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Surpreme gamplay of mods

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So, heres what im trying to do. Im lookin for to make an install specifically for hardness. I want life support needs, habitation, attachment systems, and all that junk that Im gonna need for the fullest experiance of going out into the solar system and setting up colonies and mining facilities. But I need some hints on what to use. Im going to need an attachment system, some kind of crane device, a referral to a lesson on docking, and maybe even a docking mod. Idk, I want to keep it sort of simple, without overloading on mods, but I do want the requirements so I dont go, ohhhh, if only this game was set up to let me experiance mun livin. lol. any help is super appreciated

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Ferram Aerospace research, Deadly Reentry, lack Luster Labs, Kerbal Attachment System, (Possibly) Near Future Propulsion, Stretchyparts/procedural parts, Better than Starting Manned, (Which includes life support), Procedural Fairings, and Kethane, are mods that I use for a similar thing to what you're doing. Blizzy's docking tutorial and scott Manley's space station tutorial are good for learning to dock.

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My list that I preened down to is:

deadly reentry, TAC life support, Ferram Aerospace, Kerbal Attachment system, near-future (with the reactors and capacitors removed to limit footprint and complexity), Interstellar mod (can mine resources like water and such for use with the life support, plus WARP DRIVE, waste heat mechanics, and some neat-o reactors)

and then I run KW rocketry for more parts variety, and a mod that adds a bunch of small girders and such. I don't remember what it came from, but I've had it since 0.20, and it is in a folder called "mods by TAL". I think the original mod had a bunch of other stuff, but I just took the structural components

plus some more utility mods in the background, as well as the porkworks habitat pack.

It's really all up to you, though.

What I do to discover mods is to just skim the mod showcase/release board, and look for things you think are cool.

You will end up with a LOT of mods, but then you just need to spend a bit of time to preen through them, and reduce the pack to something manageable, while still having all of the features you want.

Don't forget, you can remove parts of a mod you don't like by simply deleting the parts from the gamedata folder (I generally leave plugins and such alone just in case they are needed for other parts I DO want)

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Kerbal Construction Time

In combination with TACLS, it really turns time itself into a "resource" that you have to manage. KCT also promotes using the SPH and VAB to construct different missions in parallel, so you aren't ignoring one building for too long. The default (they're adjustable to taste) build times aren't very harsh, but they still present enough of an obstacle to encourage out of the box thinking.

For habitation systems, I suggest TAC Life Support and Lack Luster Labs. TACLS adds realism, and LLL adds great base components with nice TACLS support. Use Kerbal Attachment System to assemble and link up your base modules.

For docking mods, get either Lazor Docking Cam or Docking Port Alignment Indicator.

For really advanced colony projects, use Kethane and Extraplanetary Launchpads (they work best together).

If your mod list grows large enough to crash your game (KSP has a ~3.5 gig limit on memory), use Active Texture Management to reduce your memory usage. It super compresses all your textures at a slight loss in quality, but allows you to have a massive mod list.

I use all of these mods (plus some), and they are all 0.23.5 compatible. Hope this helps. :)

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Ok, so we've got TAC, lack luster, lazor, KAS, fairings, KW, interplanetary (already love that one) and kethane. oh and the launch pads? I had trouble with those with not understanding the uses of the bins and such before. Stretchy parts im not familiar with and I think i might skip on the deadly reentry and far. im not sure deadly and far will work in a away id like. Im crappy enough at landings lol. i saw another post about a mod with habitation modules and things of the such, but i forget what it was called.

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I found that Extraplanetary Launchpads has a good number of optional and/or legacy parts in it that aren't really needed. You can basically trim it down to the construction workshop, the orbital dock, and a rocket parts holding thingy. With these 3 parts, you get the full ability to build and launch ships in orbit. You provide rocket parts by launching holding thingies filled with them from Kerbin to the station. Which "holding thingy" you want is up to you, there are multiple different variants.

If you also want the resource aspect to play into it, you'll need: the ore scanners, the drills, the smelters, and some ore and metal holding thingies. You then find and mine ore, run it through a smelter to make metal, then use the construction workshop to make metal into rocket parts.

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Little shameless self promotion there, eh?

Also, ngforever, fairings are useless without FAR, and procedural parts basically replaces all KW parts besides the rockets as you can make fuel tanks/srbs any size you want.

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Little shameless self promotion there, eh?

Also, ngforever, fairings are useless without FAR, and procedural parts basically replaces all KW parts besides the rockets as you can make fuel tanks/srbs any size you want.

Well if someone asks a question, I merely provide an answer. Whether or not they use it is up to them. :)

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Little shameless self promotion there, eh?

Nothing wrong with that! :)

a mod that adds a bunch of small girders and such. I don't remember what it came from, but I've had it since 0.20, and it is in a folder called "mods by TAL". I think the original mod had a bunch of other stuff, but I just took the structural components

Those are from my Spherical & Toroidal Tank pack (link in sig). I'm thinking that I'll end up splitting those off into their own download too.

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Module Manager is used to alter the configs of various parts (usually to add modded functionality to stock parts). If you look inside your gamedata folder, you should see a .dll such as ModuleManager.2.0.7.dll. Make sure you have only one of those, its packaged with many mods so you may have installed it multiple times by accident.

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  • 1 month later...
hard to believe no one knows how to get this to work. seriously, its amazing

A suggestion: You might want to ask for help in the release thread of the mod in question. At the very least, the creators themselves might be able to address your concerns if they're still active.

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