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Intersolar system space encounter


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Hello everyone!

I just created this account for a very important reason. (However now that I have this account I will probably be posting and replying more often) But I wanted to ask if anyone has ever encountered anything... strange in space. Just a few moments ago I was out exploring the solar system and I encounter what appeared to be a distant star twinkling in the distance (mind you I was flying one of those USS Enterprise ships and traveling at extreme velocity) well I aligned the bow of my ship toward and hit the throttle. I could see the object/star/UFO/thing moving (relatively) up away from my bow and it actually was outrunning me. Im traveling at 454248 m/s and this thing is moving at about 3 times that speed away from me! Mind you I got within 50,000 km of this thing before it punched it up to warp 9 and I am using no mods except KAS, Mechjeb and Hyperedit I have three other Star Trek ships; USS Voyager, USS Stargazer. and The Phoenix. None of which contains additional coding that I am aware of. BTW I encountered this 46,000,000 m away from Minimus and 70,000,000 m from Kerbin I have no idea how to give better info than that but I can tell you that Minimus is to my right as well as Duna in the distance off to the right if that helps any of you astronomers out that pinpoint my location.

If anyone can shed some light on what this thing was or if anyone has also seen strange things floating in space - Not debris, before anyone says it - I would love to hear stories of UFOs or other strange phenomenon.

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Um... Do you even have the game?

There are no aliens in ksp.

This is a serious game about real orbital mechanics and space programs.

And you shouldn't be able to see Duna from Kerbin...

If you manage to somehow go 454 km/s without rocketing out of Kerbins soi you let me know...

Stars do not "twinkle" in KSP

If there was another vessel, even outside of render distance, it would have a white or purple marker showing its distance.

This is not a typical space game where you slow down in space or go "pew pew pew"

I'm asking if you have the game as a serious question because it really sounds like your making things up and don't even know what the game is about.

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  Deadpangod3 said:
Um... Do you even have the game? There are no aliens in ksp.


As for the Duna visibility and twinkling stars thing, actually boot up KSP, go into orbit, and look for it; it'll answer both of your points.

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Utopia, what you saw wasn't "star twinkling." What you have experienced is a feature known as space madness. It makes you see all sorts of things that aren't there. Major things, like... things that are in STO instead of KSP.

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You can see Duna inside Kerbin's SOI. It appears as a twinkling dot. You can also see Eve. I remember someone measured the size of the sun using Eve and the telescope mod from the north and south pole of Kerbin .

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  Utopia570 said:
Hello everyone!

I just created this account for a very important reason. (However now that I have this account I will probably be posting and replying more often) But I wanted to ask if anyone has ever encountered anything... strange in space. Just a few moments ago I was out exploring the solar system and I encounter what appeared to be a distant star twinkling in the distance (mind you I was flying one of those USS Enterprise ships and traveling at extreme velocity) well I aligned the bow of my ship toward and hit the throttle. I could see the object/star/UFO/thing moving (relatively) up away from my bow and it actually was outrunning me. Im traveling at 454248 m/s and this thing is moving at about 3 times that speed away from me! Mind you I got within 50,000 km of this thing before it punched it up to warp 9 and I am using no mods except KAS, Mechjeb and Hyperedit I have three other Star Trek ships; USS Voyager, USS Stargazer. and The Phoenix. None of which contains additional coding that I am aware of. BTW I encountered this 46,000,000 m away from Minimus and 70,000,000 m from Kerbin I have no idea how to give better info than that but I can tell you that Minimus is to my right as well as Duna in the distance off to the right if that helps any of you astronomers out that pinpoint my location.

If anyone can shed some light on what this thing was or if anyone has also seen strange things floating in space - Not debris, before anyone says it - I would love to hear stories of UFOs or other strange phenomenon.

Could also be an easteregg nobody found until now. Let's go all hunt UFO's.

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Jones: "Here Jones Kerman reporting from in, im seeing the UFO, im 2km away from it, aproaching in at 10m/s... Ok im now 1km away.... 500m... 100m... Okay, RCS fired, relative velocities 0.1m/s, EVA'ing to get a closer look..."

Hatch opens, Jones Kerman gets out and sees the strange object..

Jones: "It appears to be a black-ish cone with a white thing on top and... Wait im getting a signal!..."

Unknown: "Hello?! HELLO?!?! SOMEONE?!?! ANYONE?!?!!!"

Jones: "Here Jones Kerman from the Kerbals... Umm why you sound like Jebediah Kerman?"


Jones: "Ok, Mission Control, its not an UFO, its just Jeb on a capsule"

Mission Control: "Ok get out of there"

Jebediah: "WAIT NOO DON'T LEAVE ME HERfj16&!"(KN *Signal ends*"

Aaaand that's what happened :)

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