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[1.1] SXT - Lack's Stock Extension [SXT-25-10APR16] - Basic 1.1 compatibilty


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  Lack said:
KSC++ is been completely overhauled, so those'll be included, I haven't got a computer that'll run KSP at the moment (building a new one when the parts arrive) but I should have a few screenshots somewhere in my emails, I'll see if I can find it.

Edit: Only some from blender

image snip

Have you thought about adding in another runway that is 90 degrees to the Main KSC runway inland of the main runway? Also Is there thoughts about maybe a 2nd longer wider runway next to the Main KSC runway for larger heavy planes / spaceplanes? And moving the hangers that you have next to the main KSC runway outside the larger longer runway. Also maybe a LARGER launch pad for huge ginormous rockets?

I do know that IF adding in the other runways that I suggested WILL need a complete re-plan of KSC ++ But I have a feeling it would be worth it in the long run.


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  Damaske said:
Have you thought about adding in another runway that is 90 degrees to the Main KSC runway inland of the main runway? Also Is there thoughts about maybe a 2nd longer wider runway next to the Main KSC runway for larger heavy planes / spaceplanes? And moving the hangers that you have next to the main KSC runway outside the larger longer runway. Also maybe a LARGER launch pad for huge ginormous rockets?

I do know that IF adding in the other runways that I suggested WILL need a complete re-plan of KSC ++ But I have a feeling it would be worth it in the long run.


I was planning on an extra launch pad, the second runway's not a bad idea either. Was also thinking of adding some docks for sea-launching vehicles.

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  Zaphod12 said:
Am I allowed to ask if there is any news regarding KSC++?

There was news less than 1 week ago. The development is slowed due to technical difficulties, but work is still being done. Please read the thread before asking these sorts of questions.

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  Zaphod12 said:
Am I allowed to ask if there is any news regarding KSC++?

Nothing wrong with asking; although I still don't have a proper computer, so nothing new. Not quite sure when I'll be getting a new one either at the moment.

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  Camacha said:
Are there any good pictures of that the different packs contain? I only get a partial impression trawling through various Youtube clips.

Videos, 'fraid not, I'm generally of the opinion that moving pictures are some form of witchcraft. I did have some albums of pictures in the OP, but they seem to have got lost somewhere along the road.

Googling 'LLL+ ksp' will give you plenty of pictures but a lot of them are fairly old, you get the idea anyway. Most youtube videos I've seen mix it with B9. I've sat down and tried to make a pictorial list, but that is really, really boring and I've always packed it in mid way through.

SXT is mainly stock-a-like parts (although I play a bit fast and loose with that term). I've posted quite a lot of SXT pics over in the addon-dev thread in recent times. It'll be getting it's own thread I think, moderators permitting, with the next release since it really has nothing to do with LLL.

KSC++, you can see most of it here: http://imgur.com/a/lFdbW#0


Found it

Bonney [0.625m Light aircraft cockpit]
Ke-111 [1.25m 2 pilot airplane cockpit]
Kossak [2.5m 2 pilot airplane cockpit]
Dontstayputnik [0.625m Sputnik-like Ejectable Probe]
JKSS Probe [0.625m probe with inbuilt xenon reserves]
HECS-Ranger Advanced Probe [1.25m to 2.5m Large Probe]
TMA-1 [Totally not ripped off from Space 2001, honest guv]
Munar Excursion Module [2.5m Apollo-like MEM]
Kn-225 [3.75m Cockpit with loading door and folding ramp assessory]
Mk.P-Vavka [Radial version of Kn-225 cockpit]
Lander Can [2.5m An alternative to the Mk2 Landercan]
Truck Cabins [Narrow, Wide. Based off stockones seen driving round VAB]


MEM Descent Module
Ke-90 2.5m TurboFan
BA-8 1.25m LFO Engine
Candle-Wax 0.625m SRB
LV-T80 1.25m LFO Engine
K-2 5m Second Stage LFO Engine

K1-26 5m+ stupidly massive Engine
K1-8 5m Second Stage LFO Engine
NK-24-4 3.75m Upper Stage LFO Engine
Kerbodyne 3.75m Upper Stage LFO Engine
K-170 Engine 3.75m Main Stage LFO Engine

LV-N240 2.5m NERVA
LV-N450 2.5m NERVA

0.625m Jet Engine
0.625m Prop Engine
0.625m Barrel of Fuel
3.75m Fuel Bladders
2.5m 'NASAmission' Fuel-tanks
Boconok-9 Radial Fuel Tank
2.5m Service Modules
5m to 3.75m K-1 Fuel Tanks
5m Kerbodyne Fuel Tanks


Vernier Engine
Extendable RCS boon
Large RCS array


2.5m Cargo Bay
0.625m and 2.5m Tail Connectors
3.75m and 5m Decouplers
1.25m and 2.5m Passenger Cabins
Hexagonal and Triangular Stuctural Panels
3.75m 'Girder' Sections
3.75m Cargo Hold
Folding Loading Ramp for Kn-225
2.5m Service Module
1.25m and 2.5m Radial Engine Attachment Points
3.75m 'Petal' Cargo Fairing
0.625m Piping


Radial Air-intake
0.625m to 2.5m Air-intakes
Small and Large Wings


Retractable RTGs
Hexagonal Solar Panel
Medium extendable Solar Panel
2.5m Service Module Crew Cabins
2.5m SPKTR Crew-Cabin and adaptor
3.75m Crew Cabins [CANIOT, ISK]
5m Extra-Terrestrial Habitat
Truck Components


Kommunitron-16 Antenna
0.625m In-line Goo Pod
2.5m Science Bay

Edited by Lack
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  FacialJack said:
Hi, i new to KSP, and really love ure mod, ty for that work.

Is the green house produce electricity? where can i find info about?

I think I still have it hooked up to the solar panel code, but couldn't get it to work. Probably best copy in the modules from the stock RTG, or from a life-support mod's parts if you want oxygen, etc.

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  Lack said:
I think I still have it hooked up to the solar panel code, but couldn't get it to work. Probably best copy in the modules from the stock RTG, or from a life-support mod's parts if you want oxygen, etc.

Hi, as i understand, i have to take the behavior from for example a solr panel, and copy it on greenhouse?

well...can u explain me better plz, noob powa :D (ill look open a cfg, copy text part, surely something like that)

i try to make a power facility, but now, no power :D


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just tried SXT, those little yellow trucks are absolute gold. I have been building trucks with LLL for a while now, but these are marvellous for zipping around and all kinds of assorted mayhem.

It's funny. Before I liked LLL, but felt it was a little too far from stock. In time, KSP's style has moved more toward B9 and LLL, making LLL blend in a lot better. At the same time it seems that KSP has moved away from SXT, especially the big plane parts.

I have looked at the parts folder to see if I can change anything about them myself, but the texture files were acting a bit weird. I guess that is due to you using Squad assets as much as possible?

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Love this mod. The parts are amazing no idea how I've gone without it.

Am having a problem with the engines electric charge being NAN when i change its thrust limit. Which makes the vehicle cost go to NAN and i cant launch. I've tried to just re-add the parts and its fine, but when i change the thrust limit all the engines do it again. Anyone else having this issue?

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  Jacksidious said:
Love this mod. The parts are amazing no idea how I've gone without it.

Am having a problem with the engines electric charge being NAN when i change its thrust limit. Which makes the vehicle cost go to NAN and i cant launch. I've tried to just re-add the parts and its fine, but when i change the thrust limit all the engines do it again. Anyone else having this issue?

Anyone else having this problem just change the ElectricCharge resource in the engine .cfgs to

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1

Don't think ksp likes having 0s for that for some reason. If someone has a better fix plz let me know because im not coder :sticktongue:

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One cannot have a resource with maxAmount 0 and not also have

isTweakable = false

hideFlow = true

The problem isn't a 0 resource, it's a 0 resource that is displayed on right-click.

Here's a generic fix:

%isTweakable = false
%hideFlow = true
%isTweakable = false
%hideFlow = true

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  NathanKell said:
One cannot have a resource with maxAmount 0 and not also have

isTweakable = false

hideFlow = true

The problem isn't a 0 resource, it's a 0 resource that is displayed on right-click.

Here's a generic fix:

%isTweakable = false
%hideFlow = true
%isTweakable = false
%hideFlow = true

i thought this was fixed ages ago o.O

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  NathanKell said:
One cannot have a resource with maxAmount 0 and not also have

isTweakable = false

hideFlow = true

The problem isn't a 0 resource, it's a 0 resource that is displayed on right-click.

Here's a generic fix:

%isTweakable = false
%hideFlow = true
%isTweakable = false
%hideFlow = true

Awesome. Thank you sir.

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  Probus said:
Is there a remote tech configuration out there for Lack Luster Labs (LLL) antennas. The mod has quite a few but haven't been able to find any RT2 cfg files. I will also repost this on the RT2 thread.

i think there was a post a couple (10 to 20) posts/pages back. not sure.

also SXT works for me :D just a couple of textures are missing beacuse it uses the stock textures which were renamed/moved and the thrusters on the MEM are invisible. i'll PM lack about this.

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  bartekkru99 said:
Can someone give me a link to LLL review. I heard a lot about it, but I've never seen any showcase with parts and stuff

There is no showcase available it was worked on a few times but never finished that I know of.

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  Probus said:
Is there a remote tech configuration out there for Lack Luster Labs (LLL) antennas. The mod has quite a few but haven't been able to find any RT2 cfg files. I will also repost this on the RT2 thread.

I threw one together for the 3 LLL omni poles today because this was bothering me too. Your mileage may vary. Tried to fit them in the tech tree so there's a progression from 16 > 16X > 32 > 64 > Tower, and adjusted energy usage up accordingly. Haven't done the dishes yet. This is mostly untested, I just did this for my personal use. Tower's a nice long omni but it weighs a bunch and uses lots of power.

@PART[LLLCommPole2]:FOR[RemoteTech] // LLL's "Communotron 32"
!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

@title = Communotron 16-X

%TechRequired = advElectrics
%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 3750000
%EnergyCost = 0.35

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

@PART[LLLCommPole]:FOR[RemoteTech] // LLL's "Communotron 64"
@title = Communotron 64

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

%TechRequired = electronics
%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 7500000
%EnergyCost = 1.0

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

@PART[Commtow]:FOR[RemoteTech] // LLL's "Communications Tower"
!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

%TechRequired = specializedElectrics
%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 12000000
%EnergyCost = 1.5

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

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