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space program names

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As the name suggests.

The question I'm asking is `what is your space program's name?

The reason I'm asking this is because I'm struggling with names and I'm hoping your space program's names would inspire me.

If this is in the wrong Sub-forum mods please move it thanks.

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Currently there are two space programs on Kerbin in my parallel reality.

Midgard Space Agency specializes in planetary defense and asteroid detection.

Asgard-1-class starships:

  • Asgard: decomissioned, currently orbiting the Mün.
  • Helheim: destroyed during orbital assembly.
  • Valhalla: in service, currently waiting for a Duna-Kerbin transfer window.

Vanr-class SSTO cargo planes:

  • Freyja: in high Kerbin orbit, waiting for a refuel craft.
  • Freyr: in hangar, ready for a mission.

Asteroid tugs:

  • Tanngrisnir: pusher-type asteroid tug for classes A and B.
  • Tanngnjóstr: puller-type tug for class C and larger.

Space stations:

  • Alpha site: situated on a captured E-class asteroid, with a docking tower, fuel reserve, and a construction dock.

The other major space program is Pandyssia Space Exploration, though it was only founded recently. They are constructing their first Sovereign-1-class starship for interplanetary exploration.

The Sovereign-1-class was originally meant to be used as a space station, but it was soon retrofitted with thermal and electric rocket engines powered by a fusion generator. The first Sovereign-1 to be built was later named PSS Empress Jessamine, in honour of Dunwall's late empress.

There are minor aerospace agencies as well, like Planes For Ants, who developed a tiny ion-powered spaceplane that could theoretically fly all the way around Kerbin. They haven't found an ant who would live long enough, though.

Edited by Wampa842
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I have two saves...

Micro Engineering Research Corporation

Goods and Transportation Space Agency

My two kids have their own...

National Interstellar Spot

National Astronautics Studies

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