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SelfiePort discission


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Some guy called StargateMC has uploaded the same plane design so many times it takes up 3 pages... And it has no downloads....

I'm pretty sure all of those reposts arent on purpose, when you hit "upload" nothing happens, and some people just keep hitting it waiting for it to happen.

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I wish they'd punish people that do that with a 3 day ban at minimum. Kerbal Spaceport is literally the last place I'd go for ships. It's an absolute mess.

No, the solution is to have the upload button ACTUALLY TAKE YOU TO THE NEWLY UPLOADED PAGE!

EDIT: Yup. We got ninjas.

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I'm pretty sure all of those reposts arent on purpose, when you hit "upload" nothing happens, and some people just keep hitting it waiting for it to happen.

Ugh... yeah, if the interface doesn't give you enough feedback about success/failure, that's going to happen. Time for a UI overhaul! :)

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