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Upgrading ReStock parts for the Kerbodyne fuel tanks.


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ReStock, so simple, so convenient, especially the Rockomax sized bi, tri and quad couplers. It's just a small pack of cfg files that resize and rearrange some of the stock models.

Its 5-way RCS blocks work great to reduce part count by reducing the number of thrusters needed, but they're underpowered for shoving around things built with the Kerbodyne tanks.

But sadly, not updated in ages and nothing in it to fit the new Kerbodyne tanks and engines diameter.

Here's the cfg for the Bigger, Badder, Bi-Coupler in ReStock. What changes would need made to upsize it? Possible to make a version with Rockomax size on top, Kerbodyne on the bottom? My Kerbal Krewe wants to have a quad coupler made to mount four Kerbodyne tanks and engines underneath a Rockomax based vehicle. Adapting multiple Kerbodyne to the Re-Stock ThunderMax size tanks would also be fun and educational.

name = couplerBiLarge
module = Part
author = Squad, PolecatEZ

model = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackBiCoupler/model
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0
rotation = 0.0, 0, 0
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model000
// texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model001
// texture = model002 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model002
scale = 2
rescaleFactor = 1

node_stack_top = 0, 0.2555655, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom1 = 0.6507622, -0.2681665, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom2 = -0.6507622, -0.2681665, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

cost = 1600
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = Bigger Badder Bi-Coupler
manufacturer = AeroKerbin Bath Products Division
description = The successor to the TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler is a simple method for splitting one giant Rockomax-style rocket into two - WITHOUT the disastrous consequences of doing it the normal (explosive) way.

attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
stackSymmetry = 1

mass = 0.9
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 90
maxTemp = 3400
breakingForce = 970
breakingTorque = 970
fuelCrossFeed = True

// keeps fuel from flowing FROM the bottom nodes (prevents stack imbalances and such)
NoCrossFeedNodeKey = bottom

Updates needed, node size adjustments (especially to thunderBiQuatro.cfg that mounts four Rockomax and five medium size engines under a ThunderMax tank), tech tree settings, tweakables and???

Edited by Galane
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Considering this was made before I really knew what I was doing with scaling - and looking at it, its bringing back brutal flashbacks of reloading repeatedly using the eyeball method of node precision and sizing.


1) I've pretty much been wiping out my own Squad folder as I've gone along on this B9-ification of Squad parts...and those .cfgs reference Squad parts that are no longer there in my world. Not one step back! (ÃÂø шðóу ýð÷ðô!)

2) These will be released in a rocket parts pack probably in next 3-4 weeks. The cockpits and other odd parts already have been done or their functions duplicated in a new way and are either already in one of the B9 expansions or soon will be.

3) Bac9 hinted at a similar set of parts when he updates the original B9 pack, so anything created above would probably be obsoleted also - hence why I'm dragging my feet a bit on these types of parts specifically.

4) If anyone wants to update or expand ReStock using Squad parts, I'll be happy to update the Spaceport download with their version.

5) I'll take the request for chunkier RCS thrusters under advisement - and I already have some ideas how to do it.

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4) If anyone wants to update or expand ReStock using Squad parts, I'll be happy to update the Spaceport download with their version.

That was my intention, to add a Kerbodyne Kompatibility set to ReStock, plus fixing any node sizes that need changed (especially on that 9 engine ThunderMax adapter). Adding Tech Tree support would be a good thing. I'd put the ThunderMax, the lengthened RockoMax size tanks, the Bigger, Badder adapters, heavier nukes and those huge SRBs into the same class as the new Kerbodyne parts. Dunno where to put the spaceplane parts in the tree, aside from tech tree I don't see that any of those need any changes.

But what I need to know is what to change to scale parts up to the new largest stock diameter - and how to fix the fuel drain imbalance on the top side of the triple tank held together with girders. It drains first from one end (or possibly only from one end) so fuel lines have to be used to it from tanks above, and they tend to self-disconnect on the pad - unless KSP has addressed such things since .21 I haven't flown anything using that tank since .21 but still have one in orbit on a fuel depot.

The fuel feed and line issue got the station and lander built with it called the NEW series, for Nearly Everything Works. Made a successful trip to Minmus with it. :)

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...But what I need to know is what to change to scale parts up to the new largest stock diameter - and how to fix the fuel drain imbalance on the top side of the triple tank held together with girders. It drains first from one end (or possibly only from one end) so fuel lines have to be used to it from tanks above, and they tend to self-disconnect on the pad - unless KSP has addressed such things since .21 I haven't flown anything using that tank since .21 but still have one in orbit on a fuel depot.

Answer to the first part: Same way I figured it out...lots of reloading with Alt-F12 menu until something looked good.

As for the fuel drain issue, its just the way things work in KSP. There's no fix for it as of right now. In other mods with these types of parts, they just disabled the fuel flow completely. Self-disconnecting is probably a node size issue that is easily fixed. I don't think they had working node sizes when I made that mod.

Feel free to do what you will with that mod - even repackage it. It hasn't been in my own game in a long time and I'm surprised its still in use.

- - - Updated - - -

...But what I need to know is what to change to scale parts up to the new largest stock diameter - and how to fix the fuel drain imbalance on the top side of the triple tank held together with girders. It drains first from one end (or possibly only from one end) so fuel lines have to be used to it from tanks above, and they tend to self-disconnect on the pad - unless KSP has addressed such things since .21 I haven't flown anything using that tank since .21 but still have one in orbit on a fuel depot.

Answer to the first part: Same way I figured it out...lots of reloading with Alt-F12 menu until something looked good.

As for the fuel drain issue, its just the way things work in KSP. There's no fix for it as of right now. In other mods with these types of parts, they just disabled the fuel flow completely. Self-disconnecting is probably a node size issue that is easily fixed. I don't think they had working node sizes when I made that mod.

Feel free to do what you will with that mod - even repackage it. It hasn't been in my own game in a long time and I'm surprised its still in use.

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A note on rescaling, since the ReStock parts suffer from the rescaleFactor issue.

Three things affect scale.

First, does the part use MODEL nodes? Skip to part B.

A (MODEL node not used; instead "mesh = blah" used)

1. "scale = foo" determines how the first three numbers for each attach node line (the X, Y, Z coords of the node) are scaled. It does *not* affect anything else. Default = 1.0 if not present

2. "rescaleFactor = bar" scales both the model (and its transforms) *and* the attach nodes. Default = 1.25 if not present.

B (MODEL node(s) used)

1. Inside the MODEL node, "scale = blahX, blahY, blahZ" determines the scaling of the model and its transforms. Default is 1.0, 1.0, 1.0. It does not affect node positions.

2. Outside the MODEL node, "scale = foo" works as above.

3. Outside the MODEL node, rescaleFactor works as above.

HOWEVER, there is a bug in scaling. For parts with MODEL nodes, rescaleFactor is applied twice to the mu, *unless* (a) the part is the root part of the vessel and (B) you've reverted to launch (or perhaps switched in flight? Don't recall). All other times, it is applied twice. What this means is that if you have scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 in the MODEL node (or no scale at all), and rescaleFactor = 1.25, then your mesh will actually be 1.5625 as big, but your nodes will be scaled outwards 1.25.

For this reason, when scaling parts using MODEL nodes, it is suggested to leave scale (outside the MODEL node) and rescaleFactor both at 1.0, and instead both change the scale = x, y, z inside the MODEL node and manually scale the positions of the attach nodes.

Thus this bites the command-pod parts particularly badly, since they're likely to be root parts; on a revert (or quickswitch) their size changes and you likely get RUD.

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Looks like there's a new node size in .23.5

node_stack_top = 0.0,1.527248,0.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3

Just applying that to the ThunderMax size parts should improve stability.

Edit: Yessss. Yes, it does. :) Adapting the adapters to Kerbodyne size was as easy as changing the scale factors from 2 to 3 and the node sizes from 2 to 3. I also changed the node sizes on both ends of the ThunderMax tanks to 3 and same for the bottom of the Rockomax adapter and the top of the 9 engine mount. New part names and descriptions and Bob Kerman's your second alien cousin twice removed. ;)

What has me stumped is enlarging just the top end of the ThunderMax to Rockomax adapter to Kerbodyne size. If I change the scale from 2,6,2 to 3,6,3 the big end also gets bigger. Oh no, not making ThunderMaximumer tanks and upscaling the 9 engine mount to hold four Kerbodyne and five Rockomax engines... I've no idea how you put that thing together, PolecatEZ.

Perhaps making a cfg to adjust the size of the new Kerbodyne to Rockomax adapter?

Edit 2: Close, quite close. Scale 1.45,1,1.45 puts the top end exactly at Kerbodyne size but the bottom end is a bit larger than the ThunderMax. I'll try upsizing the other stock adapters and see if any will bloat to Kerbodyne up top while coming close to but not exceeding Thunder down below.

Not caring much if the adapter is a smidge small on the bottom. It's the overhang which looks silly. Getting something right sized for this is the last new part addition to integrate Kerbodyne parts with ReStock. Then there's adding tech tree info.

Edited by Galane
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