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Has anyone else found that some Near Future Propulsion engines aren't in career?


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Just like the title says, the 3 Xenon gas engines (hipepmini, hipeplarge, and nextsmall) aren't included in the tech tree and thus aren't available in career

Here's the part list in NFP showing the engines are clearly in the download (this was taken directly after downloading)


Although the engines don't show in the career mode I unlocked all science in (I'm doing a collab and wanted all parts unlocked).

The reason the parts aren't showing is because the config requires a node that isn't included in the tech tree.

The parts require the "largeProbes" tech node although there isn't one.

(It says it at the bottom of the picture)


ALTHOUGH I found a work around:

Add this to the ionPropulsion tech node...


and change the part config to require ionPropulsion instead of largeProbes


I already fixed the problem, but this was the stock download that doesn't show meaning there is a big problem with the mod.


Edited by Avera9eJoe
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