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Haphazard - BTSM Career Mode


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I will be posting my haphazard progression playing Better Than Starting Manned (BTSM) : Career Mode Redefined. Starting at BTSM v1.541, KSP v0.23.5.

(Updated to v1.55 29 April)

You can find BTSM here.

This play through is done by trial and error on top of long term vanilla KSP play. The fun of just making mission success due to hiccups is the best!

*Honor Roll* (KIA)

Jeb, Bill, James I, Orlas, Thompsen, Bob

To get things started, I hammered out the beginning nodes with the craft below.


I apologize for the image quality, I knocked out the start during travel lull on a potato.

Next I snatched my space goo, just kissing low orbit, using my excess fuel to slow decent to parachute deployment altitude.


I will move on to my manned orbital flights in a bit. I was up to the final tech nodes in my previous run and am looking forward to reaching the late game builds again.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggesting to better capture my progression. (As the missions become more complex I will give greater detail on my thoughts and actions)


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Time to get some Kerbals into space! Man I is shot up and back a few times to get crew reports and any grav reports I missed.



Then Squid I does a quick Mun flyby.


There are a few Kerbin biomes such as the badlands I will skip till I am really close on science for a node. I will conduct Mun flybys until I can unlock the seismic for the first probe landing. I was unsure if the starting communications would reach Kerbin so I upgraded just incase. I am noticing a bit of overage in batteries but have not run into problems reaching targets yet.

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Loki I

On target to land on the Mun. The trip is smooth and the landing while intact ended on a slope.


I am able to unlock the three Kerbal capsule and plan more Mun flybys.


Odin I

Disaster... I should have tested what was a valid transfer. James nobly made several Mun reports but lost his life on return. After the three immortals (Jeb, Bob, Bill; but not in BTSM) I try to keep pilots alive... I will atone for this one by keeping Bob alive as long as I can, the last of the first three.


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Loki II

Once in a while a mission goes off perfectly, maybe to payback for the Odin disaster, this would be Loki II an orbital/seismic Minmus mission. The design had ample fuel and energy even biome hopping after initial landing.


With this science I am able to unlock the orange tanks, first large engines and the mid-sized heat shields. Time to head back to the Mun for orbital goo and missing biomes.


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Loki III

I am thrilled by the performance of this design! So well that I am able to start making calculations for my manned missions. There is still the lander can and the 909 I need to unlock so next up will be surface sample returns from both moons.



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Mule I & II

Six science short of large decouplers I am unable to make a Mun sample return. Even with reduced batteries the craft are too heavy. Mule I followed by II hunt around the Mun and Kerbin to cleanup anything I can get. I am glad to close the door on this model.


Unison I

Mun dry runs begin! Bob and Orlas setout with a goo return probe. The goal is to return after Mun orbit with spare energy and life support. The goo is bonus if I can pull it off all the better.


This was a great mission, several orbital reports were done and the goo was reclaimed with plenty of extra fuel. Very glad the pilots were returned. I might consider having the orbiter probe controlled for a greater buffer. I was also worried about the reentry heat to the goo but the angle, altitude and defile from the capsule was enough.



Now to unlock the lander-can and match the probe lander's weight.

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Unison II

The dry run pays off as Orlas, Bob and James II (!?! No idea) make a Mun landing. I did not yet have radial mono propellant so I had to get creative with the lander and it worked out well. The only hiccup was poor staging that led me to burn 1/4 the lander fuel during my Mun burn.... I ended up compensating by going suborbital before separation then having the command module regain orbit.



Time to unlock the small lander-can and the mainsails. Another Mun mission or two and Minmus are next up.


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Unison III

If morale is ever added I am in big trouble.... Orlas realized too late that his Minmus flyby would not make it back so he gave his life for the program. I was really pressing my luck, I should have just worked the Mun till I had the solar panel unlock.


Arrow I & II

With the panels I am able to get a temp reading from interplanetary space and conduct surface imaging of Kerbin and the Mun. The panels are so fragile the G force often catches me off guard and crushes them not to mention inopportune eclipses!


Unison IV

Bob and Thompson visit the Mun again. The landing spot is poorly selected and only one sample is obtained.


I have unlocked the long range antenna to preparer for interplanetary flybys. In Kerbin SOI there is the Minmus imaging to complete and surface samples.

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Arrow III

To Minmus! Another strong performance by this series of rocket, surface imaging and goo is collected/returned.


I unlock the second to largest heat shields and setout for interplanetary space.

Inquisitor I & II

From this point on I will orbit most launches before departure to get the proper intercepts.

Both of these launches are identical with the exception of the heat shield and one heading for Moho one for Eve. The Moho flyby was underwhelming maybe 150 science total. Eve was difficult but a power house between the imaging, various atmosphere levels and seismic over 2000.



Now a tough pick for further nodes. I am leaning towards the next level capsule for Minmus that should get me to the science jr.

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Tribute I & II

Bob takes out the latest capsule for a performance run to Minmus and then the Mun. Biometic readings were taken yielding the majory of science these flights. The Minmus flight had energy issues that required the alternators be run preventing a landing. The Mun flight had so much fuel poorly placed that it was unwieldy and returned to Kerbin before there was an incident.



I made the tough pick to get the upgraded solar panels and will head to Duna next. It will be a bit before the next mission update.


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Inquisitor III

Mission control is back online and off the potato computer! Inquisitor III is off for Duna, if possible Ike.


Intercept and transfer go really well! Plenty of extra fuel and Ike capture is made to get surface imaging. Playing the haphazard, try and error way is the most rewarding in the avoidable situations you have to overcome... I forgot SAS (the probe is one tech short) and I may have over done the solar panels. The Ike landing is going to be touch and go without SAS to stabilize.



Success, really racking up some numbers science wise I was not yet banking on. On the way for Duna we circularize and get another image scan then start decent. The low atmosphere is always hairy, not enough for an easy parachute but in concert with engines useful. My initial plan was to parachute in just the top of the lander after speed was reduced but I was able to save the entire vehicle.


Very profitable! I unlock the science jr and set sights towards the Mun/Minmus. I will be back this way hopefully on some manned missions.


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Domain I

Bob volunteered to carry on his luck streak and heads back to the Mun. Afterwards he will go to Minmus and there will be a shortage of about 500 science for further unlocks. Without life support pods an unmanned landing on Moho might have to be done. I can also tap Gilly, Kerbol or at an extreme Dres. I am going to avoid one way suicide missions unless all options have been exhausted and we are not even close.


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Domain II

Thompsen takes over for a Minmus run and has a great time. This is an awsome craft for Kerbin SOI actions. The return was a little messy due to late separation but plenty of science was gained to unlock life support pods.






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Inquisitor IV

This was an outright failure to land a probe on Moho. The Inquisitor series is too underpowered.

Lucid I

Bob heads out on his last mission, he made it back but it was close! The Lucid I was assembled in orbit from two launches, the drive portion and the lander/capsule. Had the lander been equipped with parachutes Bob might have attempted a Duna landing but instead had to settle for Ike. Also the biometric kit was overlooked.... Somehow the window for Kerbin return closed and the life support and fuel that was considered extra became crucial. Bob made it home to a Hero's welcome and will retire for now. The Nuk-Nuk was unlocked to set sights on Jool.





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Conquest I & II

A new design testing out the generator with additional fuel aimed at Dres and Moho. Conquest I nearly makes it to Dres but dies due to lack of power. The probe type is just a little too hungry and I will need to unlock the next level before going to Dres or Jool. Conquest II makes it nicely to Moho and circularizes for imaging then makes for landing. Wow, that landing was close! Well worth the effort I can afford the next level probes and lightweight batteries.




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Lucid II

Thompsen is lost.

A cursed mission from the beginning, Thompsen must EVA to repack ill staged chutes. There is too little fuel to capture on Gilly in Eve SOI. Lastly fuel runs out miles short of a proper Kerbin return. Using mono propellant Thompsen is able to attempt deceleration in Kerbin's atmosphere but the onboard solar panels are insufficient to power the life support. Accepting his fate Thompsen deploys the chutes and signs off.

The craft survives reentry however the chutes are burned off in an uncontrolled spin. At the very least Thompsen was able to send back some science and will lie in rest in Kerbin's ocean.




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Conquest III

In much need of a pickup after Lucid II, Conquest III succeeds with Dres thanks to the lighter batteries and more efficient probe. The next tech selected should have been the claw but it is time to give fuel lines a chance. Much greater caution and preparation will be placed into a manned Duna/Gilly mission with multiple vessels.



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Conquest IV

Upgrading the conquest series with fuel lines the probe is off to Jool. A Tylo intercept shows up and at the very least a surface image can be taken. Once complete Conquest IV goes for broke and makes for landing. With fingers crossed Conquest IV touches down on Tylo's surface for a modest payout. With such great performance additional conquest series probes will be sent out to Jool. The inflatable heat shield is unlocked opening the door for a more efficient Duna mission.



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Red Sand I & II

After hearing about Thompsen, Bob fought his way back onto the program out of retirement. Bob could not be the only one left while the program was left to the rookies.

Red Sand I & II set out for Duna in a new mission profile. The lander and main cockpit will execute their surface mission while the second vessel orbits Duna for the return trip.


Bob is thrilled with the lander performance and swiftly collects surface science before rendezvousing with the main cockpit on the next pass. Meanwhile the second vehicle arrives and captures awaiting transfer.




Transfer complete Bob heads back out for Kerbin. Then it all goes wrong, no matter the maneuver calculation Kerbin can not be reached in time for the previously ample life support. Additionally there are power issues this far out from Kerbol just a few solar panels short. Bob smirks knowing he gave his all for the program having redeemed Thompsen and his fellow Kerbals. The flight path is locked in for Kerbin, probe activated and Bob EVAs one last time.


The probe is able to return to Kerbin and orbit awaiting pilots for the final return. The rookies are sent up and Munfal is selected to complete the mission.



A great payout but still well short of the tier 9 nodes. The rookies look towards Gilly nervously while the conquest series gears backup for Jool. Mission control is unsure if these pesky asteroids need to be tapped to advance the program and will place those plans aside for now.

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Sun Spot I

A plan is hatched to make use of the recently gained ion drives. Missions in previous programs have always been able to get close to Kerbol, it is being there long enough to image the surface that is the problem. Sun Spot I performs well to net around 800 science total, not bad. The small reaction wheel came in handy to reduce RCS weight. Meanwhile several conquest series rockets are being prepared.


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Conquest V, VI, VII & VIII

Rejocing over the return of Munfal and success of Sun Spot I mission control launched a gambit of conquest series rockets to Jool and Eeloo. The lower gravity of Vall and Pol made for excellent missions snapping up 1500+ science while the Laythe mission entered the system backwards.... This error in addition to Eeloo's lander being the Laythe style resulted it a major facepalm and is blamed on the apparent serious issue with nepetisum at KSP :huh:

With the Eeloo and Laythe surfaces still unexplored follow on corrected missions will be required.



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Leo I & II

Still 6000 science from colonization Munfal is selected to head up the Gilly mission. Much like Red Sand, Leo will launch in two vehicles this time with additional life support.

Again the vessels arrive at separate times and odd captures. Munfal is able to make Gilly comfortably but the landing proves so iffy that RCS must be burned to maintain position. The rendezvous with the departure vehicle gets Munfal nervous, please let him get home! The extra life support pays off as RCS is burned to get final Kerbin capture. We are now 4000 science away from colonization! Back to Laythe, Eeloo and Bop. Fingers crossed a goo return or worse Dres/Moho manned mission not be required.





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Conquest IX, X & XI

The last leg of the conquest series, I will miss them, an excellent rocket. Fresh from the recent near misses mission control is able to quickly guide the probes to Laythe, Bop and Eeloo for the big payout! Then it was time to ponder and eventually pick colonization. I am still torn on that selection as you will see next.


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KHS (Kerbin Habitation Study) & MHS (Mun Habitation Study)

What starts as joy quickly turns to terror. Munfal sends two rookies in a land crawler off to a corner of the KSP compound for a long term study planet side while he prepares for the Mun. The conquest series launch vehicle does well to deliver the first module the life support unit.

Besides being heavy the deployment is complicated. It was initially though landing could be orientated horizontally but much more balancing was in need so the extra engines/tanks are ditched. The landings of the first two modules is ugly; basically falling into a roll till I can arrest rotation and deploy the gear. Even then the wheels take a beating. (Only later did I learn the ties are run flat? You are able to repair them on a probe manned vehicle but I elected to have Munfal fix them)

The docking on the surface is also a major issue, Munfal had to play bummer cars till there was a lucky hit. I guess the habitation module lacks proper hatches.... It quickly becomes apparent that I have made a misscalculation. The rate of life support consumption per Kerbal is 9 per hour while the production is on 9.7 per day! That is 23 heavy, cumbersome, power hungry modules per Kerbal!

No time, mission control races to send extra power and batteries that arrive at night.... A quick fix is included so that EVA is possible. A fourth launch brings additional life support to buy time.

Now deep thought over the proper use of these units. Without the air scoop they are worthless in orbit so maybe they were never intended to be used this way; it will be one hell of a train if I do. The habitation study for the Mun might just be better off receiving life support kegs in orbit to advance the program. I did neglect to couple the life support recycler that might reduce my need to 18 life support producers per Kerbal.

A new deployment format is definitely in order even in orbit that bundles multiple life support units in a tower mass. I am still satisfied that the lab will enable sample processing in remote locations.

Mission control will work to see the Mun and Kerbin habitation programs through before we head back to the drawing board.

All my Mun vehicle designs make me hear the name "LONE STAR!" in a muffled voice when I first see them.






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Mun Lab I & Unity I

Mission control assembles the think tank to ponder the life support dilemma. A new plan is formed to make use of a single unit long term. Given the proper setup and time the life support unit can fill all that is required to complete a study to include the little bit it adds during. Mun Lab I is designed with empty life support kegs and lands on the Mun. Over time it will be full and ready for the study. This system should be easy to replicate closer than Dres.

Meanwhile Seezer heads out on Unity I to rescue the MHS I team. The night landing cripples the probe rescue vehicle and MHS I goes mobile for the last time to link up. (Wow this is fun to drive, the additional segments really helps the handling even at 18 m/s!)

The rescue is a success thanks to the durable lander and the previous emergency missions. It is unfortunate the MHS I design is not feasible at this time.

Minmus will receive a lab while Duna and Eve are thought out regarding the atmosphere.




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