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Showoff your videogames/movies replicas!

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Post pictures of your crafts that dont/cant exist in real! (x-wing or uss enterprise for example)

Heres my wip, mass effect shuttle replica... vtol ssto.


looks a bit stupid, i know...

Anyway, i will try to make an imgur album if more people will showoff..

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I actually forgot about that.... but its based off of the ODIN station from CoD: Ghosts. Such a shame that a cool station like that one was in such a bad game.

Art I based "Thor" off of:


Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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Aww yeah, my time to shine. My lack of originality means I'm pretty much only in the replica game.

My best one I think visually is this Gundam. Flies, lands, and the wings move into three set positions.



This Zoid Raynos also looks awesome I think, and handles amazingly well. You can turn the top or bottom engine off for super high g turns. The legs also move up into flying position.



Those two I built with all in game parts, b9 included, with some resized parts. Then I decided to try and load in a custom made model I found by DGMM on deviantart. I know this is kind of cheating, but it's a challenge for me and I've learned a lot about game development and modeling since I started. Here is the development thread where you can see more pics, flying gifs, and all the custom animations I gave it.


Edited by clown_baby
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