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[and answered] - What have you found speeds up KSP the most + What should I improve?

What do you think speeds up KSP the most+ What should I upgrade? - only 2 answers!  

  1. 1. What do you think speeds up KSP the most+ What should I upgrade? - only 2 answers!

    • amount of RAM has the biggest effect.
    • 64 bit over 32 has the biggest effect.
    • Amount of storage GB has the biggest effect.
    • - I should add additional RAM to my current 4 GB
    • - I should get a better video card.
    • - I should add more storage to my current 15.4 GB.
    • - I should upgrade to 64 bit windows.

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This is a poll repost of this post.

Hey I am in the market for additional ram, storage space, or a new video card. From these specs, which would improve streaming speed and KSP game speed the most if more was added?"
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4 GB of RAM

24.5 GB of storage space

AMD Radeon HD 6670


Please comment in the other thread and not this!

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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