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  BrutalRIP said:
im having problems running this ive got all the files in there own folder on root of c drive when i try running the jar file i get a java exeption when i run the command line i get another error


im on windows 8.1 64x latest java installed

Let's talk via PM.

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Llorx, do you happen to connect to #KSPOfficial on Espernet server (IRC)? Would be a lot easier to discuss about bugs or general functionning of the mod manager!

For instance, I have trouble figuring out how to install ALCOR lander mod with the mod manager. There are several files to download, and the archives do not contain a standard tree of directories, one even contains two GameData folders to paste in the KSP folder. Will LMM (well we have to find it a name :)) automatically find where the GameData folder is in the archive and deal with inconsistencies in the tree depending on archives?

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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  Korb Biakustra said:
Llorx, do you happen to connect to #KSPOfficial on Espernet server (IRC)? Would be a lot easier to discuss about bugs or general functionning of the mod manager!

For instance, I have trouble figuring out how to install ALCOR lander mod with the mod manager. There are several files to download, and the archives do not contain a standard tree of directories, one even contains two GameData folders to paste in the KSP folder. Will LMM (well we have to find it a name :)) automatically find where the GameData folder is in the archive and deal with inconsistencies in the tree depending on archives?

No, I don't chat via IRC, not even have an IRC client xD

If you look al the future features, one of them is to have the chance to download multiple files. Right now only will download one file of the forum post so if you want to download multiple files the best you can do is do it manually, just by marking the "only keep track of versions" when you are going to install the mod, so you will be noticed when there's an update, and with the second mouse click open the mod link to download what you want manually, just as you suggested xD

If you are going to download one file, LMM (lol) will detect GameDatas and will ask you what GameDatas to install, so you can install them in the order that you like. Also will detect readme files for you to read and install them in order. Above each GameData will appear the name of the parent folder, so you will know what means each GameData before installing. Also you can check and uncheck each folder/file under each GameData.

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  Llorx said:
No, I don't chat via IRC, not even have an IRC client xD
That's a shame!
If you look al the future features, one of them is to have the chance to download multiple files. Right now only will download one file of the forum post so if you want to download multiple files the best you can do is do it manually, just by marking the "only keep track of versions" when you are going to install the mod, so you will be noticed when there's an update, and with the second mouse click open the mod link to download what you want manually, just as you suggested xD
Sure, that's what I did, but I was wondering whether an automatic procedure was available already in this early version of LMM! I'll wait! :)
If you are going to download one file, LMM (lol) will detect GameDatas and will ask you what GameDatas to install, so you can install them in the order that you like. Also will detect readme files for you to read and install them in order. Above each GameData will appear the name of the parent folder, so you will know what means each GameData before installing. Also you can check and uncheck each folder/file under each GameData.

Have you noticed that when you add a mod, with a KSP Forum URL for instance, and do not select any of the links found in the forum post (as if you just want to cancel the installation you just initiated), LMM (or let's call it whatever you want!) will return an error and the mod will be removed from the list? You then have to re-add it manually.

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  Llorx said:
Sorry but that's impossible. Impossible to detect them and also impossible altough you tell it what mods you have currently installed. A mod is a zipped file with barely (or any) information of what mod is and, of course, any info file of what files the mod has. Normally the mods are under a folder, but some times mods merge with other mods or have multiple folders, so the only way for the Mod manager of knowing what mod do you have installed and knowing what files were installed is to actually install them via the Mod Manager, so this way the Mod Manager will keep track of each copied file and each overwritten file. If you install mod manually by extracting the files with Winrar, the Mod Manager won't notice it.

The idea is not bad, but currently unfeasible. Thank you and sorry.

Thanks for at least explaining why. Oh well, I might still check this out.

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  Korb Biakustra said:
Have you noticed that when you add a mod, with a KSP Forum URL for instance, and do not select any of the links found in the forum post (as if you just want to cancel the installation you just initiated), LMM (or let's call it whatever you want!) will return an error and the mod will be removed from the list? You then have to re-add it manually.

Don't get it. As far as I understand, if you cancel the installation of a mod that means that you don't want it, so is fine that is removed, isn't it? xD Tell me a reason of why you don't select any link and I will try to think a feature for that.

  Taki117 said:
Thanks for at least explaining why. Oh well, I might still check this out.

No problem :-)

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I am going to move to the new thread, but as the quote is in there, let's answer this here first:

  Llorx said:
Don't get it. As far as I understand, if you cancel the installation of a mod that means that you don't want it, so is fine that is removed, isn't it? xD Tell me a reason of why you don't select any link and I will try to think a feature for that.

There are plenty of reasons why you would want to abort an installation or an update:

- Mediafire captcha prevents downloading (the html page disappear as soon as you click in the captcha field, you cannot type it);

- You realize there are billions of download links and want to check later which one is the one you want, or in which order you should install;

- You wanted to download a mod because you thought it was updated since your last installation, but in fact it isn't;

- Your child is trying to eat your cat, or the other way around, and you have to save the victim;

- The mod cannot be properly updated by LMM yet, but it will at some point so you put it in the list just to make sure your LMM list is exhaustive (Texture replacer, Renaissance Compilation, and so on);

- No link was found so the mod is removed due to the error, still you do want this mod; a prompt offering to remove the mod from the list should be displayed instead of removing it without any notice other than the "Error finding download link";

- You tried to update a mod in wrong order (i.e., you should update it after some other mods), and you realize that when you see the forum thread, but there if you cancel, the mod will be removed from the list;

- You child is trying to eat the power cable of your computer, and you have to save your computer first;

- An asteroid just landed in your garden and, being distracted, you missclicked on "Back", not knowing it would mean "Remove mod from the list";

- I'm sure I can find other reasons, some of them better that those I mentioned actually! :)

All in all, it is better to have all mods in the list even if the mod manager fails updating some (just display "[Error] 3rd May 2014" in the "Installed version" column), rather than mods removed without warning the user. "Cancel" action should not be taken as "Permanently remove", I think.

A few new suggestions:

By the way, an"Edit URL" would be highly useful together with the "Rename" option already available. An URL can change when a thread moves to WIP to Release, or if you selected the "Always download from this link" option when prompted, but then want to revert back to the main thread URL.

Additionally, would it be possible to format dates the same way for all types of URL? The format differs depending on whether the URL is the forum, Github, Dropbox or anything like that.

Last but not least: sorting mods alphabetically OR by last update by clicking on column names would be very convenient, especially as some mods will have to be updated manually, so it's easier to just put the last updates on top and see if everything can be automatic or not.

Last but not least (bis): how about adding a column (or a color legend on rows) to specify whether automatic update is possible (only one download file in the URL, or one selected as "default" one in a previous update) or if manual check will be necessary (several download links, or any other reason preventing auto-update).

These are just suggestions, take what you think would be useful! I've just added all my mods in the mod manager, and I can say it is already wonderful. :)

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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