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Mass against thrust? Add more fuel or what else should I do?

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Hello, I've been checking the mass of some fuel depots and I don't know how to calculate if they'll be good to add or remove deposits or they'll slow down the ship because the mass?



Edited by InF3RNo
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Not sure what you mean. Fuel Depot's are generally space stations that have lots of fuel in them. A ship docks to said station, gets fuel (via fuel transfer) and then undocks, it's speed unaffected. However, the weight of the extra fuel will lower the TWR (Thrust to Weight Ratio) but in space this is less of an issuethan it is on the ground.

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But how does an station gets refueled? I mean, if you set a fuel depot station in space it'll get empty after refueling some ships I guess? Or we're talking about a mod? I'm not well informed about mods? Checking interestellar mod, looks nice.

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Of course you need to send a refueling mission to your depot time to time. But you can send it in large quantity all at once while ships refueling at it can take just whatever they need at the moment.

Imagine it as a gas station - cars come and go, and time to time you need a large truck of gas to refill.

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Depending on how you do things you can either refuel the depot, or just send up a whole new one. Complex stations that have refuelling as just a part of their role will typically be topped up, but if your depot is just a few big tanks with docking ports stuck on you may as well deorbit/terminate it when it's empty and launch a fresh one.

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