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Ocean-Based Lag: A Problem That Needs to be Fixed Soon

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As amazing as KSP is with graphics, physics and sheer fun, the way the game processes the oceans is just atrocious. Until I figured out how to edit the config file (which was long after I bought KSP), by frame-rate would drop to at most 10 fps. This obviously makes the game so much less fun.

I seriously think a new method of rendering the oceans of KSP is long overdue, and I bet plenty of people can agree. I do realize something like this can't be easy to pull off, but I think it can be possible.

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Are you still experiencing this problem in 0.23.5? I thought something was done with it as many people came to forums shortly after release praising suddenly much better framerates with ocean and terrain in general...

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I think I owe an apology here.

When I first posted this thread I was testing out a pretty-GPU intensive mod, and, when my game was running at only a few frames per second, I got pretty angry and ended up making this thread. I'm sorry for not clarifying. I am indeed running in 0.23.5, and without mods, I am running as smooth as butter.

What I should've said is that when I add just one or two mods, my game gets really laggy. However, my computer is not all that great for gaming, so I believe that lag is on my part, not the game's.

Sorry about the confusion. I do this sometimes. Is it possible to just close this thread and not let anyone reply, because this really isn't a discussion anymore.

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Is your PC below recommended system specs?


It can be argued that a game that is specifically made so that it can be modded is intended to be played with mods, and would perform adequately with a couple of mods installed.

Although obviously a lot depends on those mods; not just what it does but also how efficiently it does it. A 'mod' that is just a couple of parts will not have the same performance impact as a mod that changes the atmospheric drag model.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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