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How to:lander legs

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  OtherDalfite said:

To use the lander legs properly, just press the G key and the legs should pop open. Also, the legs will open if the stage they are in is activated, but no sound will play. Hope this helps!

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Before it\'s locked.. a related question, how do people make the lander legs attach in the way which makes them like a collector on their ships? I\'m trying to design one and I\'m failing badly!


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  PD said:

Before it\'s locked.. a related question, how do people make the lander legs attach in the way which makes them like a collector on their ships? I\'m trying to design one and I\'m failing badly!


Make a ring of whatever, and put the legs on the inside.


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Depends on the design your going for

1st way

Place a Decoupler above your Pod

Place lander legs on the side of the Decoupler (tri-sym)

the lander legs should be sticking out in front.

That is your closed. pressing G will take you to your opened


2nd way

Build some wierd Ship with either a Quad Or Tri Sym

have Fuel Tanks lead down

and place Lander legs on the Inside of Each fuel tank.

Lander legs will start off on open

Pressing G will bring you to closed.


Another way



Screen Shot and Design from The_Duck

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