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Duna Base in a tube

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Hello everyone, this is my first time posting something. This build is basically everything I need to set up a self sustaining outpost packed into a single ship. I've only taken it as far as Duna so far but I made it with a solid 2.5k dV to spare (before ejecting the engine and tanks anyway).



Internals Closeup:




Stage 1:


Stage 2 Asparagus Linked:620FBB6CF6B08DD3115AEE4953EFDF966CF90BF4


Stage 2 - no more asparagus!

Stage 3


Detached and landed at Duna



It has a habitation module, kethane drill, storage, converter, a solar power tower, 2 rescue pods, 2 kethane scanning probes, and 2 rovers with KAS attachments for unpacking everything.

A lot of the build ideas were inspired by this

although I abandoned the multi-rocket approach after a few multi-rocket missions were scuttled by unfortunate docking glitches. I'm using KAS, Novapunch, IR, Mechjeb, Kethane, HOME

All in all, I'm pretty happy with it - definitely room for improvement though. It's nowhere near as elogant as that video that inspired it. The rescue pods should have been tested more thoroughly - they don't have much range and I probably could cut the rcs fuel in half and still have more than I need. Its also a bit wasteful in that I don't have any way to preserving fuel/engine stage once I reach my destination. It'd be better to undock that in low orbit or deorbit it separately so that it can - at very least - be used as storage. I'd love some feedback though.

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Holy buckets! That's a heck of a project to pull off as nicely as you did. Cramming all that stuff in there and still having it all stage/decouple/deploy correctly takes a ton of work. On your last two pics, there are some rings with caution stripes that look like they have opened up to deploy the landing legs. What parts are those?

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Very cool! Reminds me of Constellation program's Mars mission plan (though with only one launch rather than seven). I wish I had the experience to build and land something like that.

On your last two pics, there are some rings with caution stripes that look like they have opened up to deploy the landing legs. What parts are those?

I want to say those are from Bobcat's old HOME modular base project. Could be wrong though.

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I have to ask...Did you put IR docking washer segments between each tube so they could deploy the parts like a revolving magazine? Either way, sick work! And yeah, those are the old HOME 3m sideways landing legs.

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I have to ask...Did you put IR docking washer segments between each tube so they could deploy the parts like a revolving magazine? Either way, sick work! And yeah, those are the old HOME 3m sideways landing legs.

No, I thought about it, but I was put off by the fact that none of my IR washers were the right diameter for the rest of the module. Its a really cool idea though. Yea you're right about the landing legs also.

Here is the craft file:


Edited by Mulberry
Added craft file
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One question i have. How did it land? I see no engines or parachutes.

I added inline parachuts to each module on all sides except one so that the chutes opening would naturally orient the craft correctly relative to the landing gear. I also added 4 sets of small SAS-2 vernier pods to each segment for emergency braking. I didn't end up needing them much for the landing but I think I have enough thrust to reach low orbit with the unpacked craft should I ever want to.


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Thanks for the detailed answer!

I think some inline chutes are really needed to become stock parts in future updates. I recently designed some reusable SRBs and i didnt wanted to use radial chutes, so they ended up with stubby chute noses... Some inline chutes would have really done a much better (visual) job. And when building my base lander for Duna inline chutes would have made design much easier.

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"A lot of the build ideas were inspired by this

although I abandoned the multi-rocket approach after a few multi-rocket missions were scuttled by unfortunate docking glitches. I'm using KAS, Novapunch, IR, Mechjeb, Kethane, HOME"

Stupid question, but I need to ask. The mods you are using, what is IR? And could you please tell me what HOME mod you are using.

I downloaded Bob-cat 0.232 and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v2.3? There seem to be many versions..

Thanks! I haven't been at this very long.

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Thank You, Frank_G!

I should now have everything except for the HOME. I'm not sure what is the correct one?

Ok, the craft file opens! Now to get this thing into orbit.

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