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I want to make mods

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But I don't know where to begin. I'm guessing that I need to learn C# but I have no experience at all. Can you guys suggest a good way to start teaching myself? I don't have either the time or finance to be able to attend a class for it, otherwise I would have done many years ago, however if anyone knows a good place to start learning the basics and where to go from there I would love to learn it!

I have no qualms with learning a whole bunch of new things before I can even begin to think of how to mod as I've been through the same battle teaching myself audio engineering, I just literally have no clue where to start. I have attempted to use CryEngine and Unreal for about 5 minutes each to test the waters, but with no understanding I got as far as putting textures on a square, so I'm guessing there is a LOT I will have to learn as yet

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Well, I found that a good place to start is to learn the basics of Blender3D. I've had the advantage of over 2 years of experience in this program. Other than that, you are right about the "a lot to learn" bit. You also need Unity. That's the backbone of any extra part or particle effect (which I still can't get the hang of!).




Then there are the config files. If you've had any experience with programming, they're a breeze; all you have to do is "learn the language". And even if you haven't, they're pretty straightforward if you take some time to look over them.

Perhaps we could collaborate: I am creating a mod, and am also still learning the ropes. Do you have any skill at image creation (for textures)?

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Well, I found that a good place to start is to learn the basics of Blender3D. I've had the advantage of over 2 years of experience in this program. Other than that, you are right about the "a lot to learn" bit. You also need Unity. That's the backbone of any extra part or particle effect (which I still can't get the hang of!).




Then there are the config files. If you've had any experience with programming, they're a breeze; all you have to do is "learn the language". And even if you haven't, they're pretty straightforward if you take some time to look over them.

Perhaps we could collaborate: I am creating a mod, and am also still learning the ropes. Do you have any skill at image creation (for textures)?

Unfortunately artwork is where I really fall short. Despite taking Art throughout school I've always struggled to create anything worthwhile, I figure it's just one of those things that I'm just not wired for. Otherwise I'd be happy to collaborate, but since I need to learn the ropes with all three (though I have dabbled with programming, I just need to learn the language properly) I would likely be of little to no use for at least a considerable amount of months. I'll be happy to help though once I know enough to contribute!

Out of curiosity which do you think would be the best to start with? learning the programming or getting to grips with Blender3D? I will likely have to improve on my image creation skills but will likely save that for the last since I know I will struggle a lot, and I could always palm it off on my gf if needs be :)

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Actually, it depends on the kind of mod you want. Do you want to add parts? New types of fuel? Change planets?

If you're leaning toward parts and modifications of existing ones, then Blender is the starting point. If you want to just modify the existing game, programming. I've programmed in Python for over 4 years, RobotC for a few months (during FTC season) and WindRiver (A C-like language for FRC) for a few months as well. Programming, once you learn one language, you can learn any other language fairly easily.

Here's a link for Python: LINKY

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I think I'll probably start with programming and modifying the game since that will give me a starting point with less to take on before I can see some results. I would like to make new parts too though, I haven't got any specific ideas in mind just yet but I wouldn't mind expanding upon rovers etc, since they often feel a bit overlooked. Perhaps attempting to add parts that allow us to do some science that's closer to real life (rock samples and such) if I were to get good enough at it. I guess for now it would probably be best to focus on one so I'm not taking on more than I can handle, but I will definitely keep an eye on Blender too when I start to get to grips with programming.

Cheers for the links!

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First up, have an idea. Seriously, find something that you want to see in the game. That will provide the drive you need to learn the tools that will get your idea into the game. Start with something small if you can; if not, start with the smallest piece of the idea. Part of the process of modding/coding/modeling is figuring out how to break your idea down into steps that you can work on one-by-one. I keep a TODO list of things I want to achieve and work on them in turn, and find it very helpful.

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Cheers guys, I guess I've always had a desire to be able to program anyway, quite a while before I took an interest in KSP too, so perhaps I shall stick with that and see if modelling is even something I would be interested in once I get to grips with stuff. I'm finding coding strangely satisfying though. Of course I'm only working with basic level stuff here, but it's oddly fun watching a string give the correct feedback of what primary colour combinations would make what secondaries. (I thought I'd start about as easy as I could lol)

I'm only working with basic True/False conditions and ifs/elifs/else or whatever the non Python equivalent names would be, but I'm surprised by how much I've picked up with only an hour or two to read up so far. I've always assumed that the complexity of it would be well beyond me, hence I've never tried before. Of course I have a long way to go before I can do anything to KSP and even a good way until I could write an app of any form, but it's a better start than I ever expected.

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