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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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Well...even if it's tomorrow, my post still stands. :P

More likely, though, is they delay past the weekend and release on Monday. End of week releases aren't a good idea because no one's in on the weekend to monitor if anything goes wrong, and Thursday seems to be cutting it close...

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Wait, didn't we already know it wasn't "today?" There was a post earlier that I lost in the fray which said "it won't be today" with special emphasis on the time it was posted... or something like that.

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  The Jedi Master said:
Am I the only one who feels that it is better not to tell us than to crush our dreams?

Dreamcrushing would entail a complete cancellation of the update. This is merely a dreampoking.

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  Rowsdower said:
Dreamcrushing would entail a complete cancellation of the update. This is merely a dreampoking.

Hey Rowsdower we appreciate everything you guys are doing, looks like it's been a late few nights. These reactions are merely people that really like the game. You would want to be more worried if there were no reactions.

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Definitely better to tell us. I'm here because I'm bored and having a drink or 10, others are here with their noses touching their monitors chanting prayers to the kraken...

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  Motokid600 said:
Thats... One of the more interesting gifs I've ever seen.

It's actually real. That's what happens if you drain a liquid filled train car without opening the air intake. Pressure builds up inside aaaand poof.

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  firestorm126 said:
Yep linux is back in experimentals :'(

just read back on the thread. well poop.

Well, scratchpad is actually the QA branch according to the steamdb (which is the testing round before experimentals). So not sure what the release pushed to that area means.

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