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Does renaming part "title" count as new part, or just rename it?

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I am in a collaborative project using NFP and Kethane and I want to sort parts out better in the VAB/SPH. I would usually just rename the part to sort them although this creates a whole separate from download part which is fine for me, but won't work for anyone else in the project.

In the part config file, if I rename the "title", does that just rename the part in the VAB/SPH thus reorganizing it, or does it count as a completely separate part?



Please help!

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That section is just a descriptor piece in the VAB/SPH, the popup window when you hover over the part with the mouse. So you should be able to change it without causing to be a "modded" part for others (if that's what you're asking).

They won't see the changes, but it shouldn't lock or mess up the craft for them either.

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The one you don't want to change is the "name=" line. The name is what ksp uses to identify the part.

Yes thanks. BTW I just solved a problem with the NFP pack if anyone has interest. Here's the post. The Xenon engines and some Xenon fuel tanks don't show in career and I solved it.

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