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I seem to have problem landing on the mun at a rate of 2 m/s or less

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I have recently been trying to land on the mun, and I put my orbit straight down, but every time i'm close to the moon I cannot even throttle just a bit up; I always just start going up and not down, so I continually crash into the mun, my G-force is very low and for some reason I cannot maintain a 2m/s or less when landing.

Can anyone help with this?


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I can so remember that from my newbie days.

First of all, you don't need to land at 2 m/s or less. Landing legs can take much more abuse, 6-7 m/s is perfectly fine and even if you come down faster you should be ok. Some of my not-so-great landings were at about 15 m/s and the lander still survived. The matter is to kill your horizontal velocity so your ship doesn't topple, and find a flat, non-inclined spot for the same reason. As soon as you touch the ground, press X to kill all your engines.

You may also have too little contol over your speed because you use too powerful engine. A screenshot of your lander might help with that.

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if you have KER or MJ installed make sure your munar T/W is about 2, too much more and you have to start slowing your descent with really fine throttle control which can only effectively be done with MJ translatron. With a T/W of 2 you should have more than enough engine control to reduce your descent to less than 10m/s and enough maximum thrust to perform a reasonable (albeit slightly inefficient suicide burn) but as Kasuha mentioned, killing your horizontal speed is much more important and it needs to be as low as possible depending on the design of your lander the taller and skinnier it is the slower you need to be translating.

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F5 and F9 are your best friends. Use F5 before starting your descent.

1 - Check if navball gives "surface" speed readings. If not, click it until it does so.

2 - Kill your horizontal velocity (retrograde marker should be at the center of the blue section of the navball).

3 - Point your ship to retrograde and enable SAS

4 - It's more fuel efficient to do a large braking burn, but small burns are ok if you have fuel to spare.

5 - When slowing down, your retrograde marker can (and surely will) move away from the center point. Dont bother if you are under 15-10m/s and the marker is near the center (less than a few degrees), it means you have a little horizontal velocity (you can kill it with RCS translating), check vertical speed gauge instead to find your rate of descent (the one besides the altimeter). As mentioned by Kasuha and Freefall, horizontal speed is more dangerous to tall landers with high CoM. Having your landing legs far from CoM (at the end of radially attached girders) also helps to prevent tipping over.

6 - Don't forget to extend your landing legs.

7 - Profit! ... Science!

P.S. - If thrust limiter doesn't work and you are still getting very high output from your engines with little thrust changes, the engine selection for the mission is not correct. (are you trying to land a light lander with a mainsail?)

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