one, and I'll leave it alone until I see what you do with it Sumghai. As of right now, I'm using it to stow the SST from the KSO pack as it fits perfectly.

Woah, I didn't know you could do that, I've just been modding the Warehouse to be an extra-large KAS container. this could be interesting.

FusTek Resupply Module should be put to use exactly as you mentioned. Tac-LS lets you adjust how much of what you are adding to the modules already, so I'd just say cap it at the maximum values the Resupply module could potentially hold.

Problem with that is it really should be adaptable. When you use the tweakables to lower how much of something is in there, it doesn't let you add something else. Best case scenario would be for there to be some where you could fill it completely with LS resources, with no room for anything else, or empty it and fill it with liquid fuel and no room for anything else, or KAS storage, or some mix of these things. And that just doesnt' work with stock tweakables.

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For the FusTek Resupply Module use Modular Fuel Tanks.

This should work.

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 1710.6
type = cargo

name = cargo
basemass = 0.0003125 * volume
name = MonoPropellant
mass = 0.0005
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%
name = ElectricCharge
mass = 0.002375
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%
name = Oxidizer
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%

name = Food
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%

name = Water
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%

name = Oxygen
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%

name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%

name = Waste
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%

name = WasteWater
amount = 0.0
maxAmount = 0%

Should work with Real Fuels as well.

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Agreed, these pieces won't ever be used as a long term space station without other modules, they may operate for a bit while being docked together but be unmanned, I think they're fine with just what the plugin automatically applies.

Sorry, that is what I was trying to get at. The stock definitions would be fine for the high traffic and non habital parts previously mentioned. We're in agreement here.

The habitat module i frequently use for things other than space stations, Like a habitat for interplanetary ships, so it should have some resources, 30 days seems fine. If I'm worried about waste recycling that could be included in another part of the interplanetary ship.

I also agree with this. The Habitat Module shouldn't really be the only part on a station design if you are using a LS mod.

Woah, I didn't know you could do that, I've just been modding the Warehouse to be an extra-large KAS container. this could be interesting.

Oh yeah. That Warehouse has been used as a garage for the Salvage tug from LLL's parts pack, used to mount KAS containers, Probe storage, you name it, and I've probably abused the empty space in that fashion. I hope we never lose the free empty space..

Problem with that is it really should be adaptable. When you use the tweakables to lower how much of something is in there, it doesn't let you add something else. Best case scenario would be for there to be some where you could fill it completely with LS resources, with no room for anything else, or empty it and fill it with liquid fuel and no room for anything else, or KAS storage, or some mix of these things. And that just doesnt' work with stock tweakables.

And this is my only point of contention. I feel like that the resupply modules have a basic frame inside of them that would be hard for the engineers to out right modify. As in, there is space for predesignated, hard mounted tanks for oxygen, monoprop, water, and lockers for gear and food. These wouldn't be easily modified, and it helps to serve a balance to the part in keeping it from being of Tardis proportions in terms of interior space.


This is the interior of the Cygnus Resupply module in use by NASA today. As you can see there is some rack space, but it is mostly the type of lockers and stowage we see elsewhere on the ISS. Mounting extra tanks and other large and heavy items to the hull would probably weaken it's structural integrety some. The only reason I bring this up, is because of Sumghai's interpretation on how the mod is to be designed; more or less a semi-realistic interpretation of the the ISS modules in use.

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And this is my only point of contention. I feel like that the resupply modules have a basic frame inside of them that would be hard for the engineers to out right modify. As in, there is space for predesignated, hard mounted tanks for oxygen, monoprop, water, and lockers for gear and food. These wouldn't be easily modified, and it helps to serve a balance to the part in keeping it from being of Tardis proportions in terms of interior space.

See, totally get where you come from, have to just be one of those agree to disagree things, because I think I totally see the VAB differently than everyone else. I feel like everyone sees the VAB as an actual building bolting on lego parts, where as I see it as drawing up the blueprints for something to be manufactured. Like I've seen sumghai make reference (long ago) to realism issues with putting a docking port where you'd have to cut through a bulkhead, where in my headspace there never was a bulkhead there, nothing was cut the whole part was designed with that port there. Just a difference in thought process.

So I totally get here you're going on the can't swap out the interior of a Cygnus with a fuel tank, but you could certainly design a separate Cygnus that was always a fuel tank from the beginning of the design process.

For the FusTek Resupply Module use Modular Fuel Tanks.

This should work.

<snip code>

Should work with Real Fuels as well.

Thank you, for some reason I've never looked at Modular Fuels, I had it confused with Real Fuels and didn't want to deal with all that.

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Okay! I have some MM .cfg files finished. I've modified the Karmony Habitation Module (flat and tapered versions), the Karmony Logistics Module (flat and tapered versions), the Karmony Utilities Module (flat and tapered versions), and Resupply Module. I based the Habitat, Logistics, and Resupply Module on annual resupply rotations (which should be OK for LKO and it's moons), and added the necessary MODULES for the CO2 and Wastewater converters to the Utilities Modules. Obviously, if you are using these outside of Kerbin's SOI, you can change the values.

Last Edit: Anyone wanting to make this a collaboritive effort, I can make this a shared folder so we can edit it freely. Just PM me an email address to reach you at. Any edits should have "//forum handle; time and date of edit" so we can track revisions.

Dropbox link

name = Food
amount = 1080
maxAmount = 1080
name = Water
amount = 1080
maxAmount = 1080
name = Oxygen
amount = 1080
maxAmount = 1080
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1080
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1080
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1080


name = Food
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Water
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Oxygen
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40


name = Food
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Water
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Oxygen
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360


name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Carbon Extractor
outputResources = Oxygen, 0.9, false, Waste, 2.218, true

name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Water Purifier
outputResources = Water, 0.9, false, Waste, 6.382, true


Edited by sharpspoonful
grammar/typo editing/added additional offer.
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in my MM file, I made the Logistics module hold 1920 of each Life support resource, but starts with just 30, where I can use tweakables to change the amounts as I want. Food is the only non-recycle-able resource in TAC and it may require larger quantities than water or oxygen. 1920 is the capacity of one 2.5m food/water/oxygen storage tank, and all three in a stack is roughly the same size as the resupply module so volume is not an issue and the max capacity could even been increased while keeping the starting value the same to allow the user to adjust as needed.

Now apart from the non-standard form factor of the resupply module, it is better than the Logistics module. In order to add some value to the logistics module, it could not only have a very large capacity of supplies, but perhaps some ancillary function like bunks for two kerbals, and maybe the function of a materials bay, and some KAS parts. It might also be a moduel to store batteries, mono, and propellant to top up visiting space craft (like a Tug) or for the station's engines for station keeping.

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See, totally get where you come from, have to just be one of those agree to disagree things, because I think I totally see the VAB differently than everyone else. I feel like everyone sees the VAB as an actual building bolting on lego parts, where as I see it as drawing up the blueprints for something to be manufactured. Like I've seen sumghai make reference (long ago) to realism issues with putting a docking port where you'd have to cut through a bulkhead, where in my headspace there never was a bulkhead there, nothing was cut the whole part was designed with that port there. Just a difference in thought process.

So I totally get here you're going on the can't swap out the interior of a Cygnus with a fuel tank, but you could certainly design a separate Cygnus that was always a fuel tank from the beginning of the design process.

Thank you, for some reason I've never looked at Modular Fuels, I had it confused with Real Fuels and didn't want to deal with all that.

That's pretty much how I always viewed the VAB myself. And yeah, Modular Fuels is your basic 'configure your fuel tank/resource container' however you want. Real Fuels originally was nothing more than a set of config files for Modular Fuels that replaced the generic 'liquid fuel/oxidizer' with real world fuels with realistic densities. Config files only. If you just go with Modular Fuels you stay stock but can do whatever you want to your tanks.

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Thanks for the replies and pointers, everyone.

- Most of sharpspoonful's configs and suggestions look pretty good. The one thing I would prefer is that the Kupola, Kuest (Standard/Legacy) Airlocks, Kirs Docking and Karmony Science Module hold only water and air, not food.

- The Warehouse wasn't originally intended to be a generic cargo bay, but since people are already using it as such, I think I could concede by making an "B" version with the empty bay, as well as my original "A" version with the FLEXrack carousel.

- I think that the Resupply Module could be envisioned as a ISS USOS-styled Progress vehicle, where the module itself would be partitioned into two compartments; the front half will be pressurized, and will carry life support consumables, as well as empty waste tanks (i.e. dump the waste in the Resupply Module, then undock, deobrit and burn the whole thing up); the rear half of the module will be unpressurized and will hold whatever combo of fuel/oxidiser/monoprop is desired. As this is an internal change, I won't need to rework the current model as-is.

- ModularFuelTanks looks very promising, I should check it out myself someone.

- I'm tempted to put basic air recyclers in all crew-capable modules, and the Utilities will have advanced recyclers capable of processing larger quantities.

- In response to Read have Read, the Logistic modules will not have bunks, as it has no windows (besides, my CLS config set it to be traversable but not occupiable). It will also not have Materials Bay functionality (since I want to make this as science module payload rack) or KAS (again, another payload rack). Aside from holding ample food, air and water, I agree that it can have a greater battery and monopropellant capacity.

I might have a crack at writing some configs too.

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And here's cfg that adds all FusTek (except docking ports, i forgot them) parts to the TechTree.

FusTek X0.04-n DEV BUILDs already support career mode, and all parts have been put into composites - therefore, that snippet is redundant.

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  • 3 weeks later...
What about a config for the SDHI service module?

Yeah, I'd appreciate someone putting one together as well - I'm looking at between 7 and 21 days' worth of provisions (the latter figure being that given for the Orion MPCV).

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Hey guys, sorry for not investigating this further.

I've just added MFT and TAC Life Support to my KSP install, so that I can start experimenting with the configs and patches you guys have suggested. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Just so you guys know, I don't usually play with life support, and I currently have a main savegame with active missions running, so at the moment, I've stripped out the life support plugin functionality as I want to just focus on getting the resource container configurations right for FusTek in my add-on development save. In the future, I'll recall all my Kerbals, trash any crew-capable craft left in orbit and start playing properly with life support.

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I've got a MFT tank definition whipped up for TACLS here: http://cl.ly/code/3Z382j2q0r1Y Feel free to use and/or modify.

It also stores gasses in a pressurized state, so you can cram appropriate amounts of them in a given volume. Note this also includes Hydrogen from the Universal Storage mod, but it won't really matter if you don't have a Hydrogen resource.

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... or create another KSP folder for experimenting. I now have dozens! (You can do it with the Steam install, just copy the folder out of Steam.)

I don't use Steam, I'm afraid.

I do keep a copy of the stock game in the original .ZIP download, which I can extract a copy of if I have to debug add-on compatibility issues.

I've got a MFT tank definition whipped up for TACLS here: http://cl.ly/code/3Z382j2q0r1Y Feel free to use and/or modify.

It also stores gasses in a pressurized state, so you can cram appropriate amounts of them in a given volume. Note this also includes Hydrogen from the Universal Storage mod, but it won't really matter if you don't have a Hydrogen resource.

Pressurized storage for gases sounds cool - I'll definitely keep that in mind.

Hey Sumghai, Mr Wizard had help me with my Module Manager configuration and got it to work. I'll be posting up the revised mm later on this morning.

Sounds good! I'll try them out when you've got them up :)

Edited by sumghai
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Alright, here's the MM configs, with the added revisions for the non-habitable parts as well. I added some food to the airlocks, as I figured it would be easier for Jeb to just zip-tie the sandwich bags to his suit from the airlocks rather than having to carry them all the way from the galley.

name = Food
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Water
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Oxygen
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40


name = Food
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Water
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Oxygen
amount = 40
maxAmount = 40
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 40


name = Food
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Water
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Oxygen
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360


name = Food
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Water
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Oxygen
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 360


name = Food
amount = 1080
maxAmount = 1080
name = Water
amount = 1080
maxAmount = 1080
name = Oxygen
amount = 1080
maxAmount = 1080
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1080
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1080
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1080

name = Food
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Water
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Oxygen
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 20
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 20
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 20


name = Food
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Water
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Oxygen
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 20
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 20
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 20


name = Food
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Water
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Oxygen
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10


name = Food
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Water
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Oxygen
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10


name = Food
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Water
amount = 10
maxAmount = 0
name = Oxygen
amount = 10
maxAmount = 0
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10


name = Food
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = Water
amount = 10
maxAmount = 0
name = Oxygen
amount = 10
maxAmount = 0
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10


name = Food
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Water
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Oxygen
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1


name = Food
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Water
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Oxygen
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1


name = Food
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Water
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Oxygen
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
name = Waste
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1
name = WasteWater
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1


name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Carbon Extractor
outputResources = Oxygen, 0.9, false, Waste, 2.218, true

name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Water Purifier
outputResources = Water, 0.9, false, Waste, 6.382, true


name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Carbon Extractor
outputResources = Oxygen, 0.9, false, Waste, 2.218, true

name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Water Purifier
outputResources = Water, 0.9, false, Waste, 6.382, true



EDIT: Darn it all, I just noticed ingame that I hadn't added the Karmony Mk III Nodes. One sec.

EDIT DUOS: MM fixed, along with the example code above.

EDIT TROIS: Fixed the Karmony Mk III Compact Nodes stowage capacity.

Edited by sharpspoonful
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