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[FORUM GAME] The tall skyscraper game.


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YOU FIND FLOOR 100! Its a celebration of climbing over 100 flights of steps. You take a bottle of the strongest, cheapest drink and move on.

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Not jsut any pie, PINKIE PIE, so you have a party

You go back to 99, and find rarity making a dress for you


FIx your post. Nao

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Upon losing your weapon to a zombie\'s unfeeling grip, you are forced to retreat up to level 94, where there is a collection of every villain in every video game and movie there ever was in one huge room (which somehow doesn\'t cause the skyscraper to become at all larger on this level than any other, at least on the outside).

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Upon losing your weapon to a zombie\'s unfeeling grip, you are forced to retreat up to level 94, where there is a collection of every villain in every video game and movie there ever was in one huge room (which somehow doesn\'t cause the skyscraper to become at all larger on this level than any other, at least on the outside).


Why do people not understand \'only go up/don ONE LEVEL at a time?


You go to 103 and find a wormhole.

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