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Well,KSP its a great game! im heaving a lot of fun! But why not include comercial planes? like boing or airbus planes?

think,in carrer modes,contracts,to raise some money!

i know,that's not the objectve of the game,but...a future DLC?

jet planes,planes with the capability of making interncontinental flights?

that can make the game even more complex,and complete!

what do you think?

Sorry any english mistakes,its not my mother language !

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Like commercial airline cabins and stuff? I don't think they'll make that for a while, maybe as an expansion, like you said... there's probably a mod for it though.

jet planes,planes with the capability of making interncontinental flights?

I think you can already build this stuff, like Sirrobert said

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I guess zedelima suggest is Squad add some more stock planes which are replica of popular commercial airliners.

But as they seems to be not really fond of such additional content (look the two poors scenarii they have added for the NASA mission) it's not for tomorrow !

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To be honest, I would hate DLC's. I think all KSP players should have the same amount of content as everyone else.

PROPERLY DONE DLC is just a new name for expantions. Do you hate expantions of games? To each their own I guess

Expantions are way for the devloper to earn money after release, and to allow additional content that might not suit everyone.

An example of good DLC is Skyrim. It's DLCs are major additions to the game, devloped long after the game released. Basicly you buy a little extra game for a little bit more money.

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no to dlc, not until we have done at least 77+ more iterations MINIMUM...

don't even mention dlc, *unless you want your thread banned*

and also the probability of it is low, it would mean maintaining 2 versions(this is why nasapack which was going to be dlc became an update) and its terrible when you have multiplayer(planned feature) and dlc, because it means its nearly impossible to find a mach for one version.

really, expansion packs are ok, when the game is a 1 release by a big company (and as a money grab for nothing excuse) but dlc is freemium for non mmo games.

--on topic--

I think the best thing for commercial planes is kind of a contract for companies to make planes with certain specs, that you make in the space plane hangar.... (and test)

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yeah i will not pay for dlc. anything that can be ksp dlc some modder could just make for free. theres no need for a money grab like that.

SQUAD is (from what ive seen) a good company and has proven adept at pleasing its customers. unlike those EA scumbags.

for example: on steam, there are 19 sims 3 dlc packs, each for at minimum 19.99, at most 39.99. so to buy all sims 3 DLC is upwards of 250.00$! screw that lol.

EDIT: then again, all the DLC for train simulator 2014 adds up to almost 4000$!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: so i suppose there are worse companies http://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/

Edited by r4pt0r
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Damn, it's amazing how people fail to realize the differenece between good DLC and bad DLC. A good DLC is not a money grab, it's an EXPANTION

Train simulator are basicly just reskins. I'm talking about proper expantions. Like Dawnguard for Skyrim.

And example of DLC for KSP would be another solar system, and a way to get there

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If my memory serves correctly there are already planes in the game? Along with a runway and hanger to build aircraft in... ;) And I think that the spaceplane parts will get an overhaul at some point. :)

And DLCs aren't a bad thing in themselves, their name has just been tainted in recent years.

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Sigh. I don't see what the problem is with paying for content added. The people at Squad need to eat, you know.

As for planes. Well, not likely. The game is very much about space exploration. You can already make planes, yes, but I doubt that'd become the focus of KSP...well ever.

If you want plane parts, there are lots of mods for that.

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