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[24.2] Asteroid Recycling Technologies [0.4.2 - 2014.08.24]


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    • Hollow Asteroids
    • Asteroidal Resources
    • Asteroid Utilities
    • Asteroid Repurpose Systems
    • Asteroid Recycling Technologies
    • Asteroid Harvesting Tools
    • Asteroid Utilization Pack
    • Mineable Asteroids
    • Asteroid Kerbalization System

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Couple of bugs I've noticed with the Seperator/Sorter part combo. First, the Seperator is able to stay active; generating resources and consuming rock, even when it's been detached from (but still in physics range of) the Asteroid. Second, the USI_AsteroidConverter module doesn't seem to taking TimeWarp into consideration.

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  PDelta41 said:
Is there any way to tell which asteroids have been spawned since I installed the mod? The one I managed to capture shows 0 rock. Alternately, would deleting asteroids in the save game force new ones to spawn? Or perhaps there's a way to retroactively add resources to them?

Very likely if you deleted them from the save new ones would spawn. If the issue persists let me know.

  Arron Rift said:
First off, AWESOME MOD! I've never caught an asteroid cause I never saw much point, but this may well make me get around to it!

But how much of the stuff in the concept art is currently working at the moment? Can I at least store fuel yet? What all can I currently do?

Pretty much everything, but after some talks with WaRi there will be one more round of rework (we're basically splitting it into two packs - an intro one and one with more advanced stuff).

  armakaryk said:
Couple of bugs I've noticed with the Seperator/Sorter part combo. First, the Seperator is able to stay active; generating resources and consuming rock, even when it's been detached from (but still in physics range of) the Asteroid. Second, the USI_AsteroidConverter module doesn't seem to taking TimeWarp into consideration.

The physics range thing sounds downright magical ;) And I'll look into the AsteroidConverter. It's the same one we use for Karbonite, so more specifics would be good. Granted, that converter is getting a large rewrite anyway :P

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Actually, I think the "Stop Tracking" option in the tracking station allows them to despawn, though it may not happen immediately. The "Last Seen" for untracked and "Discovered" for tracked asteroids is probably when they spawned; I'll just have to wait untill one of them comes close enough for me to probe it.

Edit: Also, would it be possible to add aft stack nodes on the rock dust engines so I can put them on top of rockets?

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  PDelta41 said:
Actually, I think the "Stop Tracking" option in the tracking station allows them to despawn, though it may not happen immediately. The "Last Seen" for untracked and "Discovered" for tracked asteroids is probably when they spawned; I'll just have to wait untill one of them comes close enough for me to probe it.

Edit: Also, would it be possible to add aft stack nodes on the rock dust engines so I can put them on top of rockets?

Let me know if that solves the issue, and yes that's possible they just need a fairing.

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  Itsdavyjones said:
Saw your video for the mass driver, my only gripe with it is that there is sound, since its really just an over sized ion drive, using rock, it shouldn't make noise. Otherwise Looks amazing.

Noise from the rocks being tumbled about on their way out the exhaust end of the engine? Pretty sure that would cause a racket in a ship.

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0.4.1 is out!

This is going to break ships as many modules have been changed/deprecated/merged/etc

Also the folder structure has changed - core parts have been separated from optional parts.

NOTE: If you use MKS or Karbonite, you need to be on the pre-release of these mods as well, since these all share some stuff and are going out in lockstep.

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  RoverDude said:
0.4.1 is out!

This is going to break ships as many modules have been changed/deprecated/merged/etc

Also the folder structure has changed - core parts have been separated from optional parts.

NOTE: If you use MKS or Karbonite, you need to be on the pre-release of these mods as well, since these all share some stuff and are going out in lockstep.

Shouldnt the new ART folders be in the Umbraspaceindustries folder?

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Are you still having difficulty with the dynamic crew capacity? I think Dtobi has some working parts that can house crew only when deployed/converted.

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79675 (Command Bunker)

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84224-Klockheed-Martian-Special-Parts-V2-1-09-Aug-Dev-Thread-Wet-workshop (Wet Workshop Door)

Edit: He might have some pointers and/or code that would work for that crew hatch, the OKS HabRing, and the MKS HabDomes.

Edited by PDelta41
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Hrmm. I think my previous post got paged over. As a trial of feasibility, I managed to splice Dtobi's km_digger module (from the Command Bunker part of his Asteroid Cities mod) into the CrewHatch cfg file; dynamic crew works, it goes from 0 to 6 crew capacity. That particular module doesn't utilize the asteroid space at all, but I'm hoping that it might help this part live. (I really want cave-Kerbals, too!)

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h181/PDelta41/screenshot1.png' alt='screenshot1.png'>

Jeb wants to live in a cave too!

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  PDelta41 said:
Hrmm. I think my previous post got paged over. As a trial of feasibility, I managed to splice Dtobi's km_digger module (from the Command Bunker part of his Asteroid Cities mod) into the CrewHatch cfg file; dynamic crew works, it goes from 0 to 6 crew capacity. That particular module doesn't utilize the asteroid space at all, but I'm hoping that it might help this part live. (I really want cave-Kerbals, too!)


Jeb wants to live in a cave too!

Ah, I'll take a look :) I've been swamped with a few other releases and was hoping to let someone else take the slings and arrows to fix the crew capacity issue ;)

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I wish I could code modules like that, but so far all I know how to do is splice together cfgs. I certainly don't mean to rush you, though. I just don't want to see this part die, either.

Edit: This is the Frankencode. Animations are mostly nonexistent, as is any utilization of resources.


Edit 2: This is a less slap-dash variant. It requires the resources EmptySpace and Supplies, and uses Dtobi's km_wetworkshop module from Klockheed Martian Special. It costs 50 Supplies and 130 EmptySpace per Kerbal; I think this is hardcoded into the dll.


Edited by PDelta41
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Sorry that this bug report is for 4.0, rather than 4.1, I'm not updating again until after release looks settled. I still thought it might be worth checking on, if it wasn't already fixed with 4.1:

Using warp with extractors/ converters. Converting to Karbonite only seems to scale properly for me up to 5X game speed. After that point, there are no gains in karbonite conversion rates in real time, even though game time is passing at the expected rate and rock is also being mined at the proper rate. My thought was that this may be related to the very small buffer allowed for molten and enriched rock. I tried editing those values in the configs. Editing the configs seemed to have no impact on already deployed parts, so I edited the save file to match the new .cfgs. I was able to double the buffer, (max. amounts of Molten Rock and Enriched Rock), but not beyond that point, no matter what the numbers were set to in the .cfgs or the save file.

So, two issues. Please ensure that conversion rates per real time second properly scale with game time warp beyond 5x. Also, are some of the values in the .cfgs for jaw/converters etc... hard capped in the .dll? If so, could you loosen those caps for those that wish to tweak the numbers?


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  Fiontar said:
Sorry that this bug report is for 4.0, rather than 4.1, I'm not updating again until after release looks settled. I still thought it might be worth checking on, if it wasn't already fixed with 4.1:

Using warp with extractors/ converters. Converting to Karbonite only seems to scale properly for me up to 5X game speed. After that point, there are no gains in karbonite conversion rates in real time, even though game time is passing at the expected rate and rock is also being mined at the proper rate. My thought was that this may be related to the very small buffer allowed for molten and enriched rock. I tried editing those values in the configs. Editing the configs seemed to have no impact on already deployed parts, so I edited the save file to match the new .cfgs. I was able to double the buffer, (max. amounts of Molten Rock and Enriched Rock), but not beyond that point, no matter what the numbers were set to in the .cfgs or the save file.

So, two issues. Please ensure that conversion rates per real time second properly scale with game time warp beyond 5x. Also, are some of the values in the .cfgs for jaw/converters etc... hard capped in the .dll? If so, could you loosen those caps for those that wish to tweak the numbers?


No worries, both of those should be taken care of since I'm switching completely to the new converter used by Karbonite, MKS, etc.

Just need to wrap up my texturing for the night :)

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Hi RoverDude, great addon you have here !

I had to try it, and it worked great at first but now i have a weird problem :

- First i sent the Jaw, attached it to the surface like a claw, and started jawing the rock, all was good... nice dust effect, and rock flowing....

- Now i'm back with a second rocket. This one has two legs : first leg has another jaw and a karbonite extraction module, and the second leg has a karbonite fuel hatch

This second rocket don't want to connect to asteroid, whatever leg i arm it just get 'sucked' a bit when on surface (like a docking port) but don't connect, and after some seconds, it gets pushed away...

While the operation, the log is flooded with :

[LOG 16:10:24.991] [Grapple Module] Grabbing on to Big Daddy - Ast. LGE-137 on Asteroid City - 1

[EXC 16:10:24.994] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

"Big Daddy - Ast. LGE-137" is the name of the asteroid

"Asteroid City - 1" is the name of the first rocket that docked correctly

"Asteroid City - 2" is the name of this second vessel that's trying to dock

Here is the two VESSEL parts from the quicksave i make just when the docking is trying : http://pastebin.com/WkzsvKrz

At line 6371, there is a weird grappling flood...

I really hope to be able to add the second jaw and the hatch.

Edited by PsY4
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  PDelta41 said:
Upgrading from 0.4.1 pre to 0.4.2 breaks my asteroid ships!


That's one ship, glitching out... It is also uncontrollable when this happens. Reverting back to 0.4.1 pre fixes the problem without reloading (though I do have to restart the game).

Edit: This ship has a Jaw, 4 rock tanks, and a Mass Driver

May have been a breaking change - can you try a new save and see if it persists?

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