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Kerbals are always smiling!


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This thread is very simple, we're gonna prove (even though everybody already knows) that even in the most ridiculous and hazardous situations, kerbals never stop laughing! All you have to do is show a picture of your kerbals laughing while they should be fearing for their lives.

I'll start of with a picture of mine

He should be burning, but he's having the time of his life!


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I don't know about that. I've managed to evoke some pretty gruesome looks of horror from some of my Kerbs, (Due to my unique piloting skills) Well, Jeb being an exception of course. Don't know if Kerbals have any "gonads" but if they do, Jeb's are made of steel!

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I think I'm one of the few people who has ever managed to scare Jeb, On several of my Minmus missions in previous KSP version I would use the EVA Jetpack to skim Kerbals across the surface of Mimus. I only ever did this to Jeb, and everytime I did it he was absolutely teriified, of course most of the time this was because doing this bad stuff happened, I had to relaunch the mission a few times because it would sometimes Kill Jeb. One time He knocked a landing leg off of the spacecraft, but the engines were the orange ones that go on the sides, so I retracted the landing gear and it sat on it's fuel tank rather nicely.

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On EVA on Bop if you thrust across country and do an upwards boost to gain altitude and then turn off RCS then the Kerb will look unhappy while he is climbing then the velocity starts reducing his altitude and he immediately smiles.

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