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cloudcity of jool

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Ok so I have a challange and I'm posting it in the right area this time so here it is put an habitat modual on a stick atached to a typ of infiniglider and have it cercomnavigate jool fot a year


No mods

Screen shots to show you did it lagit

It has to stay up on its own


100 for getting it there

500 if its done in one trip

50 for each extra modual of any kind

20 for each kerbal on bord

100 for each kerbal year its there

100 for each kerbal returned home when and if the city falls

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This is basically impossible, we can't have it circumnavigate for a year unless you make it completely stable without outside intervention and just leave it alone for 92 days. Assuming it can run at four times physical time acceleration. If you take into account time dialation for part count, it might even take longer, up to 100 real days and beyond.

Unless of course you meant kerbal-days, which are only 6 hours, so it would only take ~15 days of real-time. Which, by the way, is 360 hours straight of leaving your computer running KSP.

Edit: Yay, 500 posts.

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Can this actually be done? I know from experience an infiniglider can stay airborne for a very long time, even without control input. But a year, even a Kerbal year, is a very long time.

You can not leave your craft because as soon as you do physics stops and it will drop like a stone. Physics warp only goes up to 4x. That means you'll have to fly your craft for three months 24/7 non-stop!

Edit: Ninja'd

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