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NASA Missions Data Help!!

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Recently I noticed a massive slow down in the way my KSP runs. It happened right after I started tracking more asteroids in the NASA Missions. I figure it's because the game needs to track more objects and I just hit it's upper limit with that. So I opened up the persistent files on my HD and I'm looking for the sections that tell KSP which potato shaped objects have been tracked and which are still unidentified.

I took out the NASA missions to check if that would help and it did but most of my ships use sections from it and I really like the redirect missions I just don't need to track 40 asteroids at the same time. 1 or 2 would be fine.

Any one know how to make those changes? I found where the asteroids are kept in the file themselves I just don't know which values to change.

Hope that makes sense. I'll try to get screen shot or something to make it more clear.:confused:

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Craft on rails (like asteroids) don't really add anything to your lag. It's a simple vallue, the game doesn't simulate them.

In the past I've noticed slowly decreasing performance as I launch more and more things into orbit, particularly when debris begins to pile up.


You should be able to just select each asteroid in turn and stop tracking them. I'm pretty sure any asteroids you have tracked will show their orbit around the Sun when tracked but others won't. Maybe. I haven't actually done much with asteroids since they were released :huh:

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So I opened up the persistent files on my HD and I'm looking for the sections that tell KSP which potato shaped objects have been tracked and which are still unidentified.

Untracking asteroids from within the game won't help with lag, because those asteroids will still be simulated (on-rails simulation, mind you, but still...). It will take up to 20 Earth days (80 Kerbin days) for all the untracked asteroids to disappear completely.

If you want to completely purge untracked asteroids right away, look for the DISCOVERY block in the asteroid. If it says state = 1, that means it's never been tracked. state = 21 means it's been untracked, and state = 29 means it's currently tracked. Then delete those VESSELs (after backing up your save, of course).

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First I'll try un-tracking them....

Then I'll see if changing their discovery state helps.

I'm open to any thoughts on why the sudden slow down....I happened right after I started tracking over 40 asteroids. I was at 35 for a long time and didn't really notice anything...

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