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[WIP] Stargate SG1 / Atlantis / Universe BC-304 (Daedalus)


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This is a work in progress I made over this weekend. Its my first 3d model using Blender. Plan on doing the whole series of ships from the Stargate Universe and some designs I have drawn up concept wise. Feedback appreciated.




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  Allwyn said:
Plan on doing the whole series of ships from the Stargate Universe and some designs I have drawn up concept wise.





Maybe you should pace yourself. Just do one thing first. Unrealistic promises won't go over well.

Ship looks good though.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:




Maybe you should pace yourself. Just do one thing first. Unrealistic promises won't go over well.

Ship looks good though.

Fair enough, thanks for the advice.

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I guess, the ultimate goal is atlantis floating in the oceans of laythe :)

let's see where this leads to, although I have my doubts that monolithic spaceship laike the enterprise or like the deadalus are compatible with the concept of very modular spaceships like in kerbal space.

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  Hotblack Desiato said:
I guess, the ultimate goal is atlantis floating in the oceans of laythe :)

That sounds more like a KerbTown kind of thing.

  Neutrinovore said:
As long as you do a 3.75 meter diameter 'Puddlejumper', I'll be satisfied, lol! :D

Now THAT'S an idea, although 3.75m sounds too large to me. 2.5m would already be too big proportionally.

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If i do Atlantis its gonna fly. But as Captain Kipard said one project at a time.

Now If someone wants to do the UV mappings, let me do the modeling I'm open for some help.

I've seen people take 2x2 panels and do ships like this. Is that really modular? Part of the reason the ship has no details at this point (dishes, antennas is that I plan on all that stuff being in game so you can do kethane, etc et al). I'd like to be able to allow for variations of equipment load out and maybe some minor hull variations (through attachments). Think about it like the Joint Strike Fighter project. Ultimately its the same air frame just a different equipment load out for different mission roles.

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I think you should start with that. If it's your first Blender model, something simpler will give you the opportunity to get through most of the pitfalls of creating KSP parts.

And more selfishly, I don't fly large sci-fi ships, but a jumper (if broken up into parts correctly) could be fun.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Now THAT'S an idea, although 3.75m sounds too large to me. 2.5m would already be too big proportionally.

Well, I'm just going off my memories from the show. If you think about the size of a Stargate portal in relation to a human, and then think about the fact that a PuddleJumper is only a little bit smaller than the 'Gate, then to me 3.75 meters would seem to be about the right proportion to Kerbals. 'Jumpers were actually pretty roomy inside, and then there had to be room for all the machinery and drone weapons and pop-out gun pod / engines under the floor... so they weren't tiny little things. I've actually gone back and watched a few clips, and I was surprised myself at the size of them. Before watching them, I too thought that 2.5m would be better.,

Anyway, whatever Allwyn decides to do, it's his/her project, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops regardless. :)

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  Allwyn said:
Part of the reason the ship has no details at this point (dishes, antennas is that I plan on all that stuff being in game so you can do kethane, etc et al). I'd like to be able to allow for variations of equipment load out and maybe some minor hull variations (through attachments). Think about it like the Joint Strike Fighter project. Ultimately its the same air frame just a different equipment load out for different mission roles.

I could see that ship, and the other SGC ships being broken into parts like engines, fighter bays, different parts of the body like the big block at the bow or the flat part on the top side. Of course, that makes the whole project more complicated, and the question remains if it even makes sense to combine parts other than exactly like they were in the original, but I think it's a need idea.

But this is definitly a suggestion for later, I would already be happy if the puddle jumper is released. Also, I support Neutrinovore's arguments that the jumper should be about 3.75m in diameter because of engine/weapon pods etc..

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
The average human height is about 175cm

The height of Kerbals is 100cm

That's a ratio of 100/175 ≈ 0.57

The height/width of a gateship is 470cm

470cm × 0.57 ≈ 268cm


Huh. Well, math doesn't lie, so I stand corrected. :) Well done, sir! 2.5(ish) meters it is. :D

Edit: Just as a point of order, I think the game's 'standard' scale factor, if there is such a thing, for 'Kerbalizing' parts is .64. Which would make the PuddleJumper almost exactly 3 meters in diameter. FWIW. Just sayin'. :)

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Ok so this is has spun out of control a little faster than I thought so I'm going to lay a new outline here and everyone that has commented on this thread can help / comment / etc.

First and foremost I'm going to state this, I'm a huge Stargate fan. Its my favorite series. With that in mind I'm not going to just release something if its not up to the quality that the series and the show deserves.

Second, here is my thoughts and outlines for what I want to see happen, how I want to tie all this together. Anyone who wants to help contact me and I'm more than willing to share models and such. I'm retired and honestly don't do much else.

  1. Maybe you should pace yourself: (Cpt Kipard recommendation)
  2. With this thought in mind I'm going to hold the Daedalus until I can come up with how to make it modular.
  3. Puddle Jumper is going to take over as my primary focus
    • I have a good plan for how to make it modular already, and multiple people want to see this done and my lack of experience is driving me toward wanting to work on this first
    • People have mentioned docking: I want to borrow the docking color from the Lagrangian point satellite (see this)Lagrangian_Point_docking.jpg

[*]What I have done

  • Stargate Blender File
  • BC304 Blender File

[*]How I see this all working

  1. Build Seed Ships, Deploy Gates
  2. Write a plugin to make the Stargate work so you can go through it to other planets (Laythe etc)
  3. Eventually have other galaxies (i.e. have a City-Ship on another planet in another galaxy (Part of the Reason I want to make Atlantis a ship not a Kerbtown thing))
  4. Enjoy Stargate: KG1...


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  Allwyn said:
Ok so this is has spun out of control a little faster than I thought so I'm going to lay a new outline here and everyone that has commented on this thread can help / comment / etc.

First and foremost I'm going to state this, I'm a huge Stargate fan. Its my favorite series. With that in mind I'm not going to just release something if its not up to the quality that the series and the show deserves.

Second, here is my thoughts and outlines for what I want to see happen, how I want to tie all this together. Anyone who wants to help contact me and I'm more than willing to share models and such. I'm retired and honestly don't do much else.

  1. Maybe you should pace yourself: (Cpt Kipard recommendation)
  2. With this thought in mind I'm going to hold the Daedalus until I can come up with how to make it modular.
  3. Puddle Jumper is going to take over as my primary focus

[*]What I have done

  • Stargate Blender File
  • BC304 Blender File

[*]How I see this all working

  1. Build Seed Ships, Deploy Gates
  2. Write a plugin to make the Stargate work so you can go through it to other planets (Laythe etc)
  3. Eventually have other galaxies (i.e. have a City-Ship on another planet in another galaxy (Part of the Reason I want to make Atlantis a ship not a Kerbtown thing))
  4. Enjoy Stargate: KG1...


MY thoughts? Proceed, sir. :D

It's funny, quite a while ago I posted a request on the requests forum for a Stargate PuddleJumper. No interest. None. I could hear the proverbial crickets chirping. Now, everyone seems to be gung-ho for this, which is awesome. I guess I was just a bit ahead of my time, lol. :wink:

However, Allwyn, I apologize if I somehow hijacked or otherwise derailed your plans with my suggestion. Not that I'm not glad about your new plan, but again, it's YOUR mod, so please make sure to do things as YOU would like to do them, capeesh? :) I am pleased to see that you're open to suggestions, however, and if and when I have any others I'll definitely state them here.

Anyway, looking forward to future developments. Carry on. :D

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Sorry Allwyn for my rude first post. I didn't know you actually had the time spend on this.

Would you say you're a beginner in modelling? Intermediate? Advanced?

WRT large ships etc, from what I have read here having large multi-part ships isn't good for the physics engine. Maybe a more experienced modder can speak to that more.

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Sorry Allwyn for my rude first post. I didn't know you actually had the time spend on this.

Would you say you're a beginner in modelling? Intermediate? Advanced?

WRT large ships etc, from what I have read here having large multi-part ships isn't good for the physics engine. Maybe a more experienced modder can speak to that more.

You didn't know, I didn't disclose. It wasn't really rude it was solid advice sir.

In response to your question: I'm intermediate. I did a lot of Mastercam, Autocad, and Solidworks stuff with engineering. I just never did UV mappings or animations. (We just toss the part into a machine and made it)

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  Neutrinovore said:

However, Allwyn, I apologize if I somehow hijacked or otherwise derailed your plans with my suggestion. Not that I'm not glad about your new plan, but again, it's YOUR mod, so please make sure to do things as YOU would like to do them, capeesh? :) I am pleased to see that you're open to suggestions, however, and if and when I have any others I'll definitely state them here.

This was on the drawing board before. I'm just using some realistic expectations to get a good solid starting point. Always open to constructive criticism.

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