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The Kerbal Design-Build-Fly Challenge

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That's an impressive looking plane.

I guess the point has been made that infini gliding is an unavoidable thing. What is avoidable is choosing to abuse it for an advantage. I haven't seen that here yet.

regardless, I would have liked to see images of this plane landed. Something tells me this craft doesn't land well.

What was your empty weight lap time. i'm guessing something up in the 1.30's

anyway, as you said you're not interested in being scored.... however......

You would have placed second overall with or without M1. Without M1, you still score of 138 from the final mission alone/RAC.

I'll put it up there on the leaderboards just to have more scores listed! This thread is still small, and I don't want to start cutting entries until there are many up there.

I don't think it scored nearly that high. My math said somewhere in the 90's. Yours may be more accurate with your spreadsheet and I may have misread the calculations.

I fully understand about getting a challenge started. Feel free to use it. And actually, landing empty was a bigger problem than loaded because with all the control surfaces, it wanted to keep going. Landing loaded, the only problem was getting it to stop wobbling. All the 'packages' started shifting back and forth when it came to a stop and took me 3 seconds to get ground speed to 0.

And I DEFINITELY used those control surfaces to get down the runway. As I said, without them, I would have been a glider by the end of the lap. But, I purposely left the resource panel closed at the end of the runway so that you wouldn't see it. Had it been open you would have seen me full of fuel but the battery nearly shot, a CLEAR indication I was using them.

I probably could have slapped some more of your packages on it but I was thinking 65 seemed like a nice number and more than enough to prove the point. It could probably hold more.

As for the 100 package plane. God I didn't even try to turn or land that beast. I actually made the frame with 650 I beams. It took 2 seconds from the time the front started turning for the rear to start to turn. The front would be at 30 degrees with the tail still level. Plus, 566 parts was a lag fest. Even the 65 package plane had 380 parts

Empty land time - 1:22

Empty weight - 14.22t

Loaded time - 2:25 and landed with fuel to spare.

Loaded weight - (because I was curious) 60.52t

Total packages - 65

Here's most of the screenshots you required. If I missed one you need, let me know, I should have it.











Edited by Fengist
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