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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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So "not today". But tomorrow is a thursday and Squad doesn't want to release anything just prior to a weekend. I think we are looking at a mon/tuesday thing now.

They might opt to do it to save their servers over the weekend, the hype is growing every day. Who knows.

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just read back on the thread. well poop.

Well, scratchpad is actually the QA branch according to the steamdb (which is the testing round before experimentals). So not sure what the release pushed to that area means.

"QA and staging". So at least once they're in the stage of testing where they're putting the every-hour-or-two builds in experimentals, it's likely that they use scratchpad for the ones that make it as far as release candidate. Looks like we had a more promising build, then something went wrong again and we're back to frequent experimentals.

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The track ahead is broken, there's a leak in the boiler, we're running out of HypeCoal and DannyJuice, and the Twitter has destroyed our hype. I am sorry. I can not drive across the broken track. We should have the leaf fixed and a leak in the track repaired by tomorrow. SO just go to the Diner car, get a beer, and go to sleep.

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Well, It's been fun y'all. Just got back from the eye doctor and had to zoom in the screen to something like 300 percent to read the "not today" post, thought it said "today" before zooming :( I'm busy all through the weekend so I'm going to have to exit the hype train now. If, Kraken forbid, it's still not out by Monday I'll hop on again. Man I reallly realllly hope that isn't the case. Fight on fellow brave kerbanauts! Keep the hypetrain going!

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You know, there's one thing I've learned through waiting for 0.24. And that is that I'm absolutely terrible at designing space-planes or any kind of useful SSTO... :(

Oh well... Guess I'll just have to stick with conventional rockets for now. *buys ticket for the train and sits down*

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It should be today. It must be today. Yup, I have a very good feeling about today. Or tonight, since I'm on CEST time.

Oh, no - it might not be today! It might not be today! It's gonna be, tonight!


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