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Mission Improbable!


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They mocked me. Called me insane! Saying I was wasting my time! I SHOWED THEM!

The moment Jebediah placed his hand on my disheartened shoulder not saying a word. I knew... I knew I had to do it.

After I locked the fools in the utility closet, Jebediah and I went to work. We would get that MKI pod into Low Kerbin Orbit! After several days our dream was realized.



Sporting 384 Thor class booster rockets, we were determined to get that pod into LKO! Muahahaha!!

p><p>The smile upon Jebediah

"So... Um... How do I get back?"

I.... Oops...

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....you got to orbit?

With over half of the upper stage booster power to spare. I had to eject them and use the center rocket for course correction. This ship would have sent me out of the entire solar system (I know, I did a second test).

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(And explosions)

I had zero problems with this ship on its first flight (struts are your friend!). I'm still quite shocked.. I think the upper stage could use a couple of more struts though. It did wobble slightly towards the end of the flight (had me very worried).

I believe the key is to only decouple the primary decoupler (center) on each stage and place all of the radial decoupler's so that they're never activated.

Edited by Jas1126
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I had zero problems with this ship on its first flight (struts are your friend!). I'm still quite shocked.. I think the upper stage could use a couple of more struts though. It did wobble slightly towards the end of the flight (had me very worried).

I believe the key is to only decouple the primary decoupler (center) on each stage and place all of the radial decoupler's so that they're never activated.

No explosions? Awwwww.... :(

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But wait, that got to orbit with almost no fuel left? Damn! What gravity turn profile are you using?

Turn profile? My friend, with the lag I was experiencing I was lucky to get this thing to even budge. LOL I started the gravity turn at 6km and it finally decided to get to the proper position at around 13km.

No explosions? Awwwww.... :(

I know, right? I was expecting to have to edit this thing a half a dozen times to even get it off of the pad in one piece. I really appreciate Squad strengthening the structures.

Edited by Jas1126
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Not to insult the intelligence of the mod who placed this here but.. This was a joke. Not to be taken as a mission report. Nobody in their right mind would build something that ridiculous just to get a pod alone into LKO. XD

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