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Isn't there an easier way to download Realism Overhaul?

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Now now, I don't want to sound lazy or anything, but I've always had trouble downloading all the mods for the Realism Overhaul mod.

I know how to put mods in the GameData folder and everything, I just can't seem to get them to work though. I tried to download everything correctly, I picked an engine pack, followed the instructions, everything!

Isn't there an easier way to download the mods which prevents something messing up? :mad:

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Sadly, there isn't. There was a nice bundles a while ago for which you could check boxes for various mods, but that isn't getting developed anymore.

Darn, oh well. I guess I just need to keep trying to download it until it works. Thank you for your help.

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I've attempted to download the realism overhaul about 3 times and every time something goes wrong which I can't seem to track down.

Right now when I try to start a new game I spawn in space looking at the sun and can't move.

Seriously need an EXE for the overhaul or something.

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