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[WIP]"KONQUEST:Modular components for permanent bases" by ASET (14/05/2014)


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I'm not holding my breath on this one. It's really fallen behind, in fact the other threads started by this guy have sorta fallen behind the times.

But hey, there are still crazy things popping up out of nowhere that no one expected, so it could be the guy in change is just working on his own and hoping to break out with a completed project when no one is looking. It's like a popular singer as he starts to decline. He'll go into retirement, wait until his glory days are just beginning to fade and news of his death has been over-exaggerated and then -BAM!- He breaks out with something huge and suddenly he's bigger than ever. Then he dies of a drug overdose and no one believes he's really dead because he's faked it before... but that last part is depressing and I should have stopped while I was on top. I sorta suck that way.

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If anyone wonders why this mod is anxiously anticipated, they must not be familiar with Alesuxtas' work. His previous mods are, probably the best when it comes to detail and functionality of the IVA. The internal controls of ALCOR make IVA-only missions not only possible but fun and exciting. The heads-up display of ERS is fantastic. The idea behind PRC is ingenious. I'm sure KONQUEST will be worth the wait. To see why we wait, go check out the mods I've mentioned. Sorry no links yet, gotta rush. Check out Alexustas' signature.

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Just want to toss my own $0.02 in and say that I will be watching this like a hawk... I've been looking for an alternative to MKS for base-building(Simply for varying flavor) and this is EXACTLY what I've wanted!

Keep up the good work, I really like what you've shown so far.

And indeed, this and the KeepFit mod would go hand-in-hand!

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Hey, this look so good. this with your other mod (E.R.S.) can make some very good planetary colony scenery, please make this happen, please release your konquest mod... I Want It...;.;

Well I guest I have to be patient

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Can't we just let this thread be until Alexustas comes back?

Perfectly legitimate question. The answer is of course, that people want to let the author know that his/her work is appreciated and missed. I cannot speak for any mod author, but if I had taken some time off, and was questioning whether or not it was worth the effort to continue, it would make a difference to me whether or not the "fans" showed an interest. And keeping threads near the front, while perhaps not the best way, is one way to show the author that you're interested.

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In time, however, we must all move on and come to realize that this mod may never be released. I have wasted too much time and energy waiting for releases that were never going to be finished enough for a release because it just isn't worth the effort on the developers part to finish. I'd be happy with an unfinished product that the community could wrestle with and figure out how to fix, but if he's unwilling to release anything that's not finished enough to be fully functional, then we're just wasting energy trying to coax him into coming back to a thread that he may not even be looking at, ever.

It's a real mystery as to where that line between "encouraging" and "wasting time" is. A perfect example is me writing this message. I'm wasting my energy and time right now writing all of this in a thread that may or may not even be monitored by the person I hope is still out there. I still hold on to that glimmer of hope that this guy will suddenly stop by any day now and have a complete package with all the bells and whistles perfectly fixed up for us to consume. I just choose not hold my breath while holding on to it.

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All I have to say is this:

"If time spent is enjoyed, then it is never wasted."

I have no idea where I saw that quote (which I'm paraphrasing), or who said it, but I think it's appropriate here. :)

Yes, we may all be 'wasting' our time continuing to post encouraging messages for AlexUstas to see, in hopes that this mod will be completed soon, but that's our choice.

Put me in the 'hopeful' column, I still look forward to using this mod one day.

Later! :D

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All I have to say is this:

"If time spent is enjoyed, then it is never wasted."

I have no idea where I saw that quote (which I'm paraphrasing), or who said it, but I think it's appropriate here. :)

Yes, we may all be 'wasting' our time continuing to post encouraging messages for AlexUstas to see, in hopes that this mod will be completed soon, but that's our choice.

Put me in the 'hopeful' column, I still look forward to using this mod one day.

Later! :D

Then, something else to consider is that constantly coming in querying about ETAs, asking if mod is still alive, etc can bring moderator intervention and/or thread closure to prevent harassment of the modder.

Something similar happened with the KSO thread when Helldiver had a leave of absence. (no actual closure occurred but it was a near thing)

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Sorry folks, but I have a lot of RL work right now, and seems like I'll be busy at least till mid-December. I will return back to continue my work on projects when i will have more free time.

Sounds great! You're a very skilled modeller and texture artist, and it would be a shame to see your stuff die.

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Sorry folks, but I have a lot of RL work right now, and seems like I'll be busy at least till mid-December. I will return back to continue my work on projects when i will have more free time.

That's fine Alex with the quality you put on your mods, I think we can all be patient.

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