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The Pepperpot light orbiter.


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'Lunchtime lads, come and get it!'

Kigwig hopped in through the open factory doors with newspaper wrapped, steaming bundles in his arms.

'Pull over those drums will you Kanley, we need a table'

'Did you get my favorite boss?'

That I did Kanley, large chips and a side order of macaroni in tomato sauce, the girls in the shop say you\'re the only one who\'s ever asked for that. And here\'s yours Kodger, cod and large chips, traditional as always. And here\'s mine, chips and a meat pie'

'What kind of meat boss?'

Kodger looked at Kanley while he unwrapped his lunch 'That boy, is something you don\'t ask, named meat costs extra'

'So lads, how is the new rocket coming on?'

Kanley could only make a muffled noise as he\'d already stuffed a handful of chips in his mouth 'Coming on fine boss, Kanley just has to get the pipes fitted and then we have to name it'

'No ideas then Kanley?'

'Muumph' Kanley shook his head.

'So whats this one designed for? maybe the three of us can think of something'

As Kodger spoke, he pulled a tiny pot out of his pocket and shook it over his lunch, black dust could just be seen falling out 'Well boss, it\'ll be fast, it\'ll really burn the skies if you let it, and of course it\'s nice and small, pocket size almost'

Kanley, finally swallowing his mouthful, was looking at Kodgers little pot 'Whats that? I never seen that before'

'It\'s my pepper pot boy, gives my food a little kick'

'Is it nice, can i try it?'

'Well I suppose so, not too much mind'

Kodger handed Kanley the tiny pot, which Kanley quickly upended over his chips, shaking it vigorously, and before Kodger could stop him he had another handful of chips in his mouth, this time covered in pepper.


With bits of potato flying from his mouth, Kanley took off running around the factory floor.

'Water I need water!'

Kodger was nearly in tears trying not to laugh 'Never seen the boy run so fast! I better get that water though'

Kodger was soon back with a glass which Kanley eagerly gulped down, with the entertainment over Kigwig turned to his chief engineer 'Kodger, that pepper pot of yours, would you say it was small and fiery?'

'I\'m sure kanley would boss'

'Boys I\'ve thought of a name!'


The Pepperpot light orbiter.

This all-stock ship is a firey little performer, try not to burn yourself :)

Small, fast and perfectly formed, the Pepperpot was one of my early test craft when I was comparing booster arrangements, and it\'s still a ship I like to fly, so I thought you might as well.

Though I class her as a light orbiter, she has plenty of fuel for orbital maneuvering, and though nicely balanced she\'s so fast you will be on your toes on the ascent, unless you fly the ASAS version instead ;)

Have fun :)


Updated for 0.14 and now includes a new Micro variant using the small tank and engine, and can still reach orbit with fuel to spare.






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You should see the Shamrock :)

And my Munar Skif and Little Sipper are the smallest Mun capable stock rockets I can make with current parts.

Shamrock: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7514.0

Munar Skif: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7229.0

Little Sipper: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7225.0

I like small rockets :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I\'m impressed by your rocket, didn\'t even know such a small rocket could orbit!

In trial I found that the higher thrust burners didn\'t propel you as high as those (good as a bunch of lighters) slow burners; the trick is you need to use them in triplets to get decent load bearing (almost equivalent to the 175 thrusters).

Why this is so by logic is to do with wind resistance... the faster you try to go the more pressure the atmosphere gives to put you back in your place.

The downside is wether it\'s worth the unit drag of a tri coupler over just a single 175 burn 7 thruster, but testing saids yes though logic saids no the numbers shouldn\'t stack up.

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Nice but not light enough.

The Smallest Rocket I made that can orbit costs $6625. Only 1 none stock part and that is a satellite dish.

2 large tanks

1 1/2 tank

gimbal engine

small engine

2 decouplers

rcs tank

6 rcs units

Can reach an circular orbit of 100,000 meters.

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This rocket was never designed to be the smallest or most efficient, it is the last of a series of rockets that I made when trying to get the most out of side mounted boosters, I tried running pipes in several different configurations and experimented with the order that boosters would ignite and drop.

I keep coming back to this design when I just want a bit of fun getting into obit, and I use this booster configuration on most of my other craft as it works well enough but it can be a pain to set up.

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