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General Liftersâ„¢. Awesome boosters to cover every need! (5-10-20-30-50-75-100mT to LKO)

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Hi - thanks for these. Really pretty lifters. I love what you did with the fairings and seperatrons. It actually feels real :)

However, I am having trouble pushing the 20 tonne launcher into LKO. I have tried manually piloting it and then with a mechjeb assisted flight profile but I still tank out with about 300 dV required.

Any tips? Or perhaps the game version now means these are no longer viable for their listed payloads?

Yeah, these do require some revision for exactly the reasons giggle states... luckily the fairings can be done much lighter now, so I expect I will be able to regain the lost delta-v there when I get around to it. In the meantime, with the new gizmos, you should be able to do pretty awesome fairings yourself. just remember: you have to place the wings so that they don't generate lift, that is, 90º turned from how you would put them on a plane. That generally means you have to pick the other wing with the same shape, rather than the one you initially think about.

Rune. Updating my rockets is a never-ending task these days!

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Can I offer an idea about names specifically the peregrine? Peregrines aren't good at lifting they are better at speed. I would recommend the pelican because they are known for carrying more than peregrine Falcons. Not to be judgmental or mean just a suggestion.:wink:

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Can I offer an idea about names specifically the peregrine? Peregrines aren't good at lifting they are better at speed. I would recommend the pelican because they are known for carrying more than peregrine Falcons. Not to be judgmental or mean just a suggestion.:wink:

Peregrine as in a wanderer or traveller. The rockets are named with words that approximately mean "traveller".

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