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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
That's because Eve lacks both biomes (aside from water/surface) and anomalies.

Unless he changed it and I didn't notice, they'll still scan, it'll just come up as static. Which isn't entirely useless, as you can still get science for it.

There's a mod that adds biomes to planets that don't have them though.

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cool thanks yep i got the static

was unsure if it was like that due to lack of biomes or maybe lack of correct installation on my part so i thought id ask

luckily i was able to get a bit of science out of that mission so it was not a wast of time

thanks again to all for the patients and understanding and big up again to the new caretaker of this awesome mod

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Don't suppose anyone else has an issue in pre-existing savegames where upgrading from the previous version (b5) causes the R & D Center to close? I'm trying to fix my savegame so I can actually use science I'd get from my upcoming Duna missions.

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  Einarr said:
Don't suppose anyone else has an issue in pre-existing savegames where upgrading from the previous version (b5) causes the R & D Center to close? I'm trying to fix my savegame so I can actually use science I'd get from my upcoming Duna missions.

This is a general issue with the upgrade to 0.23.5, I think. I don't think it's related to SCANsat in any way. I don't know if there is actually a fix, though.

- - - Updated - - -

  hawk_za said:
cool thanks yep i got the static

was unsure if it was like that due to lack of biomes or maybe lack of correct installation on my part so i thought id ask

luckily i was able to get a bit of science out of that mission so it was not a wast of time

thanks again to all for the patients and understanding and big up again to the new caretaker of this awesome mod

edit: I'm a dirty, dirty liar who doesn't know what he's talking about! SHAME!

Edited by technogeeky
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  technogeeky said:
This is a general issue with the upgrade to 0.23.5, I think. I don't think it's related to SCANsat in any way. I don't know if there is actually a fix, though.

Funny, I've been running 24.5 for awhile now and this save hasn't had that issue until I accidentally overwrote the b5 version of SCANSat with the v6. I've tried removing SCANSat entirely, and all related bits from the persistence file, reinstalling v6, or b5, all to no avail. Suppose I'll just have to wipe the save and start over again...*sighs*

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  Einarr said:
Funny, I've been running 24.5 for awhile now and this save hasn't had that issue until I accidentally overwrote the b5 version of SCANSat with the v6. I've tried removing SCANSat entirely, and all related bits from the persistence file, reinstalling v6, or b5, all to no avail. Suppose I'll just have to wipe the save and start over again...*sighs*

Don't delete anything. There are threads on how to convert a sandbox save to a career save (I think). Check them to see if there is something in your persistent file that can be changed to fix it.

I'm not sure how SCANsat could cause this problem by itself though.

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  DMagic said:
An empty biome map also generates static.

I feel like I should be embarrassed to have to be told this about my own mod, but damn it -- I don't want to *really* cheat and see planetary bodies I haven't reached myself in game yet. :(

And since I've only gotten to Kerbin and its moons, I wouldn't know.

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  DMagic said:
Don't delete anything. There are threads on how to convert a sandbox save to a career save (I think). Check them to see if there is something in your persistent file that can be changed to fix it.

I'm not sure how SCANsat could cause this problem by itself though.

It was a career save from .23, and I took the required steps to ensure it remained playable after Steam decided to update to .23.5 without my consent. It ran fine, still a Career save, until now. Given that the only thing that changed was overwriting the older SCANSat with the newer one, it is a logical place to start looking.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
You gave it your consent when you didn't change the 'always keep this game up to date' option in the properties tab. It seems a logical thing to do if you don't want to keep it updated.

Actually, I had changed that prior to Steam updating KSP for me. It did it anyway. Not the first time Steam has ignored this setting, and I doubt it will be the last.

I'm beginning to wish that there was a way to turn in my Steam key and return to the regular (non-Steam) version of KSP. Stuck with it now, though as it's a one-way process.

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  Einarr said:
Actually, I had changed that prior to Steam updating KSP for me. It did it anyway. Not the first time Steam has ignored this setting, and I doubt it will be the last.

I'm beginning to wish that there was a way to turn in my Steam key and return to the regular (non-Steam) version of KSP. Stuck with it now, though as it's a one-way process.

Do you have a backup prior to and after the bug happened? If you have both and you package them up (zip) and private message me a link, I can take a look.

As for it being SCANsat's fault or not, I really can't say.

And can you detail the precise sequence of events (if you can remember)? Are you saying it went:

  1. start 0.23 savegame
  2. play some, save where a vessel has SCANsat v5 sensors on it
  3. upgrade to 0.23.5
  4. fix 0.23.5 R&D bug
  5. load again, it works
  6. save, still has a vessel with SCANsat v5 sensors on it
  7. load now, R&D broken


  1. start 0.23 savegame
  2. play some, but no vessels have ssv5 sensors on it
  3. upgrade to 0.23.5
  4. load again, it works
  5. add a vessel with SS v5 sensors on it
  6. save, vessel included
  7. load now, R&D broken

Or, if it's some other sequence, please state it.

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Unfortunately, I do not have a backup of the save, only its current state.

As for the order in which things have happened, it's a bit complicated. Steam updated from .23 to .23.5.464 even though I'd told it to not automatically update KSP. It did this the same day that .23.5.464 came out. The resulting sequence of events is more like:

1. Steam updates .23 to .23.5.464 ignoring the change to update preference I made. I don't really even remember if I had SCANSat for .23, or if I'd gotten around to launching any vessels with its parts.

2. Fix .23.5 R & D bug

3. Play for awhile, adding, removing, and trimming various mods. No issues noted with the savegame. Note that awhile in this case means from the time I got everything going after the update to .23.5.464 to the point I'm at now where the R & D closed on me.

4. Overwrite SCANSat b5 with SCANSat v6, some vessels had b5 parts on them.

5. Two sets of SCANSat parts appeared in the VAB/SPH, and I needed to unlock one set in R & D. I did so.

6. Even after doing so, the new parts still told me they needed unlocked in R & D.

7. I terminated the one vessel I had with SCANSat b5 parts on it, and removed them from every craft file I could think of in preparation for completely uninstalling SCANSat and reinstalling it to remove the duplicate parts.

8. Said reinstall process was completed and included running KSP with SCANSat completely removed (to clear the parts off the unlocked lists in the persistence file...as usually works with other mods).

9. After SCANSat reinstalled, R & D issue crops up.

10. Check persistence file to see if the R & D bugfix from step 2 has come unglued...it hasn't...notes that SCANSat parts still listed in the unlocked parts lists, many of them with duplicate entries.

11. Removed said entries. All SCANSat parts should now need to be unlocked in R & D.

12. R & D issue unresolved.

I will be sending a PM in a moment with a link to the persistence file I do have.

Link sent, check your PMs.

Found a quicksave that should be from before the R&D Issue. Zipped up and link sent via PM.

Edited by Einarr
Found a quicksave.
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  Einarr said:
Unfortunately, I do not have a backup of the save, only its current state.

As for the order in which things have happened, it's a bit complicated. Steam updated from .23 to .23.5.464 even though I'd told it to not automatically update KSP. It did this the same day that .23.5.464 came out. The resulting sequence of events is more like:

1. Steam updates .23 to .23.5.464 ignoring the change to update preference I made. I don't really even remember if I had SCANSat for .23, or if I'd gotten around to launching any vessels with its parts.

2. Fix .23.5 R & D bug

3. Play for awhile, adding, removing, and trimming various mods. No issues noted with the savegame. Note that awhile in this case means from the time I got everything going after the update to .23.5.464 to the point I'm at now where the R & D closed on me.

4. Overwrite SCANSat b5 with SCANSat v6, some vessels had b5 parts on them.

5. Two sets of SCANSat parts appeared in the VAB/SPH, and I needed to unlock one set in R & D. I did so.

6. Even after doing so, the new parts still told me they needed unlocked in R & D.

7. I terminated the one vessel I had with SCANSat b5 parts on it, and removed them from every craft file I could think of in preparation for completely uninstalling SCANSat and reinstalling it to remove the duplicate parts.

8. Said reinstall process was completed and included running KSP with SCANSat completely removed (to clear the parts off the unlocked lists in the persistence file...as usually works with other mods).

9. After SCANSat reinstalled, R & D issue crops up.

10. Check persistence file to see if the R & D bugfix from step 2 has come unglued...it hasn't...notes that SCANSat parts still listed in the unlocked parts lists, many of them with duplicate entries.

11. Removed said entries. All SCANSat parts should now need to be unlocked in R & D.

12. R & D issue unresolved.

I will be sending a PM in a moment with a link to the persistence file I do have.

Link sent, check your PMs.

Interesting. I can't promise anything, but I will take a look.

There were a variety of changes to the part.cfg files. I could itemize them so we can figure out which, if any, cause this kind of mismatch.

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In the meantime, I've updated my mods, added some more, trimmed some down, etc and am getting ready to start a new career save. Most of the trimming I do is to remove fuel tanks from mods like KW Rocketry and NovaPunch. I use Procedural Parts, and so do not really need many sizes of fuel tanks cluttering up my parts inventory, taking up RAM, etc.

Hopefully you can get the R&D in my more established save working again, there's a Duna mission pending. You'll notice the Transfer Stage in high Kerbin Orbit, waiting on the transfer window. It's loaded with 3 impact detector probes, and 2 impactors. The manned portion hasn't been launched yet.

Edited by Einarr
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  Einarr said:
In the meantime, I've updated my mods, added some more, trimmed some down, etc and am getting ready to start a new career save. Most of the trimming I do is to remove fuel tanks from mods like KW Rocketry and NovaPunch. I use Procedural Parts, and so do not really need many sizes of fuel tanks cluttering up my parts inventory, taking up RAM, etc.

Hopefully you can get the R&D in my more established save working again, there's a Duna mission pending. You'll notice the Transfer Stage in high Kerbin Orbit, waiting on the transfer window. It's loaded with 3 impact detector probes, and 2 impactors. The manned portion hasn't been launched yet.

I don't know if this means anything to you, but I ran a diff which ignores all changes in whitespace, shows the two files in left and right hand-columns, etc.

The command I ran was:

diff --left-column --strip-trailing-cr -bEiy persistent.sfs quicksave.sfs  > diff-columns.txt

Or, if I wanted to inspect only the lines that were actually different

diff --left-column --suppress-common-lines --strip-trailing-cr -bEiy quicksave.sfs persistent.sfs > diff-columns-suppress.txt

Anyway, here is the top of the output (the older quicksave.sfs on the left, the newer persistent.sfs on the right):

(too big for here; see pastebin; i cut out some parts that had identical science entries)

For example, if the divider between the two columns is (, that means that the right column is the same. | means it will show you the differences between the same row. < means the left column has a new row. and > means there is a new row on the right (in this case, in persistent).

Anyway, I don't know what to look for -- I see some changes to SCANsat things in the tech tree. But I see a lot more changes to other plugins (TAC, it looks like) -- and TAC has a whole new Scenario section.

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When you say the R&D center is closed do you mean you can't open it from the spacecenter screen? Or that when you collect science data you get the generic, sandbox science results? Or both?

Do you see any errors in the debug menu (alt+F2)? Can you send the ksp.log file (in the main KSP directory)?

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  DMagic said:
When you say the R&D center is closed do you mean you can't open it from the spacecenter screen? Or that when you collect science data you get the generic, sandbox science results? Or both?

Do you see any errors in the debug menu (alt+F2)? Can you send the ksp.log file (in the main KSP directory)?

At least the former (when you click R&D from SpaceCenter, it says This Facility is Closed).

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  technogeeky said:
I feel like I should be embarrassed to have to be told this about my own mod, but damn it -- I don't want to *really* cheat and see planetary bodies I haven't reached myself in game yet. :(

And since I've only gotten to Kerbin and its moons, I wouldn't know.

I've mapped the entire System except for the Sun...although only with the low-res and the biome maps, as I haven't unlocked the SAR yet. It's the first time I've mapped everything at all though, and it's entirely thanks to being able to map at high warp.

I'll admit that my description was unclear, there are two forms of 'static' you can get, which are very easy to tell apart by looking at them but somewhat harder to describe.

The first is the 'out of power' type, which results in animated static that sort-of follows the scanlines and only appears on the small map. You can still kinda see the map through it at parts, because it kinda clears out right behind the scanline for a few moments? Or somesuch.

The second type is the 'nothing to display' type, which you get from biome mapping anything that isn't Kerbin or its Muns, or from Altitude-mapping something with no ground (Jool and the Sun). It's...well, I want to say 'Static' but let's go with 'fixed'. It's clearly randomly generated, as it changes when the map gets redrawn, but it isn't animated. It stays fixed until you do something that causes the map to redraw. It basically looks like a screenshot of what you get out of an old analog TV that's been tuned to a channel that isn't there: random black-and-white dots. It's still helpful because it lets you see where you've scanned so far.

The multispectral will let you turn the scans in for science even when all it can do is a static "map", but the radar will not.

I've yet to manage to 'map' the Sun effectively, as I've yet to figure out a way to circularize at a low enough altitude. (Mechjeb wants 26 THOUSAND m/s to do it. Or was it 28? Whatever.)

Edited by Tiron
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  Tiron said:
I've mapped the entire System except for the Sun...

Yes, the static types are very different.

The small map static is constantly alternating between static and the regular display, that's why the map is still somewhat visible. The nothing-to-see static just generates pixels with a random shade of grey.

From what I can tell it looks like an empty biome map is also supposed to return 0 science, but because the biome system doesn't quite work how damny was thinking it does, this isn't the case. Allowing both cases to return science, as they probably should, seems easy enough to do.

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