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How do you build your space stations?


How do you build the station?  

  1. 1. How do you build the station?

    • I wing it the kerbal style. No planning, throw stuff up and see how it fits.
    • I plan it out the best I can in my head, but nothing more.
    • I plan and build it in the Assembly building, then make sub parts out of sections.
    • I plan it out in my head, do test launches, and everything I can too assure it'll be perfect.

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This. Planning in the VAB for me is just to get a sense of what it will look like approximately and test out clearances, I usually don't add everything in there but make a new craft file for each module and use it to modify and launch them. I'm STILL stuck on a good hab module design for my latest station that's not just an inflatable hab with a docking port on the end.

i use the Station parts from the KSO pack, they seem to do a pretty good job.

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For me I usually do a fair amount of planning mostly about what the purpose of the station is. Given how KSP currently works there is not a ton of in game use to a stationary station, so I often like to make mine more of roaming explorers which I can have Kerbals living on while touring the Kolar System. Planning gets done a lot in the VAB and I do like to have the full assembled thing there first before I launch it up in pieces. That's what works for me!

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For me I usually do a fair amount of planning mostly about what the purpose of the station is. Given how KSP currently works there is not a ton of in game use to a stationary station, so I often like to make mine more of roaming explorers which I can have Kerbals living on while touring the Kolar System. Planning gets done a lot in the VAB and I do like to have the full assembled thing there first before I launch it up in pieces. That's what works for me!

You mean a space station that you can move from system to system? Kinda like the Death Star could move but was a station?

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Depends on the use ...

for small research stations around Mun (that just are there to resupply moon landers and replenisch their science modules)

I plan out the main body (that contains everything important) and transport it into Muns orbit and then just couple new fuel tanks to the station ...

For larger stations around Kerbin I don´t plan above the subsection level

Edited by Godot
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