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[dead] CELSS Greenhouse (TAC Life Support Add-On, Version 0.1, beta)


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Tried out this mod today on my new spacestation. Everything works fine when I let the greenhouse enter CELSS state. Resources stay the same. However, whenever I leave the spacestation and return the greenhouse is closed again and I have to manually reopen it again. This seems like a minor irritation. The thing is, however, that the station keeps consuming resources while unfocused. Is this how it's supposed to work? Any way to make the recycling happen on an unfocused craft?

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hi everyone, can anyone tell me where I can find the "KPSI/TAC-LS compatibility mod that recalibrates TAC-LS in liters."

I can't find it anywhere and in the 0.2 release info it sais that it is required.


I think it's still a requirement because I checked my TAC-LS and consider water and lqdwater 2 different resources

thank you for your time

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Tried out this mod today on my new spacestation. Everything works fine when I let the greenhouse enter CELSS state. Resources stay the same. However' date=' whenever I leave the spacestation and return the greenhouse is closed again and I have to manually reopen it again. This seems like a minor irritation. The thing is, however, that the station keeps consuming resources while unfocused. Is this how it's supposed to work? Any way to make the recycling happen on an unfocused craft?[/quote']

Yeah, it's a bug. Working on it.

In the meantime, as a patch, you can get the old .cfg files from release 2.0 (or just download release 2.0) on the github site. Use those instead temporarily as a patch, and it should work unfocused.


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hi everyone, can anyone tell me where I can find the "KPSI/TAC-LS compatibility mod that recalibrates TAC-LS in liters."

I can't find it anywhere and in the 0.2 release info it sais that it is required.


I think it's still a requirement because I checked my TAC-LS and consider water and lqdwater 2 different resources

thank you for your time

I couldn't find this in the TAC-LS thread where I say it posted originally, so I've put it in a gist for y'all's convenience:


Download and stick in your GameData along with ModuleManager if you don't have it already.

- c

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Hey, speedyb, check this out ;)

Hey, bojangles. Had the same problem; you need to install from this file


not from the one you can "download as zip" from this page


its a bit confusing for non-coders like me that like to get idiotproof downloadlinks :-)

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Thanks. Its working now.

PS. I was thinking of maybe modelling a couple parts for KSP. I was thinking I might start with a greenhouse or two. What style would be best? I was thinking a dome and maybe a stack mount toroidal one.

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Hey cerebrate, I launched a green house and attached it to my station and it works! No more supply trips. I have one problem though every time I reload the station the greenhouses are disabled and I have to turn them on. Is there a way to make it so they don't shut down? Thanks.

edit: nvm, should have looked back in the posts. already answered. thanks.


Edited by bojangles9999
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Hey cerebrate, I launched a green house and attached it to my station and it works! No more supply trips. I have one problem though every time I reload the station the greenhouses are disabled and I have to turn them on. Is there a way to make it so they don't shut down? Thanks.

Fortunately for me, and for you too, I guess, I just fixed this bug!

(Boring technical details: It turns out Unity hates enums. Go figure. (I mean, how the heck do you screw up an enum?) Worse, it only does so when reading them, not when writing them, leaving me staring at a persistence file that looked perfectly right and yet wouldn't load properly... So there's now a bit of hackage in there to cast it back and forth from an int when persisting it, et voila, now it works.)

So, anyway, go download 0.4 from https://github.com/cerebrate/celss-greenhouse/releases and replace the current version with it, and y'all should find that your greenhouses work right as of now.

Thanks, and sorry for the slow fix.


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Thanks. Its working now.

PS. I was thinking of maybe modelling a couple parts for KSP. I was thinking I might start with a greenhouse or two. What style would be best? I was thinking a dome and maybe a stack mount toroidal one.

I'd love a stack-mount torus to go with the toroidal tanks I use a lot, myself, and/or an inflatable like the one I linked upthread. But that's cause I mostly build space stations, and for all the colony builders, I'd be more than happy to put the module in a dome, too.


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a question or idea regarding the greenhouse.

the structure has open windows and lamps inside, so it can provide enough light to the plants, even far away from kerbol.

basically, it should need more energy, if the light-level drops to counteract the dropped lightlevel. this would make jool-missions a bit harder (you'll have to feed that baby with energy, or else it would run at a massively lowered efficiency).

on the other hand, maybe it could shut the lids, if the module is closer to kerbol (like on a moho-orbit) to prevent burning the plants (which would be just a graphical effect). same thing at start, when I first launched the module, I was a bit worried that this would damage the structure.

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Lights - yes, windows - not likely. You see, two major concerns when designing a deep-space vessel are radiation shielding and structural integrity (including protection against micrometeorites). As you can probably guess, windows are pretty terrible at both counts. Structural integrity can be provided, but only at a cost of relatively large mass per square meter, and weight happens to be another major concern in designing spacecraft. There is a reason most spacecrafts found in real life (space stations for example) and serious proposals only have tiny windows if any at all.

The most plausible options for a space greenhouse are:

a) a large solar array powering LED lamps

B) a large collector (likely a fresnel lens) concentrating the sunlight and transferring it into the module through a tiny opening (possibly with fiberoptics)

Besides, the kind of greenhouse you envision is already provided by the Biomass mod.

Edited by Hattivat
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I've been working on a spherical greenhouse. Its mainly for practice and figuring out how to get things into KSP. The textures are still in progress, they will be refined quite a bit (less black lines more details etc.)





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Hey cerebrate, I launched a green house and attached it to my station and it works! No more supply trips. I have one problem though every time I reload the station the greenhouses are disabled and I have to turn them on. Is there a way to make it so they don't shut down? Thanks.

edit: nvm, should have looked back in the posts. already answered. thanks.


I also added this greenhouse to my station, but my food amount is decreasing. I thought this will be a closed cycle capable? Is there someone who had made a spreadsheet with amount of water purifiers/ co2 scrubbers/greenhouses for x amount of kerbals?

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yes, I have the same problem. my oxygen is increasing, but my food and water are decreasing.

my station contains 4 of the 11t modules in CELSS-mode, and currently there are 6 kerbals on board (4 keeping the station clean and 2 doing research in a KSPI-laboratory), so it should produce excess of everything.

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Okay, that's weird, or at least that I'm not seeing it in my test setup is.

Would y'all having that problem mind posting or PMing me the GlobalSettings section out of your GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg file?


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The 100% efficient CELSS greenhouse (the 11t module) can support two kerbals perpetually. The standard greenhouse can support two and the agricultural greenhouse six, but are only 90% efficient, so you'll need to restock from time to time - which will be true no matter how many you have, only varying in how long it will take before you need to restock.

(Clever tricks involving using the former to make up for the inefficiencies of the latter are left as an exercise for those whose math is better than mine.)


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I've been working on a spherical greenhouse. Its mainly for practice and figuring out how to get things into KSP. The textures are still in progress, they will be refined quite a bit (less black lines more details etc.)

That's awesome-looking, and once you've got it refined, I'd love to have it in the mod.


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This is from Cells Greenhouse config

>// A comma separated list of resources to use as inputs in each mode.

// For each resource, list the resource name and the amount (which

// is multiplied by the conversionRate)

CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 261.78, WasteWater, 1.98, Waste, 0.56, ElectricCharge, 1900800

IsruInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 261.78, Water, 1.84, Ammonia, 0.72, ElectricCharge, 1900800

// A comma separated list of resources to output in each mode. Same as above

// but also specify whether it should keep converting if the

// resource is full (generating excess that will be thrown away).

CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 304.27, true, Water, 1.798, true, Food, 0.32, true

IsruOutputResources = Oxygen, 304.27, true, Water, 1.798, true, Food, 0.32, true

Since Waste is produced in the same amount as consumed food, you can't make it closed cycle. Food and water will be decreasing

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Since Waste is produced in the same amount as consumed food, you can't make it closed cycle. Food and water will be decreasing

Ah, not in my LifeSupport.cfg, it isn't:

FoodConsumptionRate = 0.32

WaterConsumptionRate = 1.798

WasteProductionRate = 0.56

WasteWaterProductionRate = 1.98

...so, yeah, which is why I asked to see 'em.


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I thought if something is compatible with TACLS, it means it is compatible with default settings.

Basically if i plug your values it will be self sufficient?

It should mention in the readme that it also requires/assumes you're using the TAC-LS convert-to-liters patch, rather than using the default 1.0-is-a-day's-consumption resources that TAC-LS comes with. (Copy of patch is here, if you can't find it on the TAC-LS thread: https://gist.github.com/cerebrate/0d6d4366f29684dd39f3 ) Future developments, KSPI cross-integration, etc., made me write it that way.

Alternatively, if you prefer the TAC-LS units, you can edit the part .cfg files for the greenhouses to take 1.0 in for all resources except for ElectricCharge, and return 0.9 for the standard and agricultural greenhouses/1.0 for the CELSS greenhouse, and that should work fine for that.


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