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Evolving Statements


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After pondering for a fun game idea that would come up with some interesting results by playing with sentences, this came to me. It could be described as an odd sort of decentralised Nomic, but who knows.

Essentially, I post a statement here which contains rules. You may use those rules to modify the statement, as long as it is in following with the rules. Players may modify that statement as well (under the rules outlined in the statement), and so on and so forth. The only core rule is that you must begin it with the number of the statement and which statement it was based off.

For example:

  • “Statement 1: You may modify this statement.â€Â
  • “Statement 2 (based off Statement 1): You may modify this statement so long as any addenda contain the letter ‘e’â€Â
  • “Statement 3 (based off Statement 1): You may modify this statement so long as any addenda do not contain the letter ‘e’â€Â

and so on. Hopefully, these statements will change over time and maybe even compete memetically. We’ll see.

With that done, I shall begin with Statement 1:

Statement 1: You may modify this statement in any way.

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Statement 3 (based off Statement 2): You may modify this statement as long as modifications are indicated in red or, if it is a modification (rather than an addition), in blue.

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