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Felsmak's song parodies


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So I saw that other thread and was inspired to make a little parody of my own. The plot is basically that Jeb has been transferred to a new job within the space program, where he's in charge of it instead. Unfortunately, however, it's also in serious financial trouble, and an adventurous Bob seems to believe that Jeb has a lot more power than he actually does.

I don't typically write songs - this is actually the first one I've completed - so the quality may be lacking in several areas. Many lines may simply not sound as good as those of the original, but then again, this is just for fun.


Bob: Jeb?

Will you let us go to Duna?

Come on, let's go explore!

We've never landed anywhere

I know you dare!

Why are you such a bore?

You used to be a badass

But now you're lame

I'm tired of LKO!

Will you let us go to Duna?

Or we could just go to Minmus

Jeb: P*ss off, Bob!

Bob: Okay, bye.

Financial guy: I'm afraid you're gonna have to cut those heavy launchers entirely. If you'd ever need to send up something big, you'll just have to...

Jeb and Financial guy: Add more boosters.

Jeb: Yes, I know.


Will you let us go to Duna?

It's time to go for something cool

Let's send away some kind of probe at least

Someone just said they crashed our last one into Jool

Awesome work, Mission Control!

Our space program is boring

All these cancelled plans

I'm sick of these budget cuts!

Nope, nope! Nope, nope! Nope, nope! Nope!

Jeb: This is stupid! We can't do anything like this!

Financial guy: I understand, but getting upset about it won't help. You simply have to try and make the most of what you have.

Financial guy: She sure was a fine ship. It's sad to see her go.

Jeb: Is there really no other way?

Financial guy: I'm sorry, Jebediah.

Bob: Hello?

Jeb, I know you're in there

I guess you've already been told

They've scrapped our shuttle and laid off its crew

And we have nothing new

It's all on hold

We need something exciting

Or else we're through

We're gonna lose our jobs!

Will you let us go to Duna?

Edited by Felsmak
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  • 2 months later...

Hit abort

The air grows thin and the sky's getting black
All the clouds are down below
My rocket is making noises
Is that normal? I don't know

I really can't ignore that scary, popping sound
What if I'll blow up?
Or fall to the ground?

But this is what you signed up for
We'll hear none of that whining anymore
So please, shut up
Nobody cares
But I don't care!

Hit abort, hit abort
This stuff is just not for me
Hit abort, hit abort
Time for splashdown in the sea

I don't care
What my boss will say
It is time to quit
The snacks weren't edible anyway

It's funny how some distance
Makes everyone seem small
And the guys who yelled their orders
Can't get to me at all

I think I'll steal these pencils, too
I'm in the air
What will they do?
I'm going home
It's up to me

Hit abort, hit abort
I really don't want to die
Hit abort, hit abort
I'll kiss this job goodbye
I am done
It's my last day
It is time to quit

The tower on the top wakes up to take me back
Its engines fire hard and yank my capsule off the stack
This payload I am in flies really f*****g fast
But I don't give a c**p
The fall will be a blast

Hit abort, hit abort
And I'll look like a shooting star
Hit abort, hit abort
This song is so bizarre
I am done
And I won't obey
It is time to quit!

The snacks weren't edible anyway Edited by Felsmak
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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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