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Some ideas for additional science parts

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  maltesh said:
With the exception of the science lab, any item that can carry science reports can contain any number of non-duplicate reports. Earilier in my current career save, I brought back 63 reports in a single 1-man landercan from Minmus.

The Science Lab is the exception: There is no duplicate report restriction on the science lab.

I'm fairly certain there's a limit on surface samples though... well, if there isn't I think there should be! And a part that can add room!

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I think i've interesting idea about solution of the "science over time generating" structures. There could be some storage capacity (something like "memory capacity"), which would determines a maximum amount of science points, which could be generated and stored by that structure over time. The main part is, that you'll have to visit that structure to collect those points. So there will be reason to periodically visit your structures/stations and it will be secured from "warp-farming".

Next suggestion is some kind of science resource, which would be consumed over time in exchange for generation of science points, so there will be also a reason to periodically visit that structure and supply it with that resource (maybe something like "sample-containing storage capacity").

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  • 1 month later...
  Meridius said:
Make the space telescope required for finding planets and moons beyond, say, Jool and an asteroid belt or two. Apply science base on time and finds. Initial thread suggestions are good and, I too, can't think of why any shouldn't be implemented.

Oh now that's an interesting idea: I like the idea of having to discover the smaller/farther away bodies and or mapping surface topography somehow, naming features without the use of flags could be interesting in that respect, or just having your scientists name things to provide a navigation aid (I know I've gotten lost on planets a lot)

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  Overjay said:
All of your ideas are already implemented in DMgagic Orbital Science, Interstellar and Tarsier Space Technology. And Hullcam or RPM, if you need some cameras. And BeastlyScience for soil scoops

Yeah you have to remember this is stock suggestions; too many people answer suggestions with 'Well this mod does/has it', but we want these stock. Now preferably. I think a science over time lab will really encourage people to build more stations, and it's not that hard to balance one; I refer to my ideas earlier in this thread and another one on a similar subject:

  Random Tank said:
Adding life support would make this more sensible too; in that way, you are exchanging food, oxygen, water and the fuel to get it into orbit (which would all cost money) for science; also +1 for crew rotation!

To add some figures: I'd have it so the 'Research Lab' requires 1 Kerbal as crew (maximum 3), and constant power; when it has these, it will happily produce 0.2 Science per day. But if you add another Kerbal to the Lab, it will then produce 0.5 Science per day; and a third Kerbal will result in 1.2 science per day. You could then add the normal Science Lab to it, which will double the Science per Day, in exchange for 2 more crew and even more power.

You could even transmit it to surface (but it would require a minimum of a high level Antennae, because a small one can't send the large packet size), but this would require even more power!

And for further balance: The Research Lab requires constant power to work; if it ever runs out of power, it will shut down. A shut down lab will restart when power is availible, but will require several hours to 'warm up'. This makes it so anyone wanting the lab to produce science constantly has to set up a power network that can keep it running even through the night cycle; if not it will miss most of the day cycle too due to warming up, making its 'life support vs. science' efficiency very low.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Telescope may also be used to discover asteroids further away from kerbin.

Or around the body they are actually orbiting.

I love the scenario where I put a new telescope in orbit around eve (for example) and it allows me to see a new set of asteroids that have an encounter with eve SOI.

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  • 3 months later...

Agree with OP. Actually SQUAD don't need to invent anything - just copy most frequently used IRL space science instruments. May be they need to get an advice from real astrophysicist for better understanding too.

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